The Syrian “revolution” beat a man to death while his mother desperately tries to protect him. This is the freedom Syrians were promised right? Israel invades and Syria will be in shambles for generations.
A Syrian bus driver was just stabbed to death because he had a photo of Nasrallah in his vehicle. So much for the “moderate rebels.”
Syria’s new terrorist government EXECUTED immobilized prisoners of war today in a Syrian hospital.
Syria’s “moderate rebels” are dragging civilians by car to their death. Yesterday, Biden celebrated their victory in Syria.
AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI (Iranian government) CONDEMNS ZIONIST PLOT TO OVERTHROW ASSAD: "The main force behind what happened in Syria was designed in the command rooms of America and Israel. We have evidence for this. A neighboring country of Syria also played a role in it."
Well, I'm a Russian, an FSB contractor, as well as a Jew who lives in Israel, according to some people.
So it was more "retards are complaining about this, so it's probably nothing" than "I think this is justified".
Basically the only perspective that makes sense...
Weren't Jester and dekachin the ones accusing you of being a Russian?
Not Jester, just dekachin. I'm quite upset though, because he first called me an FSB agent, but later demoted me to a mere 'contractor'! Suka! That cost me 1/3 of my salary and ancillary benefits.
At other times, he said I'm Hungarian.
Hungarian is a weird one. We have an open Hungarian here. I largely started tuning out his walls of text supporting Ukraine so I don't even remember that.
He found it very strange that I think immigration, culture and a country's social health is (much) more important than GDP. That is how he made the connection to Hungary, because Orban is well-known for keeping out savages.