MGS 3 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time, if they altered the gameplay or re cast any major characters I.wouldnt touch it. A graphical upgrade for modern consoles is nice though, even I have to admit The old game has a murky palette and barely functional lip syncing. I also hate pausing and going into a menu to change camo.
what a perfect slave to vice you are. beauty and quality are both damned in the face of "how big r her tittis huhuhu".
i don't get why you aren't friends with the woke crowd - do you even realize how pornsick they also are? have you seen the inflation shit? get the biggest titties there without even blinking, degenerate.
The Left is already probably from the Remake. You know, the one they made on the same console that the majority of people played instead of the original.
The Right is the Fourth Edition of this game to my knowledge. Coming right after they ported a barebones and barely functional edition to Steam a year or so ago, that has now been forgotten and abandoned to promote this one.
There are more battlefields in this industry than just "woke or not woke." Anyone who buys this is a literal retard happily telling mega companies they will consume any slop provided without a care about any other factor.
But like most 3DS ports its also complete garbage due to extreme hardware limitations and broken gimmicks.
I still say Subsistence is more substantial of a remake than the vast majority of this one, including this one, in terms of added content and actually playing different.
Either way, this remake has little reason to exist other than Konami being desperate after their all pachinko ventures failed, and now they are desperately pulling every trick out of their bag to get back into good graces. Its why they released the big MGS collection last year and have been releasing all the Castlevania's on Steam too. This is them taking one of their "big names" and double dipping it to also get huge press coverage.
Its literally playing people's nostalgia for sheep.
You know the rule: if they're flamboyantly flaunting their sexuality, gender-benders are typically involved. And this 'woman' does indeed look suspicious to me. :')
It's a scene for scene remake with all the original voice acting and badly needed qol like quick switching camo sets. You can even play with the original top down camera.
It literally already had a remake, as well. Subsistence changing the Camera is more of a major change than everything in this, or most remakes, combined. It completely changed how the game was played.
That was the biggest issue the game had, and it was literally already fixed. Then they ported the games to Steam not long ago anyway.
Which means both the main "reasons" for a remake are invalidated, and this only exists to milk money off fanboys who will buy anything. Even after most of them swore off Konami once they fucked Kojima, yet will now give Konami money for his game anyway.
The problem with that is that hardware is volatile and changing, while paper and ink will always be paper and ink. Its pretty simple to just sign off on republishing a book, because you'll have to do zero effort on the work itself.
Porting a game requires a lot of effort at times, both because of "tricks" the original devs used to create it and because of how much tech has changed that just doesn't function with the original. I'm always reminded how DK64 was incredibly laggy on the N64, which the devs worked with, so now the Virtual Console Port is basically unplayable and broken by removing that lag. Or how many games use the Frame Rate as the foundation of mechanics, so going above 30 breaks them entirely.
And reprinting them for their original console wouldn't help if the consoles themselves didn't get remade. All my old SNES/N64 games still work (and most of my CD ones), but the consoles themselves are all breaking and falling apart. With the market for refurbished ones getting smaller and more expensive.
DK64 was incredibly laggy on the N64, which the devs worked with, so now the Virtual Console Port is basically unplayable and broken by removing that lag
I thought only speedrunners cared about the lack of lag in the Virtual Console port, so I’m curious what no lag means for the average person
No it actually breaks a lot of the minigames, especially towards the end of the game when they were already hard enough. The shooter ones become impossible to keep up with as the lag heavily benefited you lining up your shots, and it somehow makes the beavers even less likely to go in the hole.
So much of the story and dialogue would make no sense if Eva had no sex appeal. We're just lucky they're using the original voice recordings.
If all they are doing is a graphical upgrade and THAT'S it, this'll sell well.
Some may say chest is a little small but I'm a Nier Automata player so I need a 360 view to FULLY judge lol.
MGS 3 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time, if they altered the gameplay or re cast any major characters I.wouldnt touch it. A graphical upgrade for modern consoles is nice though, even I have to admit The old game has a murky palette and barely functional lip syncing. I also hate pausing and going into a menu to change camo.
what a perfect slave to vice you are. beauty and quality are both damned in the face of "how big r her tittis huhuhu".
i don't get why you aren't friends with the woke crowd - do you even realize how pornsick they also are? have you seen the inflation shit? get the biggest titties there without even blinking, degenerate.
Er, you can clearly tell the second paragraph is a joke if you're not a terminally online reactionary.
You need help, seriously...
lmfao you'd fit right in. how many times people like you gotta lust over pixels online 'til it stops being a joke and starts being pathetic?
And that's how it should be.
Comrade, A fat hambeast has sex appeal.
How does the right picture look more like my memory than the left? Was the game really that low-poly?
The game is coming up on being 20 years old, so yeah it was that low poly.
They'll wait for you to buy it and then patch it.
Literally any context whatsoever?
It is Dankey Kang from the Sanic movie, scrub.
What I want to know is if they'll keep proctitis in her medical treatment menu in the game. That Volgin can be a real bastard lol
I wonder if they will leave her medical history files where it heavily implies she was getting butt fucked by the bad guys.
They changed the facial structure :(
chest might be smaller but maybe that's just me
the breasts are more rounded, less pointy, gives them an impression of "flatness" when compared side-by-side
The Left is already probably from the Remake. You know, the one they made on the same console that the majority of people played instead of the original.
The Right is the Fourth Edition of this game to my knowledge. Coming right after they ported a barebones and barely functional edition to Steam a year or so ago, that has now been forgotten and abandoned to promote this one.
There are more battlefields in this industry than just "woke or not woke." Anyone who buys this is a literal retard happily telling mega companies they will consume any slop provided without a care about any other factor.
The only real remake was the 3ds one and that was a platform port, not some kind of soulless cash grab.
But like most 3DS ports its also complete garbage due to extreme hardware limitations and broken gimmicks.
I still say Subsistence is more substantial of a remake than the vast majority of this one, including this one, in terms of added content and actually playing different.
Either way, this remake has little reason to exist other than Konami being desperate after their all pachinko ventures failed, and now they are desperately pulling every trick out of their bag to get back into good graces. Its why they released the big MGS collection last year and have been releasing all the Castlevania's on Steam too. This is them taking one of their "big names" and double dipping it to also get huge press coverage.
Its literally playing people's nostalgia for sheep.
You know the rule: if they're flamboyantly flaunting their sexuality, gender-benders are typically involved. And this 'woman' does indeed look suspicious to me. :')
It's a scene for scene remake with all the original voice acting and badly needed qol like quick switching camo sets. You can even play with the original top down camera.
It literally already had a remake, as well. Subsistence changing the Camera is more of a major change than everything in this, or most remakes, combined. It completely changed how the game was played.
That was the biggest issue the game had, and it was literally already fixed. Then they ported the games to Steam not long ago anyway.
Which means both the main "reasons" for a remake are invalidated, and this only exists to milk money off fanboys who will buy anything. Even after most of them swore off Konami once they fucked Kojima, yet will now give Konami money for his game anyway.
Instead of these classic games getting remakes, I wish publishers would just reprint them for their original consoles like how book publishers do.
I know that's extremely unrealistic and farfetched, but I couldn't help dreaming a little.
The problem with that is that hardware is volatile and changing, while paper and ink will always be paper and ink. Its pretty simple to just sign off on republishing a book, because you'll have to do zero effort on the work itself.
Porting a game requires a lot of effort at times, both because of "tricks" the original devs used to create it and because of how much tech has changed that just doesn't function with the original. I'm always reminded how DK64 was incredibly laggy on the N64, which the devs worked with, so now the Virtual Console Port is basically unplayable and broken by removing that lag. Or how many games use the Frame Rate as the foundation of mechanics, so going above 30 breaks them entirely.
And reprinting them for their original console wouldn't help if the consoles themselves didn't get remade. All my old SNES/N64 games still work (and most of my CD ones), but the consoles themselves are all breaking and falling apart. With the market for refurbished ones getting smaller and more expensive.
I wonder if I can start pushing the paper and ink is bad for the environment and thus needs to be banned.
I thought only speedrunners cared about the lack of lag in the Virtual Console port, so I’m curious what no lag means for the average person
No it actually breaks a lot of the minigames, especially towards the end of the game when they were already hard enough. The shooter ones become impossible to keep up with as the lag heavily benefited you lining up your shots, and it somehow makes the beavers even less likely to go in the hole.
Its a lot of little things like that.