He's very obviously sarcastic about the anime statement. He has literally played video games on his channel but thinks they're a meaningless distraction for adults. He also regularly discussed pop culture since the beginning but again thinks that adults shouldn't be invested in it. Yall just stay making up alternate history
Lol dipshit can you just not read? Yall act like he's trying to burn people at the stake or make the shit illegal rather than saying it's a waste of time. The fact that he has in fact played video games doesn't make him a hypocrite it means he made an informed decision because he experienced it before making said decision. Walsh is one of the only consistently conservative large media personalities and yall faggots get mad because you worship pop culture
And the stranglehold the Media has on the Left proves that this is a complete failure of an idea that will keep the Right losing.
People enjoy escapism, and they will always consume it. The ideas within it are extremely potent in terms of worming into people's subconscious and effecting their morality and world view. This is just as true now as it was in Ancient Greece or even the fucking Bible. TV or video games aren't magically less so than Books or Stories prior were in terms of their social engineering and proliferation of message.
So much like everything else in this "culture war," the Right can either begin actually fighting back and claiming it for themselves or running scared and letting the Left run a train on them because "we are above such things."
Ironically enough, the Daily Wire does produce culture stuff. It looks retarded, but they do it. I wonder if Walsh thinks their lame cartoons are also a waste of time.
Honestly, almost all of the "Right wing alternative" creations in media are a waste of time, mostly because they are fucking awful.
Its another reason why they should pay more attention to that field. Because then they could make something worth watching besides for its politics, and thereby reach the masses with their message better (or simply deny the Leftie works the attention time).
"hey, we're making a spiritual successor to the prince of egypt, we're doing samson/the life of the apostles/king david... or something" - would raise 500b in kickstarter, then that would be shut down, but then givesendgo would raise the same.
"here's a lazy rip off of lazy family guy rip off Brickleberry and cheesy 90s dodgeball style comedies, aren't we so good for the culture?"
Sarcasm ceases to be obvious when the person in question acts like a smug, smarmy asshole 100% of the time. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Walsh isn't sincere about anything he says.
There's the Matt Walsh types of course, but I notice it almost 100% in the boomercon groups. You hear so much "video games are bad", "anime is weird", etc.
I've told them things like how are video games inherently bad to do a few hours a day when you watch TV on the couch just as much. I tried to tell my mother to go watch some fairly generic anime (the type of which you'd actually find an actual kid watching, think the Shonen Jump stuff or whatever) and then go watch whatever mainstream kids show the West is presenting to them. Then decide which she'd actually want her grandchildren to watch. She won't, because "I just don't understand that weird stuff."
I'd say Anime/Manga has a history in it's stories of depicting the faithful and practitioners or religion as good but the institutions and establishment at the top as an issue at times. I've read a lot of stories where once the corrupt pope is kicked out and replaced by a faithful things steadily improve.
This is one of the core reasons the left trounces the Right in the culture. When the Right encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "stop making this". When the left encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "make this our way".
Man made an ugly ass of himself on Friday Night Tights long while back. They tried to come to him talking about what they need to do to fix popular culture and he was just an asshole about everything and just plied his dirt sniffing circle jerking garbage.
No, not Christianity, most of it has just portrayed a load of gnostic garbled nonsense in a positive light or else it has you teaming up with 3 other adventurers to save a cat, then you fight the pope, then you fight God.
Yes it's satanic. A tonne of it is. Pretending the stuff that's satanic isn't satanic is also giving the liars power.
Japanese media has undoubtedly produced a fair amount of high quality animation, some of it wholesome, but a lot of it not so much. Their media has some different sins than ours in the west, even before ours became utterly ugly and woke and our treasures were thrown out and trampled underfoot, it had some nasty strains of communism, liberalism and nihilism. Their sins seem to tend more towards lewdness (and in some nasty ways) and promotion of gnostic nonsense.
That's the fair and balanced and true take. We're all fallen, and different cultures are tending towards some different sins.
Upvote. I'm not going to slander the entire medium of anime, but there's definitely a lot of questionable stuff out there. Nobody likes to talk about how Hayao Miyazaki is card carrying Communist, either.
Most Jap media depicting a fight against "God" is really depicting a fight against an imposter for whom "God" is a self-ascribed name, rather than a reference to the God of our real world.
Most Jap media depicting a fight against "God" is really depicting a fight against an imposter
yes, this is classic gnosticism, a fight against a 'demiurge', who depending on the gnostic belief you are dealing with ranges from incompetent to malevolent, ruling over this world, above whom there are other more benevolent gods (or who he has usurped)
rather than a reference to the God of our real world.
no that's the point, it is a reference to God, seen through the lens of gnosticism. The gnostics believe the God of the old testament to be a demiurge. Gnosticism isn't some isolate belief with its own ideas, it is an offshoot and inversion of early Christianity and judaism particularly around the 2nd century, it comes from and inverts those beliefs and it is quite syncretic, incorporating many other beliefs.
Gnosticism is rife in Japanese media. There are a tonne of examples but elden ring and evangelion in particular. This is not a niche thing, it's in a tonne of their stuff but it's not well understood here. It's not that we've not had gnostic media here in the west either by the way, some big ones would be the matrix, his dark materials and the da vinci code, but they aren't quite as widely prevalent, just a few specific ones whose writers read a few gnostic ideas or conspiracies.
Gnosticism seems more logically consistant to me than mainstream Christianity.
Do you think a lot of subversion has snuck into Christianity in the last 2,000 years? I ask that rhetorically because I think it’s obvious that there has been a lot, but if you want me to point to specifics I can.
Thus, if “the true faith” of Christianity can be apparently subverted, what makes you so convinced that true gnosticism and true Christianity are in opposition?
One of the most interesting threads of “gnosticism” I’ve come across is the conjoined ideas that
1)the Essenes were “gnostics”
2)the Essenes were the sect that John the Baptist came from, and thus logically the sect that his cousin Jesus of Nazareth came from
Have you ever come across any of that?
Secondly, the “foundational text” of Christian gnosticism is the (so-called apochrypha) the Gospel of Thomas.
Copied and pasted^ the full text into a post recently. I’m interested in any flaws there you can point to, because based on my studies I’ve not come across anything specific that Christians can point to when they call gnosticism “satanic”. They often like to say it is too dualistic in the way it portrays our existence, yet will neglect the exact same dualism present in the canonical text of the Bible. Gnosticism is cast aside for calling the physical world corrupted and for saying satan (in various names across various groups) is “the god of this world”. Well one need only look at Genesis 1 and 2 Corinthians 4:4 for those notions to be echoed in scripture.
Why are you convinced to “throw the baby out with the bath water” on the subject of gnosticism and Christianity?
Well they range from goofy and easily dismissed to dogmatic beliefs built on lies and enforced through the deaths of tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocents.
You have the “gay priests” and the “lesbian pastors”, which I won’t even bother finding links for, and which represent the worst of “Churchianity” or the notion that you can just “pick your favorite interpretations” such that the religion is one of your own making. Easily dismissible, these people are just part of random churches with no broader affiliations, ok whatever fair enough
Next you have issues like the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t been excommunicated from Roman Catholicism despite all the times he’s supported abortion. That’s just a hyper specific example, but I make it to show that even the “trad”, “based” strains have been subverted, not just these random no name churches with the gay trans pastor-of-color. One need look no further than the pope for confirmation of this point.
“Ok”, you might say, “so what, it’s been corrupted recently, all that means is we just need to look at the history of the Church with an analytical mind and determine the truth from that” - I mostly agree with this hypothetical I just made you say, but I want to show one example of just how far back this corruption went:
Basically, the exact specifics of Trinitarianism is one of the oldest topics of debate in Christianity. The Catholic Church has never liked this, because they are defined by their Trinitarian beliefs. The specifics are nuanced, but effectively, what was once perhaps a marginal note (the “comma”), a wise insight left by a reader, was transformed into Canon, which was enforced with murder most commonly. I can’t write a dissertation on the subject but I personally don’t see Trinitarianism as a dogma supported by scripture, you might find some interesting information on the subject in this loooong wiki page or related ones on specific sects who were slaughtered en masse. Newton for example was a Unitarian, what a different world we would live in had he been killed for his unorthodox thinking!
Whole sects of nontrinitarians have, for the last ~1800 years, been systematically murdered by the tens of thousand. And this wasn’t just in the brutal early days of the Roman church but continued basically up until the Protestant Reformation and for a while after.
So all that is to say, “Christianity” today already consists of so many (conflicting) interpretations and views and perspectives. How I understand “gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom and the knowledge you can glean from the world around you to determine the truth”, thus “Christian gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom to interpret scripture, never thinking you already have ‘all the answers’, but instead humbly seeking His wisdom in His word”. Which is probably effectively what most real Christians these days are already doing, I’m just willing to look beyond the bounds of these books selected and edited and selectively edited by the liars and murders discussed above. Hence I’ll look at something like the Gospel of Thomas with an open mind, and see the beauty of the New Testament in the lean form of 114 sayings by the wisest teacher men have known, Jesus
Thanks for the explanation. I only have time to briefly discus this gospel of thomas today, I need to be off, it's a day of obligation after all.
Hence I’ll look at something like the Gospel of Thomas with an open mind, and see the beauty of the New Testament in the lean form of 114 sayings by the wisest teacher men have known, Jesus
That's a big assumption. That it even is. You seem to object to verse 114 in particular being included. But the issue is that that verse is in alignment with so many other gnostic beliefs on gender, change, transformation and alchemy. It is consistent with all the other gnostic stuff.
is basically just “use your wisdom to interpret scripture, never thinking you already have ‘all the answers’, but instead humbly seeking His wisdom in His word”.
That's a milquetoast motte definition of gnosticism, as is gospel of Thomas itself. That definition isn't all that objectionable on its face, and nor is this one example text. It is not nearly overtly objectionable as their other gnostic materials (that it was found amongst!). It does nevertheless have lines that should raise an eyebrow in the observant and cause deep unease.
The whole thing about damning the flesh that depends on the body, and the body dependant on the flesh, prayer and fasting leading to sin and condemnation, secret knowledge for Thomas, destroying heaven and heavens above (other books refer to the destruction of the heavens meaning sky, but heaven and the heaven above? Should be a bit worrying) And just all through it a load of contradictions. Contradictions internally and with the true gospels, like with James vs Peter leading the church. It's set it opposition. One or the other must be rejected, and I think it's clear which.
I need to be off, it's a day of obligation after all.
Ah, if you’re Catholic know that I have no qualms with the individuals, just the system that controls them
That's a milquetoast motte definition of gnosticism, as is gospel of Thomas itself. That definition isn't all that objectionable on its face, and nor is this one example text.
What’s your definition?
That's a big assumption. That it even is. You seem to object to verse 114 in particular being included.
Well, most of the quotes are in the Bible too. And no, I personally have no issue with verse 114, that text is included in the source I copied and pasted…
One or the other must be rejected, and I think it's clear which.
The one currently controlled by pedophiles, who have used lies to cook up additions to canon and then used those additions to justify killing hundreds of thousands? Or you mean the one which says “think for yourself”?
I am not the people in Hollywood or the US. Those verses are not about whole groups of people as one, it is about you and a brother. The Californians are not me. They are my brothers yes, but we're talking about their films, not any I have made.
We're in a thread about Japan and how supposedly well it depicts Christianity and how wholesome it is. This is untrue, or at the very least needs clarifying and a lot of caveats, it is not hypocritical for me to point this out. Many of my Californian and Japanese brothers need something plucked from their eyes.
most of it has just portrayed a load of gnostic garbled nonsense in a positive light.... Yes it's satanic. A tonne of it is. Pretending the stuff that's satanic isn't satanic is also giving the liars power.
The ignorance of what happens when culture is exported continues on unabated. This is no different than second-generation immigrant neomarxists who grew up in America bitching about how we're copying their glorious homeland's food culture incorrectly.
To my knowledge the bulk of Japan's interaction with Christianity is either through Jesuits (which went down badly more than once) and post-Meiji injection through US cultural exportation. There's not enough Japanese people who are willing to be experts on the religion to make absolutely sure that they're representing it right, nor do I see them do that frequently with anything that's from outside their culture. They just read about it some, then make their own interpretation of it through their fiction.
"What are the sexiest anime out there? I'm talking the most titillating, clothing liberated shit you've ever seen
The best two [sic] I currently know about are
High School of the Dead
Redo of Healer
Goblin Slayer
But that's a pretty short list. Any suggestions would be highly welcome. I've never seen Goblin Slayer, but I've been told there is some great rape scenes in that one, I'm really into that shit as well. Violence against women, or rape scenes are all welcome. But just normal cutesy sexiness like High School of the Dead is great too, that's what I'm sure is more common and more what I am expecting to get recommendations for here.
Thank you so much for your help"
a couple wholesome, normal japanese cartoons don't vindicate the shit the guy above is talking about.
Let's put this in the most straightforward terms, since there is no point in elucidating things to low-IQ morons like yourself.
I've never watched anime. Anime is for degenerates. You are a degenerate. Maxime Bernier will never become Prime Minister. The PPC will never enter government. Literal Marxists, such as Hinkle and Maupin, are more regenerative men than any libertarian. Stay mad, libertarian scum. Someone will take your anime away, and there is nothing that you can do about it. You will be tread on.
Tradcucks should not be confused with tradcons. A true traditional conservative would suggest women shouldn't vote, women shouldn't be in education, women shouldn't have wealth/assets of their own, that women should be considered property of men, that child support shouldn't exist, that the legal age of marriage should be 12yo, income tax should be abolished, the central bank should be abolished, etc... you know how things used to be traditionally. 1960s men are tradcucks because by the 1960s, feminism had already wrought its corruption through society. There are very few tradcons in society.
Evangeleon is nothing but a religious allegory. It's like Tower of Babel on Steroids. Man tried to open a portal to heaven and made things really fucky.
He's also giving dating advice now to women
He's very obviously sarcastic about the anime statement. He has literally played video games on his channel but thinks they're a meaningless distraction for adults. He also regularly discussed pop culture since the beginning but again thinks that adults shouldn't be invested in it. Yall just stay making up alternate history
Lol dipshit can you just not read? Yall act like he's trying to burn people at the stake or make the shit illegal rather than saying it's a waste of time. The fact that he has in fact played video games doesn't make him a hypocrite it means he made an informed decision because he experienced it before making said decision. Walsh is one of the only consistently conservative large media personalities and yall faggots get mad because you worship pop culture
Walsh is a faggot and so're you bitch
And the stranglehold the Media has on the Left proves that this is a complete failure of an idea that will keep the Right losing.
People enjoy escapism, and they will always consume it. The ideas within it are extremely potent in terms of worming into people's subconscious and effecting their morality and world view. This is just as true now as it was in Ancient Greece or even the fucking Bible. TV or video games aren't magically less so than Books or Stories prior were in terms of their social engineering and proliferation of message.
So much like everything else in this "culture war," the Right can either begin actually fighting back and claiming it for themselves or running scared and letting the Left run a train on them because "we are above such things."
Ironically enough, the Daily Wire does produce culture stuff. It looks retarded, but they do it. I wonder if Walsh thinks their lame cartoons are also a waste of time.
Honestly, almost all of the "Right wing alternative" creations in media are a waste of time, mostly because they are fucking awful.
Its another reason why they should pay more attention to that field. Because then they could make something worth watching besides for its politics, and thereby reach the masses with their message better (or simply deny the Leftie works the attention time).
they're terrible
"hey, we're making a spiritual successor to the prince of egypt, we're doing samson/the life of the apostles/king david... or something" - would raise 500b in kickstarter, then that would be shut down, but then givesendgo would raise the same.
"here's a lazy rip off of lazy family guy rip off Brickleberry and cheesy 90s dodgeball style comedies, aren't we so good for the culture?"
Sarcasm ceases to be obvious when the person in question acts like a smug, smarmy asshole 100% of the time. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Walsh isn't sincere about anything he says.
Dom is a faggot for refusing to allow me to state the obvious solution to the woke problem.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
I feel like this is within the lines.
I hope the Japanese people realize that Matt isn’t a real conservative, just a globalist puppet used to make us look stupid to the world
There's the Matt Walsh types of course, but I notice it almost 100% in the boomercon groups. You hear so much "video games are bad", "anime is weird", etc.
I've told them things like how are video games inherently bad to do a few hours a day when you watch TV on the couch just as much. I tried to tell my mother to go watch some fairly generic anime (the type of which you'd actually find an actual kid watching, think the Shonen Jump stuff or whatever) and then go watch whatever mainstream kids show the West is presenting to them. Then decide which she'd actually want her grandchildren to watch. She won't, because "I just don't understand that weird stuff."
Trad cons wish they had the power the woke has. Theyd ban the same exact things.
I'd say Anime/Manga has a history in it's stories of depicting the faithful and practitioners or religion as good but the institutions and establishment at the top as an issue at times. I've read a lot of stories where once the corrupt pope is kicked out and replaced by a faithful things steadily improve.
Which looking at reality, isn't too far off..
Walsh has only 2 reddeming features.
He opposes troonery.
He made White babies.
Is he actually White though? He strikes me as very (((semitic))) looking with a touch of anglo (his ears are below the eyeline)
Will he do an episode on DnD next?
Thanx for keeping conservativism stuck in 1980, matt
This is one of the core reasons the left trounces the Right in the culture. When the Right encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "stop making this". When the left encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "make this our way".
Man made an ugly ass of himself on Friday Night Tights long while back. They tried to come to him talking about what they need to do to fix popular culture and he was just an asshole about everything and just plied his dirt sniffing circle jerking garbage.
No, not Christianity, most of it has just portrayed a load of gnostic garbled nonsense in a positive light or else it has you teaming up with 3 other adventurers to save a cat, then you fight the pope, then you fight God.
Yes it's satanic. A tonne of it is. Pretending the stuff that's satanic isn't satanic is also giving the liars power.
Japanese media has undoubtedly produced a fair amount of high quality animation, some of it wholesome, but a lot of it not so much. Their media has some different sins than ours in the west, even before ours became utterly ugly and woke and our treasures were thrown out and trampled underfoot, it had some nasty strains of communism, liberalism and nihilism. Their sins seem to tend more towards lewdness (and in some nasty ways) and promotion of gnostic nonsense.
That's the fair and balanced and true take. We're all fallen, and different cultures are tending towards some different sins.
Upvote. I'm not going to slander the entire medium of anime, but there's definitely a lot of questionable stuff out there. Nobody likes to talk about how Hayao Miyazaki is card carrying Communist, either.
I'm actually fairly sick of the evil church trope in anime
Most Jap media depicting a fight against "God" is really depicting a fight against an imposter for whom "God" is a self-ascribed name, rather than a reference to the God of our real world.
yes, this is classic gnosticism, a fight against a 'demiurge', who depending on the gnostic belief you are dealing with ranges from incompetent to malevolent, ruling over this world, above whom there are other more benevolent gods (or who he has usurped)
no that's the point, it is a reference to God, seen through the lens of gnosticism. The gnostics believe the God of the old testament to be a demiurge. Gnosticism isn't some isolate belief with its own ideas, it is an offshoot and inversion of early Christianity and judaism particularly around the 2nd century, it comes from and inverts those beliefs and it is quite syncretic, incorporating many other beliefs.
Gnosticism is rife in Japanese media. There are a tonne of examples but elden ring and evangelion in particular. This is not a niche thing, it's in a tonne of their stuff but it's not well understood here. It's not that we've not had gnostic media here in the west either by the way, some big ones would be the matrix, his dark materials and the da vinci code, but they aren't quite as widely prevalent, just a few specific ones whose writers read a few gnostic ideas or conspiracies.
Gnosticism seems more logically consistant to me than mainstream Christianity.
Do you think a lot of subversion has snuck into Christianity in the last 2,000 years? I ask that rhetorically because I think it’s obvious that there has been a lot, but if you want me to point to specifics I can.
Thus, if “the true faith” of Christianity can be apparently subverted, what makes you so convinced that true gnosticism and true Christianity are in opposition?
One of the most interesting threads of “gnosticism” I’ve come across is the conjoined ideas that
1)the Essenes were “gnostics”
2)the Essenes were the sect that John the Baptist came from, and thus logically the sect that his cousin Jesus of Nazareth came from
Have you ever come across any of that?
Secondly, the “foundational text” of Christian gnosticism is the (so-called apochrypha) the Gospel of Thomas.
Copied and pasted^ the full text into a post recently. I’m interested in any flaws there you can point to, because based on my studies I’ve not come across anything specific that Christians can point to when they call gnosticism “satanic”. They often like to say it is too dualistic in the way it portrays our existence, yet will neglect the exact same dualism present in the canonical text of the Bible. Gnosticism is cast aside for calling the physical world corrupted and for saying satan (in various names across various groups) is “the god of this world”. Well one need only look at Genesis 1 and 2 Corinthians 4:4 for those notions to be echoed in scripture.
Why are you convinced to “throw the baby out with the bath water” on the subject of gnosticism and Christianity?
Yeah I'll read through that and research it now, but yeah what examples of subversion were you thinking of?
Well they range from goofy and easily dismissed to dogmatic beliefs built on lies and enforced through the deaths of tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocents.
You have the “gay priests” and the “lesbian pastors”, which I won’t even bother finding links for, and which represent the worst of “Churchianity” or the notion that you can just “pick your favorite interpretations” such that the religion is one of your own making. Easily dismissible, these people are just part of random churches with no broader affiliations, ok whatever fair enough
Next you have issues like the fact that Joe Biden hasn’t been excommunicated from Roman Catholicism despite all the times he’s supported abortion. That’s just a hyper specific example, but I make it to show that even the “trad”, “based” strains have been subverted, not just these random no name churches with the gay trans pastor-of-color. One need look no further than the pope for confirmation of this point.
“Ok”, you might say, “so what, it’s been corrupted recently, all that means is we just need to look at the history of the Church with an analytical mind and determine the truth from that” - I mostly agree with this hypothetical I just made you say, but I want to show one example of just how far back this corruption went:
The Johannine Comma:
Basically, the exact specifics of Trinitarianism is one of the oldest topics of debate in Christianity. The Catholic Church has never liked this, because they are defined by their Trinitarian beliefs. The specifics are nuanced, but effectively, what was once perhaps a marginal note (the “comma”), a wise insight left by a reader, was transformed into Canon, which was enforced with murder most commonly. I can’t write a dissertation on the subject but I personally don’t see Trinitarianism as a dogma supported by scripture, you might find some interesting information on the subject in this loooong wiki page or related ones on specific sects who were slaughtered en masse. Newton for example was a Unitarian, what a different world we would live in had he been killed for his unorthodox thinking!
Whole sects of nontrinitarians have, for the last ~1800 years, been systematically murdered by the tens of thousand. And this wasn’t just in the brutal early days of the Roman church but continued basically up until the Protestant Reformation and for a while after.
So all that is to say, “Christianity” today already consists of so many (conflicting) interpretations and views and perspectives. How I understand “gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom and the knowledge you can glean from the world around you to determine the truth”, thus “Christian gnosticism” is basically just “use your wisdom to interpret scripture, never thinking you already have ‘all the answers’, but instead humbly seeking His wisdom in His word”. Which is probably effectively what most real Christians these days are already doing, I’m just willing to look beyond the bounds of these books selected and edited and selectively edited by the liars and murders discussed above. Hence I’ll look at something like the Gospel of Thomas with an open mind, and see the beauty of the New Testament in the lean form of 114 sayings by the wisest teacher men have known, Jesus
Thanks for the explanation. I only have time to briefly discus this gospel of thomas today, I need to be off, it's a day of obligation after all.
That's a big assumption. That it even is. You seem to object to verse 114 in particular being included. But the issue is that that verse is in alignment with so many other gnostic beliefs on gender, change, transformation and alchemy. It is consistent with all the other gnostic stuff.
That's a milquetoast motte definition of gnosticism, as is gospel of Thomas itself. That definition isn't all that objectionable on its face, and nor is this one example text. It is not nearly overtly objectionable as their other gnostic materials (that it was found amongst!). It does nevertheless have lines that should raise an eyebrow in the observant and cause deep unease.
The whole thing about damning the flesh that depends on the body, and the body dependant on the flesh, prayer and fasting leading to sin and condemnation, secret knowledge for Thomas, destroying heaven and heavens above (other books refer to the destruction of the heavens meaning sky, but heaven and the heaven above? Should be a bit worrying) And just all through it a load of contradictions. Contradictions internally and with the true gospels, like with James vs Peter leading the church. It's set it opposition. One or the other must be rejected, and I think it's clear which.
Ah, if you’re Catholic know that I have no qualms with the individuals, just the system that controls them
What’s your definition?
Well, most of the quotes are in the Bible too. And no, I personally have no issue with verse 114, that text is included in the source I copied and pasted…
The one currently controlled by pedophiles, who have used lies to cook up additions to canon and then used those additions to justify killing hundreds of thousands? Or you mean the one which says “think for yourself”?
I am not the people in Hollywood or the US. Those verses are not about whole groups of people as one, it is about you and a brother. The Californians are not me. They are my brothers yes, but we're talking about their films, not any I have made.
We're in a thread about Japan and how supposedly well it depicts Christianity and how wholesome it is. This is untrue, or at the very least needs clarifying and a lot of caveats, it is not hypocritical for me to point this out. Many of my Californian and Japanese brothers need something plucked from their eyes.
The ignorance of what happens when culture is exported continues on unabated. This is no different than second-generation immigrant neomarxists who grew up in America bitching about how we're copying their glorious homeland's food culture incorrectly.
To my knowledge the bulk of Japan's interaction with Christianity is either through Jesuits (which went down badly more than once) and post-Meiji injection through US cultural exportation. There's not enough Japanese people who are willing to be experts on the religion to make absolutely sure that they're representing it right, nor do I see them do that frequently with anything that's from outside their culture. They just read about it some, then make their own interpretation of it through their fiction.
"What are the sexiest anime out there? I'm talking the most titillating, clothing liberated shit you've ever seen
The best two [sic] I currently know about are
High School of the Dead
Redo of Healer
Goblin Slayer
But that's a pretty short list. Any suggestions would be highly welcome. I've never seen Goblin Slayer, but I've been told there is some great rape scenes in that one, I'm really into that shit as well. Violence against women, or rape scenes are all welcome. But just normal cutesy sexiness like High School of the Dead is great too, that's what I'm sure is more common and more what I am expecting to get recommendations for here.
Thank you so much for your help"
a couple wholesome, normal japanese cartoons don't vindicate the shit the guy above is talking about.
Let's put this in the most straightforward terms, since there is no point in elucidating things to low-IQ morons like yourself.
I've never watched anime. Anime is for degenerates. You are a degenerate. Maxime Bernier will never become Prime Minister. The PPC will never enter government. Literal Marxists, such as Hinkle and Maupin, are more regenerative men than any libertarian. Stay mad, libertarian scum. Someone will take your anime away, and there is nothing that you can do about it. You will be tread on.
Tradcucks should not be confused with tradcons. A true traditional conservative would suggest women shouldn't vote, women shouldn't be in education, women shouldn't have wealth/assets of their own, that women should be considered property of men, that child support shouldn't exist, that the legal age of marriage should be 12yo, income tax should be abolished, the central bank should be abolished, etc... you know how things used to be traditionally. 1960s men are tradcucks because by the 1960s, feminism had already wrought its corruption through society. There are very few tradcons in society.
Look what you went and did.
Summoned the pajeet? It's like he's got a bot patrolling for keywords.
He just might.
Video mocks Matt Walsh because you're too retarded to pick up obvious sarcasm. People on this website get more retarded by the day
Ok nigger
You just going to gloss over the fact that the main villains are all the 7 deadly sins, and their ultimate evil wants to become a god?
I don't think it's the most popular anime
Okay, but it's one of the very best.
But not the best there ever was?
Evangeleon is nothing but a religious allegory. It's like Tower of Babel on Steroids. Man tried to open a portal to heaven and made things really fucky.