I was listening to Barnes and Viva talk on their podcast this week, two lawyers going over it.
Thanks to representing him in the past, Barnes said how they tried to do this tactic THREE TIMES to Alex Jones to try and entrap him but everytime he sniffed it out, even reporting it to the same feds trying to set him up so there would be a paper trail.
It's a plant probably Deep State to use money through third party states to set these kinds of independents up as 'foreign state actors'. It'll only target one side of the coin as ask the Democrats if they know Fein Fang and watch many start sweating nervously..
Matt is the only one involved with this that I pay any attention to. I just couldn't give a fuck less about $10M going to some internet personalities. Even if it is a russian disinformation ploy, it is nothing compared to the grift going on everyday in the federal government. AIPAC alone is several orders of magnitude worse than this could possibly be.
AIPAC alone is several orders of magnitude worse than this could possibly be.
and right there is how you stop it. Point that out, and watch the entire argument drift into nothingness as if it was a trans school shooters manifesto.
I've only read snippets of the indictment, is the US government alleging that Chen and her husband knew the Russians were providing their funding?
It says that they previously had contracts with RT through a Canadian country (presumably legally), and it talks about a fake person and people pretending to be this fake person's agents and employees that we're providing funding and direction, but are they alleging that chin and her husband knew this person wasn't real and that they were actually being funded by Russia?
I'm pretty sure Chen literally said at one point she knew she was being funded by russia/Russians. I'll have to find the reference though. Don't have it offhand.
I think they had contracted with a Russian team to do editing, so they (Chen and her husband) knew they were working with some Russians, but not necessarily that their investor was Russian.
The two bits of "proof" I've heard so far that they knew is that Chen talked once about talking to "the Russians," and her husband once Googled "time in Moscow."
So, anything is possible, but it's pretty dang flimsy so far. I still think the whole thing was a US op, personally. It was definitely done with implicit US permission, since they let it ride, but may have even been done with instruction...if there's even any truth here at all.
Also, I'm not sure how all this FARA stuff works, but the interesting part is that these alleged Russians were known to work for RT...which is registered through FARA. So I guess the claim is they were operating on their own, and not under RT officially, or something. Not sure it matters, but it is interesting that they were already almost registered as foreign agents through RT.
We'll just have to wait (until after the election) and see how bullshit all this is. At least that's my guess; they'll ride it hard until the election, and then it will come out it was bullshit after it no longer matters.
I read the statement on Matt's website but didn’t watch his usual Sunday livestream (caught the latter half of his emergency Wed broadcast when the story broke as well).
Has Matt mentioned whether he's obtained legal counsel yet to advise him on the public statements he's making?
On his emergency stream last Wed, I heard him admit that he was an active member of the Tenet Discord mentioned in the indictment but stated that he "had nothing to hide" based on his message history there.
It looks bad, no matter how one frames it. Youtubers need to do a bit more due diligence before accepting money from these orgs... who founded the company? are they real people? what's the company's history?... cause it's a matter of reputation. Leftists don't care about reputation, they'll happily take CCP money and if you point that out, they'll just accuse you of 'bigotry'... but it's not about leftists here, it's about one own's credibility.
I also have a strong suspicion that the DOJ could have stopped that charade very early, but they didn't, probably to make the contributors look worse since they are the opposition...
Unfortunately, being the victim of the feds is something that happens to other people, right up until it happens to you. That's especially true for someone like Matt, who has an unusually strong sense of fairness and justice that can blind him.
And he went from never getting a hit piece to being mentioned in a federal indictment, getting covered on national news, having bot farms run on him (possibly even from the feds), and having the FBI say they want to talk to him.
I'm not completely unconvinced that fedbois aren't emailing him telling him to kill himself. It's crazy that's even a possibility.
Leftists don't care about reputation, they'll happily take CCP money and if you point that out, they'll just accuse you of 'bigotry'... but it's not about leftists here, it's about one own's credibility.
Democrat ownership of taking the executive branch has unseen effects. Here they are seen. The FBI was carpet bombed with ideologues in the Obama era and they simply will not go after left wingers.
I know the picture is more complicated than that (some old school aren't much better, Republican uniparty doesn't care, etc) but this is a real phenomenon. So many vile deep state plots are traceable to Obama personnel.
What about demonitized Youtubers who express wrong think, the ones which can only make money from crowd sourcing (like Patreon)? Do you expect them to vet every single donation?
While people should be careful with who they're dealing with, you're putting undue responsibility on innocent people, for fear of corrupt government backlash. The problem isn't the people. The problem is corrupt government. You can't expect people to continually jump through more and more hoops, and not forsee that even the best of us will trip up eventually, all to appease corrupt lying satanic pedophiles in government.
You spend like half your time complaining that you're going to have to flee your country because you think your government will lock you up for having the wrong opinions.
But then, when asked repeatedly, you say you'll believe the government that hates you and people with bad opinions, and you'll condemn even people you like that the government has already said they hate...if the government puts the accusation on the right letterhead, essentially. 'Well, it's offficiial!' You've also said it's a smear and an attack but, again, because it's official those guys are all 'greedy grifter fuck larpers.' You've also said that, even when it's official, if it's political, it's more likely to be bullshit. And yet you still say you believe the government, while also calling them corrupt.
You've lost all credibility on this. And you love to feel prosecuted; this has nothing to do with who you are...your opinion is just utter shit on this topic. I'd call out anyone spouting this, regardless of username. This has nothing to do with you.
I think Lethn has some sort of communication impairment. Tons of conversations between him and multiple other posters follow the same pattern: he posts something stupid, gets called stupid, and then says that the stupid thing he said isn’t what he meant, while also repeating that thing, while also misreading other comments. Over and over. And the more analogies someone draws, the more they try to illustrate exactly what the thing he wrote means and what it implies, the more he will insist everyone is “sperging out” and “misinterpreting.”
It’s like he’s working with a dictionary that’s subtly different from everyone else’s, and he never seems to realize that there’s a disconnect between what he means and what he’s actually saying.
Almost like he’s subtly trying to nudge the forum in a certain direction and keeps getting called out for it, so he responds by denying his sliding and accusing everyone else of doing it.
he’s subtly trying to nudge the forum in a certain direction
If that's truly his retarded goal, he's been doing a very shitty job of it. There have been several newfags this year alone far more successful at forum sliding than him. He's been repeatedly called out before.
I don’t know enough about autism or other communication/cognitive impairment to know exactly what I’m implying he has, but yes, that is essentially what I’m saying. And not in the cool “weaponized autism” way.
I have not written that, you have and you deliberately misinterpret my posts on the topic, you guys are having an absolute sperg session...Your reading comprehension...is fucking awful.
You have said that, and you stood by it. Also, you keep accusing me and other s of "misinterpreting" you when we're just repeating back what you're saying.
Yes for having the wrong opinions, I don't take huge sums of money from suspicious sources that I can't verify, why the fuck are you trying to conflate two different issues?
Because, and I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat this...they're not two different issues?!
So you can't trust the government not to lock you up because they dislike you...but you can trust the government to lock you up if they dislike you...and say you took money you shouldn't have. Okay, smart. Great. If they give a good enough reason to lock up the people who oppose them, it's all on the up and up. You'll cry "misinterpretation" again, but that's what you're saying. And you've said you'll believe government accusations, even if they're also reputational smears, if it's official.
And, again, this is all about an investor of a "boss" of a company you license some of your product to, and it's not "huge sums of money," it's pretty standard.
You're sperging again, stop it
You keep telling me that. I've never said that to you, even when you clearly are. Chill.
If you've ever got downvotes you think are unfair because you're speaking the truth, it's instructive to look at Lethn's posts. Calling someone who's earned a lot of goodwill a "greedy fuck" while being a British neckbeard whose chubby accent is almost audible through the screen is not a good combination.
The issue, as I see it anyway and have watched it play out for decades now - is that there is no obligation to behave in a manner that the other side isn't.
The situation is such that both sides have agreed to a 'boxing' match. The fight starts and they kick you in the nuts, and their cornerman throws a brick at you, and while ducking you hit the opponent low.. so the ref stops the fight so "they" can tell you that you're breaking "their" rules. When clear, obviously and demonstrably they stopped following the rules at the outset.
Fuck their rules, fuck them. Stop playing by their rules, and stop thinking that by playing by their rules you're going to get whatever it is you think the benefit is..
Your nation is in a fight, being kicked, stabbed, shot at, and you're screaming for your Nation to only fight Marquess of Queensberry rules.
Q from them: OMG can you believe that Russia funded x/y/z...
Answering Q with Q: Were they offsetting some other nation funding our media? Or are they adding to it? Did you see that list of other country's funding our media outlets?
You are playing by their rules, because you're accepting the playing field, you're accepting their argument. Whether it is about money - they've done it first. Or it is about reputation - they did it first. Or anything else you can think up - they've done it first - and you're not catching on to it, instead you're playing their game by reacting, defensively when there is nothing to be defensive about.
Finger-wagging one side, while ignoring the other is a really bad look. And also playing by their rules.
Also as an aside: 1st paragraph, it isn't about money.
3rd paragraph - they'll be back for the money. Wha?
I agree they aren't friends, but who said they were?
They are talking heads, like the rest of them.
Getting money, like the rest of them.
Likely reading a script, like the rest of them...
Catching on yet?
Finally, didn't dv you I actually brought you back to 0. You're welcome.
I see more people getting red pilled on shit like SBI and Dustborn
“Gamer” is not a valid political or cultural identity. You’re declaring your allegiance to the equivalent of watching football or reading books. It is deeply childish and retarded. Grow up, sperg.
I was listening to Barnes and Viva talk on their podcast this week, two lawyers going over it.
Thanks to representing him in the past, Barnes said how they tried to do this tactic THREE TIMES to Alex Jones to try and entrap him but everytime he sniffed it out, even reporting it to the same feds trying to set him up so there would be a paper trail.
It's a plant probably Deep State to use money through third party states to set these kinds of independents up as 'foreign state actors'. It'll only target one side of the coin as ask the Democrats if they know Fein Fang and watch many start sweating nervously..
I suspected this from the start. Good to know others are thinking the same.
Lazy government workers always repeat the same entrapment scams.
FYI, and I haven't had time to listen yet, but Viva had Matt on his show today.
I originally learned of Viva Frei's existence when Matt had David on his show as a "legal expert".
I will never forgive Skragg for that crime.
I google this and just get some Marvel character.
I'm guessing he means Fang Fang, the Chinese spy Eric Swalwell was allegedly banging.
I think the whole thing was an op to trick us into thinking Swalwell is straight, personally.
Fang Fang the Chinese spy that bang banged Eric Swallowswell.
Matt is the only one involved with this that I pay any attention to. I just couldn't give a fuck less about $10M going to some internet personalities. Even if it is a russian disinformation ploy, it is nothing compared to the grift going on everyday in the federal government. AIPAC alone is several orders of magnitude worse than this could possibly be.
$10 million is probably less than Aipac’s bar tab for a Tuesday night.
I had to briefly Superchat Matt last night about "The Process is the Punishment" so he can understand it clearly.
I've only read snippets of the indictment, is the US government alleging that Chen and her husband knew the Russians were providing their funding?
It says that they previously had contracts with RT through a Canadian country (presumably legally), and it talks about a fake person and people pretending to be this fake person's agents and employees that we're providing funding and direction, but are they alleging that chin and her husband knew this person wasn't real and that they were actually being funded by Russia?
I'm pretty sure Chen literally said at one point she knew she was being funded by russia/Russians. I'll have to find the reference though. Don't have it offhand.
I think they had contracted with a Russian team to do editing, so they (Chen and her husband) knew they were working with some Russians, but not necessarily that their investor was Russian.
The two bits of "proof" I've heard so far that they knew is that Chen talked once about talking to "the Russians," and her husband once Googled "time in Moscow."
So, anything is possible, but it's pretty dang flimsy so far. I still think the whole thing was a US op, personally. It was definitely done with implicit US permission, since they let it ride, but may have even been done with instruction...if there's even any truth here at all.
Also, I'm not sure how all this FARA stuff works, but the interesting part is that these alleged Russians were known to work for RT...which is registered through FARA. So I guess the claim is they were operating on their own, and not under RT officially, or something. Not sure it matters, but it is interesting that they were already almost registered as foreign agents through RT.
We'll just have to wait (until after the election) and see how bullshit all this is. At least that's my guess; they'll ride it hard until the election, and then it will come out it was bullshit after it no longer matters.
I read the statement on Matt's website but didn’t watch his usual Sunday livestream (caught the latter half of his emergency Wed broadcast when the story broke as well).
Has Matt mentioned whether he's obtained legal counsel yet to advise him on the public statements he's making?
On his emergency stream last Wed, I heard him admit that he was an active member of the Tenet Discord mentioned in the indictment but stated that he "had nothing to hide" based on his message history there.
It looks bad, no matter how one frames it. Youtubers need to do a bit more due diligence before accepting money from these orgs... who founded the company? are they real people? what's the company's history?... cause it's a matter of reputation. Leftists don't care about reputation, they'll happily take CCP money and if you point that out, they'll just accuse you of 'bigotry'... but it's not about leftists here, it's about one own's credibility.
I also have a strong suspicion that the DOJ could have stopped that charade very early, but they didn't, probably to make the contributors look worse since they are the opposition...
A lot of the talking heads on youtube/etc are grifters, and that holds true for the right as well.
They're in it for the money, not for things like principles or standards.
Unfortunately, being the victim of the feds is something that happens to other people, right up until it happens to you. That's especially true for someone like Matt, who has an unusually strong sense of fairness and justice that can blind him.
And he went from never getting a hit piece to being mentioned in a federal indictment, getting covered on national news, having bot farms run on him (possibly even from the feds), and having the FBI say they want to talk to him.
I'm not completely unconvinced that fedbois aren't emailing him telling him to kill himself. It's crazy that's even a possibility.
Democrat ownership of taking the executive branch has unseen effects. Here they are seen. The FBI was carpet bombed with ideologues in the Obama era and they simply will not go after left wingers.
I know the picture is more complicated than that (some old school aren't much better, Republican uniparty doesn't care, etc) but this is a real phenomenon. So many vile deep state plots are traceable to Obama personnel.
I mean, what are the chances... right?
Oh shit, I didn't know his work extended beyond funny Magic the Gathering parody covers.
What about demonitized Youtubers who express wrong think, the ones which can only make money from crowd sourcing (like Patreon)? Do you expect them to vet every single donation?
While people should be careful with who they're dealing with, you're putting undue responsibility on innocent people, for fear of corrupt government backlash. The problem isn't the people. The problem is corrupt government. You can't expect people to continually jump through more and more hoops, and not forsee that even the best of us will trip up eventually, all to appease corrupt lying satanic pedophiles in government.
You spend like half your time complaining that you're going to have to flee your country because you think your government will lock you up for having the wrong opinions.
But then, when asked repeatedly, you say you'll believe the government that hates you and people with bad opinions, and you'll condemn even people you like that the government has already said they hate...if the government puts the accusation on the right letterhead, essentially. 'Well, it's offficiial!' You've also said it's a smear and an attack but, again, because it's official those guys are all 'greedy grifter fuck larpers.' You've also said that, even when it's official, if it's political, it's more likely to be bullshit. And yet you still say you believe the government, while also calling them corrupt.
You've lost all credibility on this. And you love to feel prosecuted; this has nothing to do with who you are...your opinion is just utter shit on this topic. I'd call out anyone spouting this, regardless of username. This has nothing to do with you.
I think Lethn has some sort of communication impairment. Tons of conversations between him and multiple other posters follow the same pattern: he posts something stupid, gets called stupid, and then says that the stupid thing he said isn’t what he meant, while also repeating that thing, while also misreading other comments. Over and over. And the more analogies someone draws, the more they try to illustrate exactly what the thing he wrote means and what it implies, the more he will insist everyone is “sperging out” and “misinterpreting.”
It’s like he’s working with a dictionary that’s subtly different from everyone else’s, and he never seems to realize that there’s a disconnect between what he means and what he’s actually saying.
Almost like he’s subtly trying to nudge the forum in a certain direction and keeps getting called out for it, so he responds by denying his sliding and accusing everyone else of doing it.
Yeah, that's also a possibility, although he just doesn't strike me as very calculating. Which I guess could mean he's really, really calculating.
If that's truly his retarded goal, he's been doing a very shitty job of it. There have been several newfags this year alone far more successful at forum sliding than him. He's been repeatedly called out before.
you make him sound autistic, lol
I don’t know enough about autism or other communication/cognitive impairment to know exactly what I’m implying he has, but yes, that is essentially what I’m saying. And not in the cool “weaponized autism” way.
You have said that, and you stood by it. Also, you keep accusing me and other s of "misinterpreting" you when we're just repeating back what you're saying.
Because, and I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat this...they're not two different issues?!
So you can't trust the government not to lock you up because they dislike you...but you can trust the government to lock you up if they dislike you...and say you took money you shouldn't have. Okay, smart. Great. If they give a good enough reason to lock up the people who oppose them, it's all on the up and up. You'll cry "misinterpretation" again, but that's what you're saying. And you've said you'll believe government accusations, even if they're also reputational smears, if it's official.
And, again, this is all about an investor of a "boss" of a company you license some of your product to, and it's not "huge sums of money," it's pretty standard.
You keep telling me that. I've never said that to you, even when you clearly are. Chill.
Not sure why you're taking disagreement so personally, or how that makes this like Reddit, but you do you.
By all means, fuck completely off.
"No. It's the children who are wrong."
Do a flip!
That's what we're talking about here. That is the annual salary Matt Christiansen contracted for.
If you've ever got downvotes you think are unfair because you're speaking the truth, it's instructive to look at Lethn's posts. Calling someone who's earned a lot of goodwill a "greedy fuck" while being a British neckbeard whose chubby accent is almost audible through the screen is not a good combination.
The issue, as I see it anyway and have watched it play out for decades now - is that there is no obligation to behave in a manner that the other side isn't.
The situation is such that both sides have agreed to a 'boxing' match. The fight starts and they kick you in the nuts, and their cornerman throws a brick at you, and while ducking you hit the opponent low.. so the ref stops the fight so "they" can tell you that you're breaking "their" rules. When clear, obviously and demonstrably they stopped following the rules at the outset.
Fuck their rules, fuck them. Stop playing by their rules, and stop thinking that by playing by their rules you're going to get whatever it is you think the benefit is..
Your nation is in a fight, being kicked, stabbed, shot at, and you're screaming for your Nation to only fight Marquess of Queensberry rules.
ei: Q from them: OMG can you believe that Russia funded x/y/z...
Answering Q with Q: Were they offsetting some other nation funding our media? Or are they adding to it? Did you see that list of other country's funding our media outlets?
Respectfully, Physician, heal thy self!!!
Reread what I wrote, and understand you're doing.
You are playing by their rules, because you're accepting the playing field, you're accepting their argument. Whether it is about money - they've done it first. Or it is about reputation - they did it first. Or anything else you can think up - they've done it first - and you're not catching on to it, instead you're playing their game by reacting, defensively when there is nothing to be defensive about.
Finger-wagging one side, while ignoring the other is a really bad look. And also playing by their rules.
Also as an aside: 1st paragraph, it isn't about money. 3rd paragraph - they'll be back for the money. Wha?
I agree they aren't friends, but who said they were?
They are talking heads, like the rest of them.
Getting money, like the rest of them.
Likely reading a script, like the rest of them...
Catching on yet?
Finally, didn't dv you I actually brought you back to 0. You're welcome.
I don't downvote, I don't fear words.
You can tell yourself anything you like - but its all there, in black and white for people to see.
I think what you need to do is think a bit deeper. You seem to project a lot onto those you're talking to online.
Be well.
“Gamer” is not a valid political or cultural identity. You’re declaring your allegiance to the equivalent of watching football or reading books. It is deeply childish and retarded. Grow up, sperg.
Political no, cultural yes.
We used to have these things called sub-cultures in years past. The internet becoming so ubiquitous kind of destroyed that though.
You're being down voted because your take is stupid in addition to being wrong. Shut your face you worthless limey.