The ''how dare you spray and shove an old lady'' wasen't just some random person who happened to be there innocently.
She doxed Fuented, went to his house with the intention to ''make him afraid'' ( her choice of words ) and incited futher harassment against Fuentes after doing that.
Grab your popcorn for the trial, because Fuentes was charged for that.
Unfortunately, it does look like a legit battery charge. Because it's Nick, and because it's Chicago, he's probably not going to get the leniency that, even as someone who hates him, he does deserve.
You actually can't swing open the door and pepper spray someone who has not shown any hostile intent. If they aren't supposed to be there, you have to get the cops involved and refuse to answer the door. I understand why it seemed reasonable, but it is a violation of the letter of the law.
Hopefully he can bring this up to the judge and get enough leniency that they'll let him negotiate his bail conditions so he can move out of county for the obvious threat to his life.
You actually can't swing open the door and pepper spray someone who has not shown any hostile intent.
One caveat I would offer is, we don't know if that is what happened. It's pretty suspicious that we've only seen parts of her video. At least that's my understanding, although I haven't followed it closely.
But it's very possible there was more going on that we didn't see. Although, flipside, similarly to not seeing her full video...we know Nick has a camera outside his door, so if there was a preceding aspect to the altercation, it's odd we haven't seen his side of things. Again, to my knowledge, and someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that there's nothing else needed. Opening your door to someone who even is presenting ordinary force can make you the aggressor in a lot of cases, especially of the prosecutor wants to add the scalp of a racist to his trophies.
Those women didn't present an imminent threat of ordinary force to his person so long as that door was closed. There's no good way to get around that. Even if they were outside his house screaming "come out here bitch, I'll fight you!" that would still be the case. He increased his own threat against him by opening the door.
Yeah on one hand she openly bragged about going to his house to harass him.
But the hostile intent wasen't displayed directly at Fuentes at the moment.
So Fuentes opened the door to confront her ( as I understand, in his state that is a big no-no ) instead of asking the cops to remove her ( and her friend stalking from the car ).
I expect him to get community service or something.
Oh and I don't think it seemed ''reasonable'' from the video. I think it seemed unhinged ( though that might be the charitable bias for old ladies working ), but she fully deserved it.
None of the people involved I would call ''level-headed and reasonable''...
On a moral examination, she totally deserved it. But, like I said, I do think he violated the letter of the law, even if it was reasonable enough for him to do what he did. Taking her phone is probably the most unjustified thing he did, but it seems like he gave it back at some point. Hopefully, he gets leniency for the battery charge because it is simple battery, and because it's OC spray, there's no real physical injury like bruising.
I know you may be mentally challenged, but Nick can 10000% present a defense that will win of:
“hey I’ve been threatened, and had been threatened for days up until that point. I had lacked sleep out of fear. I have had to hire private security. I saw someone whom I did not know or recognize outside my house, called the cops who did nothing, and when the stranger approached my door via my camera I was able to see she was:
1). A stranger I do not know, and who had no valid reason to be on my property.
2). A valid threat, seeing as they are a stranger I do not know, displaying essentially opposing gang colors (indicating intent) approaching my door.
3). Days later, thanks to this woman doing exactly what she did (and in her words she did this “to make him afraid”) another young man came to his house to kill him after killing 3 others.”
If you don’t think this defense overcomes “much racism” then the justice system is dead and we need to burn it to the ground.
Again, first, it is a violation of the letter of the law. There's no justification for him to open his door, except to engage a target that was NOT an imminent threat to him yet. He must admit that before he opened the door, he was not under any imminent articulable threat. That is unquestionably the case.
However, he's going to correctly argue that his actions were reasonable given the circumstances you laid out. But that's effectively an affirmative defense where he says, "I'm guilty of battery BUT HEAR ME OUT." And that's not necessarily wrong. That's true of all self-defense claims.
Self-Defense claims are always inherently dangerous for this. You admit guilt, but need an exception due to the circumstances.
Innocent people go to prison all the time. Fuentes is a guilty person we're hoping gets leniency. In Illinois. As a nationally renowned antisemitic, white nationalist, woman hater. That's fuckin' bad. His attorneys have work cut out for him.
I think he'll get some leniency after this. I think that community service or an apology of some such we'll probably be fine. I don't think he has a criminal record. It's the lowest level of simple battery. I doubt he'll see time in jail, let alone prison.
Can Captain Trumpet solidify his position as Clown In Chief? Will the Fantabulous Instigation Chuckleheads discover who has been diverting all the jellybeans from the factory? Will Senile McSmiley start Clown War IiI before he moves to the retirement home? Will anyone ever hear from Camel-Ha-Ha-Ha again?
These and other exciting questions will be answered on the next thrilling episode of...
Yes he was doxed and people showed up to his house, including an old lady who got immediately pepper-sprayed and shoved.
The trial will be fun ( he was charged ) because there is no way the attempted murder isn't brought-up given the yenta doxed Fuentes and incited further harassment to ''make him afraid''.
This whole thing starts out as a triple murder because the attacker killed 3 members of his family, went to Nick's house, got chased off by the police, broke into someone else's home, killed those people's dogs, and then died in a shoot out with police.
It doesn't seem like Nick was the primary victim for sure, but it does seem like he became an intended target.
Perfect timing right as he was sliding into more mockery after his two-faced nonsense in October was getting better known and he had to tell his groypers to literally stop threatening to rape people's children for disagreeing with them.
Now its full on "they want him dead because he speaks the truth and hates Jews" and he can ride this right back into people forgetting all his faults again for a while.
Its such a great set of events for his career that its almost enough to brush aside the "fed" suspicions.
I agree entirely, but you can look down this very thread and see people already doing the song and dance of "wow, he must be speaking some real shit then!!"
Those are the same braindead goons that would be defending him, or any other "JQ JQ REEE NOSE((()))" shitposter regardless, not actual rational actors displaying sincere reactions.
I'm fairly certain he's as astroturfed as andrew tate. This faggot only blew up recently and I've never heard anyone mention him IRL, let alone met an actual fan.
Most of what media spotlights is what the globalist want attention drawn to. Fuentes is no different - his appearance is similar to how the media always picks absolutely irredeemable goblins to make into martyrs for BLM type shit, instead of highlighting questionable cases. They do this to stoke conflict. Even if Fuentes isn't in on it, his promotion isn't organic.
Also, the JQ is what you claim they want to make it - it is the shield they use to distract from actual identification of the cabal. Pushing marxist idpol bullshit is an attempt to destroy the right. Claiming the cabal is purely jewish and any criticism of them is anti-semitic is a shitty strawman the cabal encourages deliberately. Getting tied up in the tactic they promote is falling for a three pronged attack.
First, it makes us easier to dismiss from the outside. Second, it converts fools who fall for it into leftist ideology (which serves their goals no matter which "side" it comes from).
Third, it muddies the public understanding of politics by claiming that the left and right are actually just different factions that act the same (this is the horseshoe theory). In reality, using racial identity politics to push centralized authoritarian policy is leftism. Right and left wing are not arbitrary team colors, they are opposing ideological structures - they cannot blend. You cannot go "farther right" from constitutional conservatives and end up becoming socialists. Those dimwits are not "third position", they're just gay race commies trying to subvert the right because their dogma doesn't match the dominant leftist dogma. They're crypto-leftists.
He has been around for a while with a decent online following and enough backing to have huge-ish rallies in the past, so its not entirely as fake as Tate's "sudden" mass appeal.
Now whether he has been a Fed or some sort of plant going back years is a good question, as there is a lot of evidence to that point, and that the recent happens are his protection running out or some push to get him back his lost relevance. But he has a pretty well documented history of doing everything in his power to become some sort of pseudo cult leader like he is, and whatever he is now came after that.
But unlike Tate, who was pushed to give a face to a boogeyman and is otherwise irrelevant, Fuentes seems to be a honeypot fed into to control people The Powers That Be (whoever it might be in this case) couldn't otherwise reach. And now they feed right into their plans, giving the Jews a credible "threat" to push all their "Fighting Hate Speech" laws in while doing nothing to actually combat them in anyway.
I've not seen anything else on the typical body cam channels. The body cam footage is just the cop trying to sus out why the killer the harasser lady from a few weeks ago went to Nick's home. He's being quite reasonable.
Originally I thought he was an alt-right provocateur with his jew hate, holocaust denial, and women hate, but I watched one show where he went on a rant yelling at an audience member who asked him how long it would take for his AF flag to arrive. If you respond to a member of your own audience by screaming at them that they need to shut up and wait (it had been 4 weeks) because you're "literally trying to save the west", rather than just accepting that you have a logistical issue, that tells me you're here to scam people out of money. At that moment, it seemed clear that he went from provocateur to grifter.
But then came the Kanye-Milo-Fuentes disaster. Kanye went off the rails because people were trying to destroy him, and Trump was a friend. Milo constantly makes himself broke for no reason while his husband supports him, but he left the Trump orbit very angry and openly pledged to destroy Trump and most of the people affiliated with him. He's a petty and vindictive... well, faggot... as he wrote. Fuentes was Milo's friend, and this is fucking weird.
Fuentes and the Groypers never supported Trump because they saw him as a jewish shill. Kanye is black, and to the Groypers and Fuentes, is part of an inherently inferior race that is destroying the west and needs to be physically removed. Milo is a gay miscegenist. His husband is black. He has a horrible habit of making drama where there is none. Worse, Milo and his orbit tried to co-opt the Alt-Right from Richard Spencer and the White Nationalists back in 2016. Milo should be persona non-grata to Fuentes, and is persona non-grata to everyone else on the Alt-Right. Kanye would be no different. Trump is no different.
So cue my surprise when a man who's career is being destroyed is cozyed up to two people who would love to fucking destroy the Trump campaign in the crib. One of the best ways to do that was appear normal to Trump at a dinner, then go onto Timcast and start fucking screeching about international jewry, unprompted. At no point did Milo, Kanye, or Fuentes make any attempt to speak their ideas honestly, but just use insinuation and storm off to get attention. For weeks the media used that podcast and Trump's meeting with Kanye to sink the campaign. The hope was that Trump would lose all of his donors, and would not be able to run again. Thankfully, most normies don't watch the internet and don't care; otherwise, in any other election cycle, his campaign would have died with that podcast.
Even in this forum, I got to hear all the WN's who literally want every black man in America shot in the back of the head, make excuses about why Kanye, Trump, Milo , and Fuentes that it was wonderful. The same people who said they'd like to see Milo executed were all for him. Suddenly they were MAGA faithful. Then when it became clear that Trump was not a White Nationalist, they turned on him again and pushed black-pilling and demoralization through the whole of the election. They continue to lament Zion Don, every day, to this very day.
Fuentes pulled the same stunt and flipped against Trump and openly campaigned against him. Richard Spencer has been pro-Biden for years. This is because the Groypers aren't pushing White Nationalism, they are pushing National Socialism, and it is a left-wing movement. Economic Nationalism, Libertarian governmental scope, and social conservatism are all an anathema to their movement, and they would like to see it die. Fuentes is no different.
Don't label racial idpol goons as "alt-right". Fuentes is not right wing. You're right that the group you identify seeks to torpedo right wing efforts, (and their forebears have done so for decades), but they are not right wing just because the try to ally with actual right wing positions.
I hate all goblins, globalist puppets and shill faggots - white, jew, black, asian, they're all the same.
Much like you, you literal shill. You outed yourself as an absolute fake already, you replying to me as if you're a human is a fucking joke. You're an oxygen thief. Your attacks have no worth because your character doesn't exist.
You played the "hello fellow whites" card and pretended to be a disillusioned right winger attacking Trump in one thread (when you're a self admitted socialist) and defend this literal degenerate goblin mutt in another. Your only consistent position is "disrupt and attack effective right wing actors and activity". Ironically, you faggots use the exact dishonest manipulative tactics and behavior you claim is jewish. Because it is actually leftist behavior, and you are one, trash.
But the fact is that you pathetic goblins trying to cling to the accomplishments of my ancestors as an identity, because you have no value of your own, are no different than the tribal hoodrats that ruin city centers. You're just a different breed of pathetic leftist vermin.
The ''how dare you spray and shove an old lady'' wasen't just some random person who happened to be there innocently.
She doxed Fuented, went to his house with the intention to ''make him afraid'' ( her choice of words ) and incited futher harassment against Fuentes after doing that.
Grab your popcorn for the trial, because Fuentes was charged for that.
Must've been one of the Ruling Party nomenklatura.
Unfortunately, it does look like a legit battery charge. Because it's Nick, and because it's Chicago, he's probably not going to get the leniency that, even as someone who hates him, he does deserve.
You actually can't swing open the door and pepper spray someone who has not shown any hostile intent. If they aren't supposed to be there, you have to get the cops involved and refuse to answer the door. I understand why it seemed reasonable, but it is a violation of the letter of the law.
Hopefully he can bring this up to the judge and get enough leniency that they'll let him negotiate his bail conditions so he can move out of county for the obvious threat to his life.
One caveat I would offer is, we don't know if that is what happened. It's pretty suspicious that we've only seen parts of her video. At least that's my understanding, although I haven't followed it closely.
But it's very possible there was more going on that we didn't see. Although, flipside, similarly to not seeing her full video...we know Nick has a camera outside his door, so if there was a preceding aspect to the altercation, it's odd we haven't seen his side of things. Again, to my knowledge, and someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that there's nothing else needed. Opening your door to someone who even is presenting ordinary force can make you the aggressor in a lot of cases, especially of the prosecutor wants to add the scalp of a racist to his trophies.
Those women didn't present an imminent threat of ordinary force to his person so long as that door was closed. There's no good way to get around that. Even if they were outside his house screaming "come out here bitch, I'll fight you!" that would still be the case. He increased his own threat against him by opening the door.
Never pursue, it reverses victim and offender.
Yeah on one hand she openly bragged about going to his house to harass him.
But the hostile intent wasen't displayed directly at Fuentes at the moment.
So Fuentes opened the door to confront her ( as I understand, in his state that is a big no-no ) instead of asking the cops to remove her ( and her friend stalking from the car ).
I expect him to get community service or something.
Oh and I don't think it seemed ''reasonable'' from the video. I think it seemed unhinged ( though that might be the charitable bias for old ladies working ), but she fully deserved it.
None of the people involved I would call ''level-headed and reasonable''...
On a moral examination, she totally deserved it. But, like I said, I do think he violated the letter of the law, even if it was reasonable enough for him to do what he did. Taking her phone is probably the most unjustified thing he did, but it seems like he gave it back at some point. Hopefully, he gets leniency for the battery charge because it is simple battery, and because it's OC spray, there's no real physical injury like bruising.
I know you may be mentally challenged, but Nick can 10000% present a defense that will win of:
“hey I’ve been threatened, and had been threatened for days up until that point. I had lacked sleep out of fear. I have had to hire private security. I saw someone whom I did not know or recognize outside my house, called the cops who did nothing, and when the stranger approached my door via my camera I was able to see she was:
1). A stranger I do not know, and who had no valid reason to be on my property.
2). A valid threat, seeing as they are a stranger I do not know, displaying essentially opposing gang colors (indicating intent) approaching my door.
3). Days later, thanks to this woman doing exactly what she did (and in her words she did this “to make him afraid”) another young man came to his house to kill him after killing 3 others.”
If you don’t think this defense overcomes “much racism” then the justice system is dead and we need to burn it to the ground.
Again, first, it is a violation of the letter of the law. There's no justification for him to open his door, except to engage a target that was NOT an imminent threat to him yet. He must admit that before he opened the door, he was not under any imminent articulable threat. That is unquestionably the case.
However, he's going to correctly argue that his actions were reasonable given the circumstances you laid out. But that's effectively an affirmative defense where he says, "I'm guilty of battery BUT HEAR ME OUT." And that's not necessarily wrong. That's true of all self-defense claims.
Self-Defense claims are always inherently dangerous for this. You admit guilt, but need an exception due to the circumstances.
Innocent people go to prison all the time. Fuentes is a guilty person we're hoping gets leniency. In Illinois. As a nationally renowned antisemitic, white nationalist, woman hater. That's fuckin' bad. His attorneys have work cut out for him.
I think he'll get some leniency after this. I think that community service or an apology of some such we'll probably be fine. I don't think he has a criminal record. It's the lowest level of simple battery. I doubt he'll see time in jail, let alone prison.
The writers really went all out this season.
"Tune in for next week's episode of clownworld!"
Can Captain Trumpet solidify his position as Clown In Chief? Will the Fantabulous Instigation Chuckleheads discover who has been diverting all the jellybeans from the factory? Will Senile McSmiley start Clown War IiI before he moves to the retirement home? Will anyone ever hear from Camel-Ha-Ha-Ha again?
These and other exciting questions will be answered on the next thrilling episode of...
Lol, this is great!
Apparently the 3 he killed were family members. Then he ran into someone else's house and killed 2 dogs
He got off fucking easy, with death by cop.
Three people, two dogs, and he couldn’t even kill one mystery meat manlet? What a useless faggot.
Damn what a scumbag. Cant wait to see leftists venerate him
Cops already ventilated h...oh, venerate. Yeah, leftists probably will.
I’m a certified Fuentes hater but that would be terrible to be him. Was this a random attack or targeted? Didn’t he get doxxed recently?
Most likely targeted as the dude traveled 140 miles to get him
Yes he was doxed and people showed up to his house, including an old lady who got immediately pepper-sprayed and shoved.
The trial will be fun ( he was charged ) because there is no way the attempted murder isn't brought-up given the yenta doxed Fuentes and incited further harassment to ''make him afraid''.
Random attack? Are you seruously asking that question?
It's a legitimate question because there's so little information, and Nick & Groypers are known for lying.
This whole thing starts out as a triple murder because the attacker killed 3 members of his family, went to Nick's house, got chased off by the police, broke into someone else's home, killed those people's dogs, and then died in a shoot out with police.
It doesn't seem like Nick was the primary victim for sure, but it does seem like he became an intended target.
That's always true on any day of the week.
Perfect timing right as he was sliding into more mockery after his two-faced nonsense in October was getting better known and he had to tell his groypers to literally stop threatening to rape people's children for disagreeing with them.
Now its full on "they want him dead because he speaks the truth and hates Jews" and he can ride this right back into people forgetting all his faults again for a while.
Its such a great set of events for his career that its almost enough to brush aside the "fed" suspicions.
He's still a massive faggot. Lol someone trying to kill him can't save him from that
I agree entirely, but you can look down this very thread and see people already doing the song and dance of "wow, he must be speaking some real shit then!!"
Those are the same braindead goons that would be defending him, or any other "JQ JQ REEE NOSE((()))" shitposter regardless, not actual rational actors displaying sincere reactions.
That braindead reaction is a growing issue, as shown by the fact that Fuentes had any power at all.
And those in power are happy to stoke it, because it makes the JQ incredibly easy to dismiss and kept from ever accomplishing anything.
I'm fairly certain he's as astroturfed as andrew tate. This faggot only blew up recently and I've never heard anyone mention him IRL, let alone met an actual fan.
Most of what media spotlights is what the globalist want attention drawn to. Fuentes is no different - his appearance is similar to how the media always picks absolutely irredeemable goblins to make into martyrs for BLM type shit, instead of highlighting questionable cases. They do this to stoke conflict. Even if Fuentes isn't in on it, his promotion isn't organic.
Also, the JQ is what you claim they want to make it - it is the shield they use to distract from actual identification of the cabal. Pushing marxist idpol bullshit is an attempt to destroy the right. Claiming the cabal is purely jewish and any criticism of them is anti-semitic is a shitty strawman the cabal encourages deliberately. Getting tied up in the tactic they promote is falling for a three pronged attack.
First, it makes us easier to dismiss from the outside. Second, it converts fools who fall for it into leftist ideology (which serves their goals no matter which "side" it comes from).
Third, it muddies the public understanding of politics by claiming that the left and right are actually just different factions that act the same (this is the horseshoe theory). In reality, using racial identity politics to push centralized authoritarian policy is leftism. Right and left wing are not arbitrary team colors, they are opposing ideological structures - they cannot blend. You cannot go "farther right" from constitutional conservatives and end up becoming socialists. Those dimwits are not "third position", they're just gay race commies trying to subvert the right because their dogma doesn't match the dominant leftist dogma. They're crypto-leftists.
He has been around for a while with a decent online following and enough backing to have huge-ish rallies in the past, so its not entirely as fake as Tate's "sudden" mass appeal.
Now whether he has been a Fed or some sort of plant going back years is a good question, as there is a lot of evidence to that point, and that the recent happens are his protection running out or some push to get him back his lost relevance. But he has a pretty well documented history of doing everything in his power to become some sort of pseudo cult leader like he is, and whatever he is now came after that.
But unlike Tate, who was pushed to give a face to a boogeyman and is otherwise irrelevant, Fuentes seems to be a honeypot fed into to control people The Powers That Be (whoever it might be in this case) couldn't otherwise reach. And now they feed right into their plans, giving the Jews a credible "threat" to push all their "Fighting Hate Speech" laws in while doing nothing to actually combat them in anyway.
"Your body, my choice" really is a troll for the ages. They're literally sperging out and murdering their families over it.
Lefties will make noises about being victims of "Stochastic Terrorism," then approve of this kind of stuff happening to their foes on the right.
The Left's projecting, as usual. It's DARVO, all the way down.
I know people don't see eye to eye with Nick on everything, but this is not the answer. I hope he's OK.
The Quartering covered this on his show:
The Sun go access to a bit of body cam footage from the Berwyn PD:
I've not seen anything else on the typical body cam channels. The body cam footage is just the cop trying to sus out why
the killerthe harasser lady from a few weeks ago went to Nick's home. He's being quite reasonable.Fuentes is either going underground or he will get bigger than ever. Go Fuentes, he seems to be pissing the right people off.
Oh look, another attempt to make a grifting, degenerate goblin relevant and slide him into public perception again.
Smells like fed.
the only real reason you hate him is cause he speaks against jews. Just like you hate everyone here that speaks against jews.
I hate him because his primary objective is to destroy the populist right.
What makes you say that?
Serious question. I've listened to him a couple times, he sounds reasonable, I don't know much about him.
Originally I thought he was an alt-right provocateur with his jew hate, holocaust denial, and women hate, but I watched one show where he went on a rant yelling at an audience member who asked him how long it would take for his AF flag to arrive. If you respond to a member of your own audience by screaming at them that they need to shut up and wait (it had been 4 weeks) because you're "literally trying to save the west", rather than just accepting that you have a logistical issue, that tells me you're here to scam people out of money. At that moment, it seemed clear that he went from provocateur to grifter.
But then came the Kanye-Milo-Fuentes disaster. Kanye went off the rails because people were trying to destroy him, and Trump was a friend. Milo constantly makes himself broke for no reason while his husband supports him, but he left the Trump orbit very angry and openly pledged to destroy Trump and most of the people affiliated with him. He's a petty and vindictive... well, faggot... as he wrote. Fuentes was Milo's friend, and this is fucking weird.
Fuentes and the Groypers never supported Trump because they saw him as a jewish shill. Kanye is black, and to the Groypers and Fuentes, is part of an inherently inferior race that is destroying the west and needs to be physically removed. Milo is a gay miscegenist. His husband is black. He has a horrible habit of making drama where there is none. Worse, Milo and his orbit tried to co-opt the Alt-Right from Richard Spencer and the White Nationalists back in 2016. Milo should be persona non-grata to Fuentes, and is persona non-grata to everyone else on the Alt-Right. Kanye would be no different. Trump is no different.
So cue my surprise when a man who's career is being destroyed is cozyed up to two people who would love to fucking destroy the Trump campaign in the crib. One of the best ways to do that was appear normal to Trump at a dinner, then go onto Timcast and start fucking screeching about international jewry, unprompted. At no point did Milo, Kanye, or Fuentes make any attempt to speak their ideas honestly, but just use insinuation and storm off to get attention. For weeks the media used that podcast and Trump's meeting with Kanye to sink the campaign. The hope was that Trump would lose all of his donors, and would not be able to run again. Thankfully, most normies don't watch the internet and don't care; otherwise, in any other election cycle, his campaign would have died with that podcast.
Even in this forum, I got to hear all the WN's who literally want every black man in America shot in the back of the head, make excuses about why Kanye, Trump, Milo , and Fuentes that it was wonderful. The same people who said they'd like to see Milo executed were all for him. Suddenly they were MAGA faithful. Then when it became clear that Trump was not a White Nationalist, they turned on him again and pushed black-pilling and demoralization through the whole of the election. They continue to lament Zion Don, every day, to this very day.
Fuentes pulled the same stunt and flipped against Trump and openly campaigned against him. Richard Spencer has been pro-Biden for years. This is because the Groypers aren't pushing White Nationalism, they are pushing National Socialism, and it is a left-wing movement. Economic Nationalism, Libertarian governmental scope, and social conservatism are all an anathema to their movement, and they would like to see it die. Fuentes is no different.
Don't label racial idpol goons as "alt-right". Fuentes is not right wing. You're right that the group you identify seeks to torpedo right wing efforts, (and their forebears have done so for decades), but they are not right wing just because the try to ally with actual right wing positions.
I'm aware of that, but "alt-right" is the name they gave themselves and colloquially use.
I don't need a reminder that National Socialism is a Leftwing movement.
I hate all goblins, globalist puppets and shill faggots - white, jew, black, asian, they're all the same.
Much like you, you literal shill. You outed yourself as an absolute fake already, you replying to me as if you're a human is a fucking joke. You're an oxygen thief. Your attacks have no worth because your character doesn't exist.
You played the "hello fellow whites" card and pretended to be a disillusioned right winger attacking Trump in one thread (when you're a self admitted socialist) and defend this literal degenerate goblin mutt in another. Your only consistent position is "disrupt and attack effective right wing actors and activity". Ironically, you faggots use the exact dishonest manipulative tactics and behavior you claim is jewish. Because it is actually leftist behavior, and you are one, trash.
u r juish
You wish I was to fit your narrative, mutt.
But the fact is that you pathetic goblins trying to cling to the accomplishments of my ancestors as an identity, because you have no value of your own, are no different than the tribal hoodrats that ruin city centers. You're just a different breed of pathetic leftist vermin.