Apparently the dude was also involved with a triple homicide the same day
Apparently the dude was also involved with a triple homicide the same day
I know you may be mentally challenged, but Nick can 10000% present a defense that will win of:
“hey I’ve been threatened, and had been threatened for days up until that point. I had lacked sleep out of fear. I have had to hire private security. I saw someone whom I did not know or recognize outside my house, called the cops who did nothing, and when the stranger approached my door via my camera I was able to see she was:
1). A stranger I do not know, and who had no valid reason to be on my property.
2). A valid threat, seeing as they are a stranger I do not know, displaying essentially opposing gang colors (indicating intent) approaching my door.
3). Days later, thanks to this woman doing exactly what she did (and in her words she did this “to make him afraid”) another young man came to his house to kill him after killing 3 others.”
If you don’t think this defense overcomes “much racism” then the justice system is dead and we need to burn it to the ground.
Again, first, it is a violation of the letter of the law. There's no justification for him to open his door, except to engage a target that was NOT an imminent threat to him yet. He must admit that before he opened the door, he was not under any imminent articulable threat. That is unquestionably the case.
However, he's going to correctly argue that his actions were reasonable given the circumstances you laid out. But that's effectively an affirmative defense where he says, "I'm guilty of battery BUT HEAR ME OUT." And that's not necessarily wrong. That's true of all self-defense claims.
Self-Defense claims are always inherently dangerous for this. You admit guilt, but need an exception due to the circumstances.
Innocent people go to prison all the time. Fuentes is a guilty person we're hoping gets leniency. In Illinois. As a nationally renowned antisemitic, white nationalist, woman hater. That's fuckin' bad. His attorneys have work cut out for him.
I think he'll get some leniency after this. I think that community service or an apology of some such we'll probably be fine. I don't think he has a criminal record. It's the lowest level of simple battery. I doubt he'll see time in jail, let alone prison.