Fired 'X-Men '97' Showrunner Beau DeMayo Claims Disney Instructed Him To Make Magneto And Professor X "Less Gay"
Beau DeMayo, the fired X-Men '97 showrunner, recently claimed he was instructed by Disney executives to make Magneto and Professor X "less gay."
He clearly did not succeed, because Magneto looked cringe in his new costume with those exposed shoulders.
Confirming everything that we suspected.
But of course!
Looks like a butch 50 years old lesbian. Here, see for yourself.
What the fuck is that.
A butch 50 year old lesbian.
From 1982
Not defending this guy's faggotry in any way, but that costume is directly from the original comic in the 80s:
The cape being changed to look like an old woman's scarf gives 50% for the lesbian vibe on its own.
You know the kind they wear to hide their sagging neck, like this.
It didn't look that bad in the original.
The hair and pink and magenta colors do the rest.
Fallout ghoul. No wonder the world is radioactive.
it was peak 80s fashion sense.
Storm also had a mohawk and leather jacket at this time iirc
<insert-meme>'Always was'</insert-meme>
Good god that show looks like shit.
/>gay dindu named DeMayo
This may be Peak Clown World.
Black gay men haven't many friends. Obese white women...
The fuck kind of name is 'Beau DeMayo" in the first place?
Also, womp womp, faggot.
either french or creole is my best guess...
Googling his name has every image of him come up both shirtless and making Gay Porn faces at you.
He is a walking stereotype of the highest order.
But remember there is no grooming, every single one just ends up the exact same somehow.
I'm not sure I'd be able to recognize these...
This nigga outing himself as a newfag that never lurked anywhere fun before and had random gifs from Lords of the Locker Room spammed at him.
I've lurked here, and all the porn spam people talk about is removed before I see it. Or I'm not seeing it somehow. I have never found 4chan usable. I understand "lurk moar" though -- its memes enter my brain anyways.
I'm referring to old 4chan memes, nobody spams gay porn at anyone these days because the world isn't funny anymore.
Imagine being so obnoxious that Current Year Disney says “can you tone it down?’
dude if this is less gay, than they originally must’ve been zestier than two democratic presidential staffers
It sounds like this is one case where sticking to the NDA would have protected him more than it would have protected Disney. He should have kept his mouth shut and coasted on the "success" of Xmen 97 to get him new work.
Before now, it was people speculating that Disney didn’t want to be associated with his other hobbies. After this, it is obvious that they fired him for being DEI cancer, and had good reason to do so.
Get fucked Beau. I hope you never find work in entertainment ever again.
He probably is getting fucked at the glory hole rn.
Maybe he'll even get super aids.
See, now I'm just really fucking confused. I'm only hearing good things about it, which makes no sense to me because: 1) It's Disney, 2) DeMayo keeps saying shit like this.
Here I am questioning how the Goblin Queen's design was allowed to be portrayed as such with such people in charge of the series, because that certainly isn't "DEI-friendly." She's fucking sexy!!!
Any time you “only hear good things”, be prepared to activate the “consensus cracking” center of your brain - because there’s a very good chance that you are being misled by normies and crypto-leftists. We’ve seen “alt critics” like Drinker praise degenerate and subversive content just because it happens to be competently made. The truth is that unless it is being actively and openly attacked by the left, then it probably isn’t good. And even that is no reliable metric; Hogwarts Legacy, despite being massively targeted by leftists, was still completely pozzed.
I think people are more likely to let it slide in cape stuff which was campy back when they originally enjoyed it. Plenty of the old comic costumes were adjacent to fetishwear and there's no shortage of flamboyant characters. Haven't seen this show because it's Disney, but it wouldn't be the first time Magneto was running around in magenta with a deep-V neck either.
"It's not a V cut, it's a giant letter M across my chest for 'Magneto' despite everyone in the world knowing who I am because of all the times I've tried to take over the world!"
"Get off the kitchen table, Erik."
I was thinking of #5 here which is pretty fabulous.
Then I saw #6 which looks like it belongs at a BDSM club.
Ah, it was #4 I was thinking of when writing that. It's the costume he uses when teaching at the school the first time in the 1980s run of the original New Mutants series. Before he was made evil yet again and destroyed the mansion. Again. 🙄
And tbf, #6 is Erik the Red who despite the name is a completely separate character first seen when Cyclops pretended to be the character only for it to somehow be an existing person from the Shi'ar that later turned out to be part of a super secret order 'of the Red'.
I enjoyed it. I'm not gonna lie to myself just because some degen made it.
Why do they keep taking his helmet off? It's the one thing preventing his head from getting crushed like a grape.
Why was this faggot fired?
No one really knows. He says one thing, Disney rumors say another thing