There are several things I think are funny about how leftoids always bring this up.
The first one is the most obvious, that they're just accusing Christians of wanting to treat women how mohammandans already do treat women.
The second one is that that book honestly sucks, most people praising it haven't tried to read it. I've read most of it and it's Twilight tier trash. You've heard of historical fiction? This is hysterical fiction.
Third that it accidentally lets the mask slip. They'd spitefully destroy the human species rather than accept that so called women's rights, by which they mean the power to live a parasitic existence free of responsibility, shouldn't exist. They literally think they can hold our very species hostage in exchange for unearned, unjustified, tyrannical privileges.
The attitude behind the book fully justifies the actions of the society within it. And much more besides.
Even for fiction lauded by leftoids it's incredibly lacking in self awareness. In that regard the only comparable piece of fiction I can compare it to is V for Vendetta, written by a whiny child of a man who fully believed that living under Thatcher's government was the height of authoritarianism.
The very core idea of the book is fucking retarded.
If fertile women were to become actually rare in an actual patriarchy, they would become the world's most valuable commodity, along with their coddled children.
Women would be divided into useless infertile thots (used as cumdumsters by proles) and fertile Mothers, coveted by rich elites, locked away in gilded ivory towers and used as a display of their wealth and status. The richest men would preen like peacocks displaying their bountiful women with their many children. Their infertile daughters would spend fortunes on charlatans promising cures for dusty wombs and their high fashion would all be centered around appearing pregnant.
And no man would be allowed to touch another's man fertile woman under penalty of death.
This is pretty much the back story of the Grayson in David Weber's Honorverse. Women outnumber men, but childbirth kills a lot of women, and a woman who's had three kids is considered a mother of a large family. In that culture, insulting a woman would get you beaten. Hurting a woman can lead to your entire branch of your family being stepped on.
It was that the genetic modification their colonists underwent to adapt to a planet chockablock with heavy metalloids rendered 80% of male births unviable. That's why they have polygamy. They still even after the war of the first series still have a mostly male military, because the series largely admits that most women can't fight for shit unless they're cyborgs or genetic mutants or both in the case of the protagonist.
Other funny thing about the Grayson culture, they're country cowboy weebs who still conduct duels with katanas.
I was trying to be concise. :P Medieval, tinkerer cowboy weebs. Give them a piece of tech, and in a year, they will have reverse-engineered it, improved it, and streamlined the production process. And then found some way to integrate it into building an even bigger cathedral.
Having not read it, I don't know how accurate this factoid is, but there's also the suggestion that it's a barely disguised rape/subjugation fetish for horny women, who want to flick themselves off to a scenario from an erotica novel dressed up as feminist moralising.
Third that it accidentally lets the mask slip. They'd spitefully destroy the human species rather than accept that so called women's rights, by which they mean the power to live a parasitic existence free of responsibility, shouldn't exist.
I've noticed this tends to be true of any fiction set in a disaster scenario or near/post-apocalypse. Whenever there is a dire set of circumstances facing a set of characters, or even an entire species, if the solution to the scenario involves trampling women's rights - or even one female character's rights - then writers will immediately swing all narrative sympathy towards the oppressed woman rather than the group. If you are, as we say, 'based and also redpilled' then it's easy to see the seams and limits of feminist ideology, but normalfag simps and feminists are fundamentally incapable of writing from the perspective of men facing existential doom, when there is some crying pussy around.
I can't get over how dumb that book is as distopic novel. Read 1984 or a Brave New World, research the context of when they were made and you can see why their authors could see things like that happening, or worse, it's their way to tell us those things are already here.
Handmaid's tale is just women hysterics because 80s christanity and Reagan bad, but also something about nuclear fallout because why not. It has no basis to conclude something like a theonomic totalitarian state would exist. It's just so disconected from human nature and societal realities.
The distopic novels I mentioned before show how disposable humans are to these totalitarian societies, but even in one of them women can't avoid making themselves the center and telling us how important they are because muh fertility. I'll take one of those BNW artificial wombs, please
Erm, nuclear war WAS a big fear to GenX and older, and was also the reason behind women becoming cattle - the fallout results in widespread sterility, so fertile women become controlled. They became rare, and thus, a commodity.
They become commodities of the rich and powerful, who need heirs to keep the wealth and power in the family ....
Yes, nuclear unrest was big during the cold war, I still don't get how they supposed that would lead to a religious uprising where women are cattle, even Fallout (the game) is more plausible
And funnily enough it seems only to affect caucasians
who need heirs to keep the wealth and power in the family
Which is dumb because the book implies fertily issues are actually on men's part and they are too dumb to trust the science(TM)
Haven't read the thing since it first came out, but yeah, it was full of holes. It also implied that infertile poor women all worked in mines or some shit. Why is it always mines? But it's Caucasians because, well, things just weren't as consciously "inclusive" as they are now, and making a character "exotic" was done on purpose for different reasons than today (fetishes and the magic negro trope).
Just pointing out that it was in fact very much a product of its time, and it is pretty baffling why it hasn't been updated for a post-9/11 audience ...
I would not at all be surprised to learn that Margaret Atwood actually fantasized about being held down, raped & impregnated by Ronald Reagan the whole time she was writing Handmaid's Tale (one-handed of course).
Remember how histrionic some wahmen got, making slogans like "this pussy grabs back?" When the grab them by the pussy comment was ironically about how dumb women are towards someone with money and fame they let you do anything. Not about putting them in breeding camps, kinda weird how they assumed that's what he meant
I notice in alot of mid or post-apocalypse series, almost no thought is given to the children population being 0%-2%. Years into it you'd think people would re-establish and make enough children for mankind to survive, but no. Strong wammen keep taking high-risk positions, even if pregnant.
Now you can argue "child actors is bad long term" for why background characters also have 0, rarely 1 or 2 children in their care.
But this is also the norm in cartoon/Anime. And extends to genres like medieval fantasy where it seems every town or city must be headed to demographic collapse given the age pyramid.
Strong whammen fighters with no kids, the plebs with 0 - 2 kids. In a setting with sustained, very high mortality, you'd expect families of 3 - 5 kids being the norm. Especially in rural areas. Nope. 0 - 2 kids.
The first one is the most obvious, that they're just accusing Christians of wanting to treat women how mohammandans already do treat women.
That's because originally she wrote the book about the Iranian Revolution coming to America, and it didn't sell. So she rewrote it about MUH FUNDIES and it sold like hotcakes.
And if I made a picture with “Big Brother is Watching You” posters everywhere these same people that fear this would start celebrating a government that keeps people safe and immediately try to convince me 2+2=5. Except you’d never get those women to reduce sex to nothing more than their duty to the party.
I’ve heard the book isn’t bad. Anyone read it? Wasn’t it an attack on Muslim culture? I remember my co-worker raved about the show when it came out. I saw the summary of the show and decided not to watch
It's known for having a few interesting ideas cribbed from better sci-fi authors, executed poorly, and all dragged down by Margaret Atwood's trademark purple prose.
There are significant plot holes and timeline errors if you look at the story as a whole.
Apparently a lot of people do like Attwood, but I've never met one, who wasn't an absolute brainlet of a woman.
It was a product of the Reagan-Bush era and the televangelical bully pulpits that were as corrupt as hell, and what Muslims got up to was more or less irrelevant and on the other side of the planet.
Have you seen Steve Martin's "Leap of Faith" yet? That's based on that chernobyl-water salesman, Peter Popoff, mostly.
And yes, I do think "snake-oil salesman" should totally be updated to "chernobyl-water salescritter".
There are several things I think are funny about how leftoids always bring this up.
The first one is the most obvious, that they're just accusing Christians of wanting to treat women how mohammandans already do treat women.
The second one is that that book honestly sucks, most people praising it haven't tried to read it. I've read most of it and it's Twilight tier trash. You've heard of historical fiction? This is hysterical fiction.
Third that it accidentally lets the mask slip. They'd spitefully destroy the human species rather than accept that so called women's rights, by which they mean the power to live a parasitic existence free of responsibility, shouldn't exist. They literally think they can hold our very species hostage in exchange for unearned, unjustified, tyrannical privileges.
The attitude behind the book fully justifies the actions of the society within it. And much more besides.
Even for fiction lauded by leftoids it's incredibly lacking in self awareness. In that regard the only comparable piece of fiction I can compare it to is V for Vendetta, written by a whiny child of a man who fully believed that living under Thatcher's government was the height of authoritarianism.
The very core idea of the book is fucking retarded.
If fertile women were to become actually rare in an actual patriarchy, they would become the world's most valuable commodity, along with their coddled children.
Women would be divided into useless infertile thots (used as cumdumsters by proles) and fertile Mothers, coveted by rich elites, locked away in gilded ivory towers and used as a display of their wealth and status. The richest men would preen like peacocks displaying their bountiful women with their many children. Their infertile daughters would spend fortunes on charlatans promising cures for dusty wombs and their high fashion would all be centered around appearing pregnant.
And no man would be allowed to touch another's man fertile woman under penalty of death.
He's a word sorcerer
This is pretty much the back story of the Grayson in David Weber's Honorverse. Women outnumber men, but childbirth kills a lot of women, and a woman who's had three kids is considered a mother of a large family. In that culture, insulting a woman would get you beaten. Hurting a woman can lead to your entire branch of your family being stepped on.
Kiiiiind of.
It was that the genetic modification their colonists underwent to adapt to a planet chockablock with heavy metalloids rendered 80% of male births unviable. That's why they have polygamy. They still even after the war of the first series still have a mostly male military, because the series largely admits that most women can't fight for shit unless they're cyborgs or genetic mutants or both in the case of the protagonist.
Other funny thing about the Grayson culture, they're country cowboy weebs who still conduct duels with katanas.
A fascinating series to say the least.
I was trying to be concise. :P Medieval, tinkerer cowboy weebs. Give them a piece of tech, and in a year, they will have reverse-engineered it, improved it, and streamlined the production process. And then found some way to integrate it into building an even bigger cathedral.
The very reason we didn't give women certain jobs or put them in the draft exentuates this point.
That explains why women love it.
Having not read it, I don't know how accurate this factoid is, but there's also the suggestion that it's a barely disguised rape/subjugation fetish for horny women, who want to flick themselves off to a scenario from an erotica novel dressed up as feminist moralising.
I've noticed this tends to be true of any fiction set in a disaster scenario or near/post-apocalypse. Whenever there is a dire set of circumstances facing a set of characters, or even an entire species, if the solution to the scenario involves trampling women's rights - or even one female character's rights - then writers will immediately swing all narrative sympathy towards the oppressed woman rather than the group. If you are, as we say, 'based and also redpilled' then it's easy to see the seams and limits of feminist ideology, but normalfag simps and feminists are fundamentally incapable of writing from the perspective of men facing existential doom, when there is some crying pussy around.
Well, yeah it's a fetish I'd say. Most fiction directed at women is.
That describes all of feminism.
I can't get over how dumb that book is as distopic novel. Read 1984 or a Brave New World, research the context of when they were made and you can see why their authors could see things like that happening, or worse, it's their way to tell us those things are already here.
Handmaid's tale is just women hysterics because 80s christanity and Reagan bad, but also something about nuclear fallout because why not. It has no basis to conclude something like a theonomic totalitarian state would exist. It's just so disconected from human nature and societal realities.
The distopic novels I mentioned before show how disposable humans are to these totalitarian societies, but even in one of them women can't avoid making themselves the center and telling us how important they are because muh fertility. I'll take one of those BNW artificial wombs, please
Erm, nuclear war WAS a big fear to GenX and older, and was also the reason behind women becoming cattle - the fallout results in widespread sterility, so fertile women become controlled. They became rare, and thus, a commodity.
They become commodities of the rich and powerful, who need heirs to keep the wealth and power in the family ....
Yes, nuclear unrest was big during the cold war, I still don't get how they supposed that would lead to a religious uprising where women are cattle, even Fallout (the game) is more plausible
And funnily enough it seems only to affect caucasians
Which is dumb because the book implies fertily issues are actually on men's part and they are too dumb to trust the science(TM)
Haven't read the thing since it first came out, but yeah, it was full of holes. It also implied that infertile poor women all worked in mines or some shit. Why is it always mines? But it's Caucasians because, well, things just weren't as consciously "inclusive" as they are now, and making a character "exotic" was done on purpose for different reasons than today (fetishes and the magic negro trope).
Just pointing out that it was in fact very much a product of its time, and it is pretty baffling why it hasn't been updated for a post-9/11 audience ...
I meant it as the nuclear thing is secondary to the fertility crisis plot point, most likely because without it, it reads as weird smut
I would not at all be surprised to learn that Margaret Atwood actually fantasized about being held down, raped & impregnated by Ronald Reagan the whole time she was writing Handmaid's Tale (one-handed of course).
Or Trump for that matter.
Remember how histrionic some wahmen got, making slogans like "this pussy grabs back?" When the grab them by the pussy comment was ironically about how dumb women are towards someone with money and fame they let you do anything. Not about putting them in breeding camps, kinda weird how they assumed that's what he meant
I notice in alot of mid or post-apocalypse series, almost no thought is given to the children population being 0%-2%. Years into it you'd think people would re-establish and make enough children for mankind to survive, but no. Strong wammen keep taking high-risk positions, even if pregnant.
Now you can argue "child actors is bad long term" for why background characters also have 0, rarely 1 or 2 children in their care.
But this is also the norm in cartoon/Anime. And extends to genres like medieval fantasy where it seems every town or city must be headed to demographic collapse given the age pyramid.
Strong whammen fighters with no kids, the plebs with 0 - 2 kids. In a setting with sustained, very high mortality, you'd expect families of 3 - 5 kids being the norm. Especially in rural areas. Nope. 0 - 2 kids.
That's because originally she wrote the book about the Iranian Revolution coming to America, and it didn't sell. So she rewrote it about MUH FUNDIES and it sold like hotcakes.
Probably they just watched the tv series. That obviously makes you an expert on the topic ...
It's a fetish.
I prefer goth girls myself....
..yes Shego and Raven awoke something in me when I was younger lol.
Tut tut, everyone knows Starfire is best girl.
80s George Perez Starfire and Wonder Woman was goat tier, I owned so many comics, never read a word of it /s
Who are you trying to fool? We all know you don't have righty friends.
They are probably former lefties who identify as lefty as they fear what the progressive
religionideology does to apostates.Should be 3x the size.
That's why they're $20 and on clearance sale.
Ham planet's tale
$20 for a full outfit seems amazing. Really great job at reversing inflation there.
If this was actually a sale, some tinsel and cotton and you have discount uniforms for Christmas choir singing lol.
And if I made a picture with “Big Brother is Watching You” posters everywhere these same people that fear this would start celebrating a government that keeps people safe and immediately try to convince me 2+2=5. Except you’d never get those women to reduce sex to nothing more than their duty to the party.
I’ve heard the book isn’t bad. Anyone read it? Wasn’t it an attack on Muslim culture? I remember my co-worker raved about the show when it came out. I saw the summary of the show and decided not to watch
I have. It's tripe. It's not intentionally an attack on islam, it's projecting the behavior of islam onto a politically correct target, Christians.
Oh gotcha. I was gonna read it at some point but seeing it be some rallying cry for these morons has made me not want to bother.
It's known for having a few interesting ideas cribbed from better sci-fi authors, executed poorly, and all dragged down by Margaret Atwood's trademark purple prose.
There are significant plot holes and timeline errors if you look at the story as a whole.
Apparently a lot of people do like Attwood, but I've never met one, who wasn't an absolute brainlet of a woman.
It was a product of the Reagan-Bush era and the televangelical bully pulpits that were as corrupt as hell, and what Muslims got up to was more or less irrelevant and on the other side of the planet.
Have you seen Steve Martin's "Leap of Faith" yet? That's based on that chernobyl-water salesman, Peter Popoff, mostly.
And yes, I do think "snake-oil salesman" should totally be updated to "chernobyl-water salescritter".
I’ve seen Leap of Faith. I’m a Christian but have seen charlatans within the faith
2025 4B would mean 4 babies
From the same crowd that went all sparkle-eyes over "designer" burkas, nikabs, burkinis and other savage nonsense ....
This is 100% hyper female projection: They get forcibly bred by a high status male while the cucked female is present in the room forced to watch.