The Syrian “revolution” beat a man to death while his mother desperately tries to protect him. This is the freedom Syrians were promised right? Israel invades and Syria will be in shambles for generations.
A Syrian bus driver was just stabbed to death because he had a photo of Nasrallah in his vehicle. So much for the “moderate rebels.”
Syria’s new terrorist government EXECUTED immobilized prisoners of war today in a Syrian hospital.
Syria’s “moderate rebels” are dragging civilians by car to their death. Yesterday, Biden celebrated their victory in Syria.
AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI (Iranian government) CONDEMNS ZIONIST PLOT TO OVERTHROW ASSAD: "The main force behind what happened in Syria was designed in the command rooms of America and Israel. We have evidence for this. A neighboring country of Syria also played a role in it."
The new puppet government will keep the radicalization on a low simmer for generations, giving israel an excuse to maintain military action in perpetuity as they slowly take over more and more territory like they've been doing to palestine.
I remember after 9/11 the Northern Front all of a sudden had drastic movement and gains. I wonder if American boots will soon be in Syria, protecting the peace or some shit. These quasi wars don't suddenly shift for no reason
The US is already occupying the parts of Syria that have the oil... supposedly to combat ISIS, but many suspect that it was really to deprive the Syrian government of crucial funds.
Maybe they'll hand them over now that jihadist allies are in charge of Syria.
Thank you for pointing this out. Congress hadn't declared war on Syria, but just like with Libya we have an illegal presence there already.
Proxy wars are big business for America's "greatest ally".
Eh... DUH, Captain Obvious.
Of course! Assad was an Iranian puppet. Syria has been a failed state for decades. Russia ia exhausted from the war in Ukraine, and Israel has defeated Hamas and Hezbollah, both Iranian puppets. It is not a coincidence that Assad has been ousted; he has no more Russian air support for his regime.
Thank you for your input, CIA / Mossad shill.
I don't know the truth of it, but one Russian channel I follow (Russians With Attitude) claimed that Russians were carrying out air strikes following the initial rebel advance.
Syria has been a failed state for as long as the CIA-funded insurrection against the government, followed by US occupation of the Syrian oil fields and sanctions intended to cripple the state.
Yeah it's weird that I never heard of them being a "failed state" growing up. Before we decided to regime change them they were just another normal "moderate" Arab shithole like Egypt, Jordan, or Lebanon. I didn't hear about Assad being bad until the 2nd Iraq war and them claiming that Saddam snuck his chemical weapons over the border to Syria and Assad denied it to so he was obviously helping the axis of evil.
Some of the people in the comments are obviously trying very hard to be retarded and obtuse.
He's right about Turkey. He's also right about Israel and the US though. No matter how "on-brand" the accusation is.
Consider Israel immediately invaded, and the US already had troops there, it would actually be more surprising if these countries weren't involved.
But, sure, Twitter dude; US and Israel are innocent, but, man, Turkey is definitely involved. Hah.
I don't even get this one. I do think there was stuff going on behind the scenes, but why would Iran want Syria gone or controlled by Israel? It's possible, as maybe they're retarded enough to think they can try to appease Israel/US,. but doesn't seem the likeliest occurrence. Blaming Iran for Syria's downfall is...something.
Good, we've got retards from all sides, just to be fair. Yeah...that's a big ol' "no." Fuck Israel, fuck the US interventionism...but fuck Turkey, too.
At least some people are getting it. This was clearly (among other things) a landgrab.
You can't just walk into a country with a long history of authoritarianism (especially with religious roots) and just expect them to become a democracy or representative republic overnight and then have first-world cultural sensibilities; even if the people want those things (or think they want it because of propaganda). The change needs to happen from within.
I suspect first-world leaders know this and use "freedom" as a dangling carrot when what they really want is to plunder the country for its resources and strategic significance.....or they became enriched by one of the factions and return the favor by helping the faction win a civil war.
well, someone must've told them that being woke means doing drag shows.
These last few years proved that the victor writes history. All rebels that win the civil war are deemed heroes. Anything else is happily ignored.
Islam gonna Islam.
The Russia hate is so all consuming for Democrats and neocons that they once again, just like in Afghanistan, flooded weapons and money into a new jihadi Disneyland.
People claiming some of those videos are from different times/places. The dragging video may be current though
idgaf about Syria. Wish we'd stay the fuck out of it and let them sort the shit out themselves.
If we stayed out of it , Syria wouldn't be having these problems in the first place. The CIA were the ones that funded those terrorists in order to overthrow Assad in the first place. Syria wouldn't be having these problems with our government wasn't using our tax payers money to create these problems.
Yes, I know. Most of this shit is the US' fault.
But do you think we should do something about all this or should we stay out of it? Should we spend more taxpayer money to fix something that was wasted with taxpayer money?
99% chance youre a kike
kill all muslims, though
Wow, you mean a bunch of goat raping isis terrorists act like terrorists? Who knew...
they are the "moderate rebels" that the globalist media, Western governments and israel support.
It's hilarious that especially in the post-9/11 GWOT hysteria context, that an Al Qaeda offshoot is considered the "moderate" faction.
Yes, and it's retardation or malice on their part.
I like how people are down voting you for agreeing
Its the same group of people who always do it. I find it funny.
This is by no means an 'I told you so', as none of us foresaw this, but in hindsight, do you still think it was appropriate for Israel to bomb Syria and Syrian allies a while back?
Since I'm not a jew, and don't live in Israel, I can't comment on their internal politics since I don't keep up with it. Maybe they think it was. Ask one of the people seething about the jews constantly about it, they probably know more about that than I do.
Assad was a shitbag. I don't think the terrorists are any better though. That's my perspective on the situation.
You don't keep up with them but always defend them. Sure.
But you keep up with Syria, right?
Nope. I don't keep up a ton with syrias internal shit either. I know enough to know Assad did the usual dictator stuff at various points, and that's it.
Did he put babies in ovens?
He put them into cages with bears and eagles.
Putting riots down brutally, putting political opponents in jail, etc etc etc.
I'm sure you'll claim none of that happened, or if it did, it was actually justified.
What rioters? What political opponents? Were they the people who took over now?
Well, I'm a Russian, an FSB contractor, as well as a Jew who lives in Israel, according to some people.
So it was more "retards are complaining about this, so it's probably nothing" than "I think this is justified".
Basically the only perspective that makes sense...
Weren't Jester and dekachin the ones accusing you of being a Russian?
Not Jester, just dekachin. I'm quite upset though, because he first called me an FSB agent, but later demoted me to a mere 'contractor'! Suka! That cost me 1/3 of my salary and ancillary benefits.
At other times, he said I'm Hungarian.
Hungarian is a weird one. We have an open Hungarian here. I largely started tuning out his walls of text supporting Ukraine so I don't even remember that.
He found it very strange that I think immigration, culture and a country's social health is (much) more important than GDP. That is how he made the connection to Hungary, because Orban is well-known for keeping out savages.