Not that anyone gives a shit about these people anymore but it is amusing.
Rollo Tomassi, one of the original redpill guys who wrote the book, The Rational Male, called this affair a while ago and got blasted for it. Turns out, it's real.
For those unaware of who Destiny is either, he's some rich liberal guy who married some super hot blonde woman but is in an open marriage (at her behest) and he has shown some of the men his wife is fucking on live stream before, including some black dude who went and fucked his wife off camera while Destiny was live streaming.
There's a moral here that everyone here already knows. Popular women who are online are never trad no matter how much they say they are. They're feminists chasing money and influence using "trad" as a grift. Also, women have no qualms cheating on their husbands with literal cucks if the cuck has money. The whole idea that "manly men" attract women is such a joke, lmao.
Dom, don't ban for Crypto-Jew. Destiny literally is one. Went to Jesuit school and look at his hair, facial structure, his politics, he's bi and a cuck. It's so damn obvious what he is.
Women are women first, and everything else second. That is how it always is and will be.
Anyone retarded enough to fall for a "right wing woman" in any form is just a simp with slightly more political sense.
Women will be as right wing as the men in their lives are. Like in everything else, they are naturally followers, not leaders. The best women in my experience are the ones with wise, conservative fathers who go on to marry wise, conservative husbands.
how about Usula Haverback, the woman who went to jail for 20 years in Germany because she kept denying the holocaust and never backed down on her stance?
Yes, I am going to upend my entire ideology and philosophy backed by decades of experience because a woman said some words that vaguely confirm to one singular thing I believe in.
The fact that the bar is that low for some people explains why grifters and the Elite are able to so easily manipulate and drain so many idiots into irrelevancy again and again.
And went to prison for those words. Seems like an important bit of context.
In my statement, no it isn't important in the slightest.
Does not change the fact that she is still a woman, thinks and behaves like a woman, and cannot be trusted to be anything but.
It changes absolutely nothing about what I said.
If she's willing to sacrifice more than 99% of the bloviating internet tough guys in the autist-right then yes it does change things.
It doesn't, my statement remains unaffected by that fact.
But I can see you feel very simpish for her for appealing directly to your personal bias, so seeing past that is going to be difficult.
I'm "simping" as much as you're acting like a histrionic radical feminist from the opposite direction. "All men are rapists and abusers" vs "all women are vapid nihilists" spot the difference.
Every general rule has exceptions, that's how bell curves work. But those rare outliers on the tails of the curve do not disprove the lump in the middle where the vast majority are clustered.
All I see is "Comment removed by community filter, pending further review." And scrolling back in your history, every single comment in KIA2 looks like that too. Username checks out? Seems Dom has filtered you out of this board.
Tulsi simps about to go REEEEE!
As usual
Tulsi is old as shit, the simping for her reminds me of how desperate men in America are. Still, she is getter than the neocons.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I fucking knew this was going to happen when Destiny started simping for Lauren. Not only did Destiny not learn after getting divorce raped by the bitch who was cucking him, he decided to take his cuck fetish to the next level by getting involved with a single mother. Simps never learn.
I could be wrong, but I believe the Lauren Southern stuff happened before his divorce.
Or at least the timeline where Southern and Bonnell were seen together frequently online was well before his wife left him for the twink.
You may be right. I haven't followed this closely enough to keep track of the timeline. I just remember Destiny simping for Lauren after her "trad" marriage went up in flames. It was obvious at that point that he was trying to get involved with raising another dude's kid.
I think these conversations actually took place while both of them were married.
Destiny definitely got the better of that liaison...
I always assume anyone I see on the internet is a grifter of some sort. Not surprised in the least.
Edit: These messages are so embarrassing. They remind me of the silly conversations I had with girls when I was 17. Destiny is in his mid-thirties doing this stuff.
These people really are 30 year old children.
One of the minor red pills is finding out that our so called political leaders and representatives are exactly the same. They are developmentally stunted high schoolers that want to be celebrities.
Theater kid occupied government.
The Completionist was the last straw for me. I thought he was mostly just a regular dude, and it turns out he is just stealing money.
Yeah, she is. She once admitted she had Jewish heritage but isn't religiously Jewish so she's Jewish. Also, her real name is Simonson not Southern I believe.
Makes sense they fell for each other.
I'm not sure. I forget that specific, but often this stuff gets pulled apart and blown out of proportion by that crowd, and becomes "fact" when it totally isn't. I've certainly seem questions floating around, but I think her "admittance" was taken out of context or something, as I recall. I've seen stuff like that happen a few times, and I wish the autists would give it a rest.
Lauren Southern has enough issues to criticize without potentially falsely labeling her Jewish.
It is whatever anyhow.
Okay, yeah, if that last one is a real Tweet...that's Jewish. "I'm not Jewish, I'm just Jewish" is fucking retarded.
Yeah. It's amazing. Weird part is, I don't think she's being dishonest, in her own head. Which is why it gets so weird when people say they aren't Jewish. They have their own definition of what that means, and don't think they're lying. Wild.
But, yeah, I had ancestors who fled the Nazis, and I don't have any Jewish heritage. Which is why I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, having only seen the first one. Plenty of Germans fled the Nazis.
But, yeah...if you're're kinda Jewish. That really is wild. Do you happen to have an archive of that Tweet?
No, I don't. I just found it here.
Sometimes when it comes to things like this instead of looking for irrefutable evidence which one might not get, we can just take the wisdom from the bible: " You will know them by their fruits."
Yeah, except I prefer logic. You don't just get to say "Jews bad" and thus "bad people Jews." I'm not even saying there isn't Jewish behavior, and that...some undisclosed percentage of it is bad...but it's just not a compelling argument. Because non-Jews also do bad stuff. So if you know someone by their fruits, all you know is that they are bad.
"I hate Jews, and this person did something I hate, so they're a Jew" is not helpful to anyone.
What I meant is more in the sense of balance of probabilities. You've been presented with evidence she's a jew but the evidence isn't entirely rock solid because there's no archive but her comment does seem to align with another comment you know was true. It's also a weirdly illogical comment that doesn't seem likely to have been faked because a faker would have probably been more direct so the evidence is good but not sound.
Therefore, you have to conclude she either is or isn't, though you could say "unknown". Still, based on how she has behaved given the evidence, I think it's enough to conclude she is jewish but that's my opinion ofc and there's really nothing 100%. There never truly is 100% solid evidence since she could be making up her own words too or was lied to by her parents about her ancestry also.
If it talks, walks, acts like a duck, it's a duck.
At some point you have to realize none of these "reee jooooos" fags are intellectually honest. The entirety of their "movement" is propagated from a psyop. Racial idpol collectivism is leftist. Pushing that as right wing is an attempt to manipulate.
There are three goals of this psyop - first, convince normies / leftists of their horseshoe theory propaganda. They point to these insidious fag actors and say "see, the right is nazis". This is to defame right wing groups and muddle discourse with bad information, to cover up the fact that all authoritarian leftist governments have been evil and all of the greatest atrocities have been committed by them.
The second is to disrupt right wing activity. Sowing their moronic goblinoid bullshit distracts and disrupts right wing organizing and action.
The third is to convince retards that would be right wing to fall in with them. By converting morons into leftist collectivist ideology, they hedge their bets. Even if their standard leftist movement fails, if they can corrupt their opposition into building an authoritarian government they will have accomplished their goal of centralizing power. Then they just have to subvert it, which is their specialty.
This creature you are trying to engage with is not a human trying to engage in good faith discussion. You cannot convince it. It is either a puppet, or something so retarded it falls for the convenient trap. It is natural to want the enemy to be easily identifiable by something as obvious as an ethnicity. It is also very obviously contradicted by reality. Human beings that are capable of basic observation don't fall for that.
Laura Southern is so 2015-2016, I think it’s way past time to take her internet existence out behind the woodshed.
Damn I was right 8 years ago. But that's why she was seething about purity spiralling so much
It is a shame. Lauren Southern was hot, and no, I won't apologize for thinking so, and she was saying some pretty damn based things...but it was all a grift, as evidenced by her turning on them and accusing them all of sexism and retarded shit like that, and totally softening her rhetoric to try to appeal to new audiences. She should have at least committed to the bit; even if it was phony, she at least wouldn't have appeared to be a liar and hypocrite, if she'd just stuck with one bit, instead of branching out into feminism and betrayal.
I've said it before, but all women are at least partially feminist. They can't seem to help it, and it usually comes out at one point or another. It's a real shame. No matter how based she might be, any woman seems to carry that spark of feminism, that massive and innate in-group preference. She might never act on it, but the potential is always there.
I agree too that all women carry the "spark of feminism" which is why expecting women to act "based" is a fool's errand. The rules of society must be designed to keep women in line rather than expect them to willingly act the way one wants them to. But that's for a different topic.
Even though I'm antisemitic, I occasionally find jews hot, sometimes more so than a lot of White women. Lauren Southern was pretty and she was saying stuff men wanted to hear so I sympathize with your disappointment.
I REALLY don't understand why a guy like him? I'm probably thinking from my logical guy brain as I wouldn't cheat as I'd rather just leave the relationship if it's so bad I'm looking around for an exit and I take pride at having no vengeful Ex's, but I can sort of understand cheating with guys that have money and power and cheating with guys that physically look at their peak.
Destiny has money but other than that he seems like a snivelling leftist mouthpiece so that perplexes me.
Oh so she was actually a cheating whore all along and all that shit she said about her husband wrecking her marriage and being abusive was just lies and fuel for her new "secret dangers of conservative marriages" grift.
having an affair is gay. Gossiping is even gayer.
My lazy interpretation of the 30 seconds I skimmed is that this is either schizo streaming, discord leaks of questionable legitimacy or more likely: both. But then I'm too lazy to actually investigate and I don't really care all that much. Lauren seems like a troubled individual, being a single mother and all.
Normies never follow the rules of the internet. Women on the internet are to not be trusted. Anyone who claims to be online since the beginning, who reference message boards or any internet lingo of the past, but do not follow these rules, are also not to be trusted. They are grifters and will do anything for that woman's loyal simp followers.
The red and black pill communities alongside the evolutionary psychologists whose findings side with the latter, not in nihilism but in knowledge, appear to be getting it right about human nature.
Having looked into it myself, it is brutal.
Don't have affairs, don't gossip, and stop putting your faith in people. Look to the Lord
Might be the most who cares thing I've read all year.
There are no links in the description or comments verifying that these leaks are real.
Maybe they are, but we all know at this point that there are truly deranged losers with nothing better to do than fabricate screenshots, and I'm not interested in hearing some unkempt overgrown edgelord who's not even funny awkwardly comment on shit that might not be real in the first place.
You are retarded.
Destiny came to fame during early (which then turned to around 2010 during SC2 days. He was a T3 pro gamer (made it to tournaments, but never had a chance of winning them). Was good enough to move to Korea and play a bit there (but not on a level of Idra). Also was at the Polish gaming house while he was with Root. The one where desrow (the fat American) whined about them not having enough to eat. He wasn't rich.
Later moved on to LoL and then political streaming.
Retard magnet and baneling rape analogy were his content during SC2.
Nah. She wasn't ugly, but not super hot.
They were also in an open relationship, and he did get to fuck other girls - you even point out Lauren Southern.
His wife divorced him for a guy who threatened suicide if she wouldn't start dating him. So honestly I think she downgraded.
First time I hear that, so I would be really interested in any source for that.
I basically stopped hearing about him when he left the gaming scene and read the occasional LSF thread about him.
Destiny fans are wild.
Didn't he himself say he wasn't fucking other women? And he looked fucking miserable in that open relationship. Sorry, super fucking cringe. I actually felt bad for him, he just looked devastated when asked if he was happy.
Also, I'm not sure if it was that relationship, but I think it was, but wasn't his girlfriend/wife basically grooming him to bang dudes? Like, they got off on it? Basically...Destiny's wife was banging sidedudes...and so was he? He wasn't just a cuck, he was a bi cuck.
Yeah, I think she did. Which is wild.
He obviously wanted a monogamous relationship with the hoe. When she divorce raped him he booked a 5 hour therapy session to cry about it. What provoked the divorce rape? He tried "setting boundaries" with her about fucking other dudes. I get that he has a cuck fetish, but like everyone else who tries acting on that fetish he found out that he likes the reality of that situation a lot less than his degenerate fantasies.
I didn't know that he's a literal faggot as well. I didn't think my opinion of him could sink any lower, but here we are.
I get it. You like the guy. I wasn't trying to do a whole bio on him. Just enough context for the situation to matter for those unaware.
Hey, that’s an interesting past tense. How about 14 years later, after he switched to political commentary and started to get a much, much larger audience? Do you think maybe his financial status might have changed?