Refusing to fund someone's shit, or pay for things made by people who explicitly hate you and want you dead, isn't even cancel culture. Boycotts are not cancel culture. Publicly calling for felonious violence, and glorifying the murders of innocent people is going to put your job at risk.
Sure, it's not a work-related post, but that doesn't mean you can successfully do that without possibly risking your job... because your job probably doesn't want a blood-hungry murder monger on staff.
Also, consequences of demanding the president be shot isn't cancel culture either. In fact, last time I checked, the Secret Service interviewed people who talked about wanting POTUS dead, even jokingly.
Not to mention they are fucking dangerous, they managed to twist their mindsets to justify MURDER because they don't get their way and they advocate it PUBLICLY.
At least both psychopaths and sociopaths hide it better, these guys are as bad as Islamic terrorists so no wonder employers are ditching them when they are informed about their statements as their thought is 'I need to get these people out of my company FAST before they do some shit then mention they're employed by me!'
Actually this is pretty similar to all the Pro-Hamas protestors that were screeching about how machine-gunning innocent people was a moral impetrative, then crying about "Free Speech". You know, Harvard.
Oh, I'd argue islamic terrorists are better than them. In islam the entire point is that you're serving a higher deity now to make your afterlife better, like a multi-world barter system. These peoples' lives are so terrible that the only way they think they can get out of it (aside from suicide, which I mean cough trannies cough) is by squaaking like a parrot and hoping their voice stands out for their government overlords. They don't want to be productive in society, they don't want to be adults. They want to live in their homes and shit their pants like toddlers and want taxpayers to foot the bill.
"retaliation" has to actually be effective. A BLM-style summer of love gets you abandoned cities and normies hating you. An Antifa-style execution gets you free bullets to the chest, courtesy of the local SWAT, and the normies hating you. A armed march down the street makes normies afraid of you, and you will absolutely have feds marching by your side.
Most importantly, an attempt on any leftist politician's life will undo all of Trump's momentum and ensure a leftist sweep where they don't even have to cheat.
You want meaningful action? Step 1 is to campaign and campaign hard. Bring the needle outside the margin of fraud. Step 2 Is to volunteer at you local elections. Be meticulous about recording everything and expose the cheat when it comes through. Gather so much evidence and blast it everywhere you can. Break into the normie sphere and get the election fraud conspiracy mainstream.
There is no instant gratification with this method. it will take many election cycles, and there can be no letting up each cycle. the boiling frog is how we got here, and the boiling frog is only way there will be any lasting change in the opposite direction. Any "shock" tactics will not have a lasting effect.
If you don't remember the case, Ahmaud Arbery charged the pair and just about got his hands on one of their weapons before being shot. It was about as clear as self defense gets.
My point is that self-defense is a defense in court that requires you to admit the crime and then justify your actions. It doesn't work if you can't find an honest judge or honest jury.
The vote is one of many things that you have to do. yes it's corrupt, yes they cheat, and yes they will steal. but if you don't vote, the steal stays believable. hence the margin of fraud I mentioned.
Like, you can believe all the things you want about it being fake and gay. But what do you have to lose by doing it anyway on the off chance it does something?
This ain't some propaganda piece about almost getting shot trying to vote in Afghanistan. You drive to a local library or some shit and drop a piece of paper.
The number of fat lazy stupid fucks who sat out the Republican primary in Texas was unreal.
It wasn't an issue of fraud, because fraud can't shrink the total number of votes. But in the second round of the primary, like literally a full third of people who voted in the first round simply didn't show up, and thus, Brandon Herrera lost.
The left will do literally anything to vote. They make it a fucking celebration. The right doesn't even bother and just bitches for years after when it's entirely their fault and they try to justify it with faggot copium about muh Dominion.
I'll tell everyone who does that "voooote harder" shit to kill themselves. I will not tolerate them mocking the last fucking line that prevents my nation from becoming a full-on warzone. What else am I supposed to do, be violent? Give up and despair?
You also have to remember just how dumb your average leftist is, both because of their low IQs and because of the way they've been coddled for the last 20+ years.
You want meaningful action? win the black vote pedessssss
it's going to have to be winning the White vote while making sure they can't "fortify" the next election. and there's only one way to make sure they can't "fortify" the next election.
This. One of the stormfaggot invaders was whining about how "there weren't any riots". What's the point of riots? Destroy our own community for what? So the globalist corps can come in and take more of them over? That's what they want.
The crypto leftists demand we act the same as the trained monkeys the standard variety leftists employ. Because they serve the same goals, and in the end, the same masters.
When the right does use violence it is directed and purposeful, when other options have been exhausted. Restraint isn't weakness, it's discipline.
are you talking about the US civil war? that only happened after the Southern States voted to secede, organized an army, and had a unified front against the Union.
You literally have zero plans or any other options.
The obese, stupid, low-IQ, lazy, minimum wage manual laboring shitwit MAGA fuckwits are so slovenly and stupid they couldn't even show up for the Republican primary runoff in Texas.
778,355 people live in Texas's 23rd congressional district.
Brandon Herrera enormously advanced his vote share. He lost by only 350 votes.
I mean, what's your explanation? That isn't fraud. The disgusting, stupid fats simply didn't show up. Were they too genuinely fucking ignorant and stupid to know there was an election that day? MUH JOB?
The idea of expending even tens of calories to vote in the primary was so abhorrent to the diabetic army of truck-driving faggots that are Texans that Brandon Herrera lost to a RINO dipshit spicbrain beanerbreath fuckup.
Yup, if it isnt the president, most people dont care about voting, which is the dumbest possible attitude to have because local politicians have way more influence over your life then the fucking president does. But I guess the peasant/royalty attitude is too entrenched for people to get it.
to the contrary, a low turnout makes fraud incredibly easy. I know there was excitement for Brandon Herrera, I can't even remember who the other candidate was. I would not be surprised if there was ballot stuff and going on to keep the establishment candidates in place. We'll never know because the numbers are believable.
this is why you have to vote. and get all of your friends to vote as well. get the numbers high enough so that the number of total voters after the election exceeds the predicted likely voters. even better if you can get the number of total voters to exceed the population of the county. only then will normies believe that there's something fishy going on.
Stuffing ballots increases the turnout count which is where "a record 81 million votes" comes from.
There is no fraud that shrinks totals. That makes no sense. Even if you wanted to pull out Ol Reliable, "muh Dominion vote swapping", that still doesn't shrink totals.
Just admit conservatives and MAGA are stupid and lazy. We all know they are. Have you ever seen a prominent right wing influencer account list and promote elections that might slide by peoples memory, like that runoff? Never. They literally only care about engagement farming for shekels. They couldn't bother to say "turn out and vote for Herrera". Somehow magically a full third of people just gave up and couldn't even be bothered.
Fraud is just an infinitely milkable copium pipe for the endless failure that is the MAGA fuckup audience. The fact that you obese lazy dipshit literally think every election you lose is "fraud" is proof of that. There are hundreds of elections every year and you think they're gambling with rigging literally every single one, every time, at every level? Are you stupid? (If you're MAGA the answer to that is yes). The 2020 fraud cost millions of dollars and required a massive effort and you think they're pissing that energy away on primary elections in districts they'll never win anyway?
It's fucking cope just like the infinite number of shitty excuses every MIGA redneck spews for why they didn't bother to vote or why they won't do demonstrations or protests or why you permit shit like on that Christian Day of Prayer when those three fat antifa showed up and smashed all the gear and the 100+ Christians there literally just cried and left, because "but but but if I did anything I might get arrested!!!!"
It's the same cope you failures use to cry about Patriot Front. Patriot Front has never done anything wrong in their entire existence. They're peaceful, they don't start fights, they aren't spray painting swastikas or standing in front of Synagogues yelling at jews. They genuinely just stand there and aren't obese.
But you hate them for completely imaginary reasons. Some faggot cope about "making us look bad/muh optics". And it ultimately comes down to your petty resentment that there's people on the right who don't subscribe to your failed political platform of slovenly obesity and shekel hoarding, and actually will go outside from time to time, while you literally promote the entire Democrat platform from 2008, and think you're a conservative. "We have the best trannies! Look, a black likes us omg I love Diamond and Silk! OMG is that a gay in a MAGA hat???"
They got addicted to "Donald Trump memed in to the White House" that they couldn't even fucking notice that the entire Trump meme machine was shut the fuck down, and has been for eight years. Tech companies banned Trump meme accounts from the entire internet.
Now they just post memes to each other and think they're winning.
And it's one of the reasons they're so hard on calling people glowies and fedposters.
Nah, when someone with a new speech pattern has joined only within the past month or so and starts fedposting when something serious happens, people are going to be suspicious.
I think it's largely how some idiots have been talking about it. Slinging around rhetoric about stooping to their level and such nonsense. If you do believe this is appropriate action to take (and I concede there are strong arguments for specific instances), then be diligent and professional in how you go about it. This is both to protect yourselves from consequences of mistaken actions, and to show the contrast between our abilities, like comparing CHAZ to the trucker convoy in Ottawa.
Beanie Man is right about this. This isn't even Right-Wing cancel culture.
Refusing to fund someone's shit, or pay for things made by people who explicitly hate you and want you dead, isn't even cancel culture. Boycotts are not cancel culture. Publicly calling for felonious violence, and glorifying the murders of innocent people is going to put your job at risk.
Sure, it's not a work-related post, but that doesn't mean you can successfully do that without possibly risking your job... because your job probably doesn't want a blood-hungry murder monger on staff.
Also, consequences of demanding the president be shot isn't cancel culture either. In fact, last time I checked, the Secret Service interviewed people who talked about wanting POTUS dead, even jokingly.
Not to mention they are fucking dangerous, they managed to twist their mindsets to justify MURDER because they don't get their way and they advocate it PUBLICLY.
At least both psychopaths and sociopaths hide it better, these guys are as bad as Islamic terrorists so no wonder employers are ditching them when they are informed about their statements as their thought is 'I need to get these people out of my company FAST before they do some shit then mention they're employed by me!'
Actually this is pretty similar to all the Pro-Hamas protestors that were screeching about how machine-gunning innocent people was a moral impetrative, then crying about "Free Speech". You know, Harvard.
Slaughtering civilians as the opening gambit in a war you started, doesn't excuse pro-murder rhetoric.
You don't know history, and leave everyone else out.
Oh, I'd argue islamic terrorists are better than them. In islam the entire point is that you're serving a higher deity now to make your afterlife better, like a multi-world barter system. These peoples' lives are so terrible that the only way they think they can get out of it (aside from suicide, which I mean cough trannies cough) is by squaaking like a parrot and hoping their voice stands out for their government overlords. They don't want to be productive in society, they don't want to be adults. They want to live in their homes and shit their pants like toddlers and want taxpayers to foot the bill.
Agree with everything you said, but I doubt this is true anymore and probably hasn't been for years.
It should probably be revised to say they investigate death threats when said threats are directed at deep state controlled politicians.
Threaten to kill Biden, they kick down your door and murder you, mafia-style.
Threaten to kill Trump...
you don't get it - it's honorable to keep trying to get the black vote by pardoning more gangsters! we can't stoop down to their level!
... or, er, something like that, people here keep saying that stuff to me so it's gotta be true...
I mean, I don't think we could stoop that low, even if we wanted to.
I am about ready to try.
"retaliation" has to actually be effective. A BLM-style summer of love gets you abandoned cities and normies hating you. An Antifa-style execution gets you free bullets to the chest, courtesy of the local SWAT, and the normies hating you. A armed march down the street makes normies afraid of you, and you will absolutely have feds marching by your side.
Most importantly, an attempt on any leftist politician's life will undo all of Trump's momentum and ensure a leftist sweep where they don't even have to cheat.
You want meaningful action? Step 1 is to campaign and campaign hard. Bring the needle outside the margin of fraud. Step 2 Is to volunteer at you local elections. Be meticulous about recording everything and expose the cheat when it comes through. Gather so much evidence and blast it everywhere you can. Break into the normie sphere and get the election fraud conspiracy mainstream.
There is no instant gratification with this method. it will take many election cycles, and there can be no letting up each cycle. the boiling frog is how we got here, and the boiling frog is only way there will be any lasting change in the opposite direction. Any "shock" tactics will not have a lasting effect.
This but also stay strapped, in case they roll up on you first.
yup. Being able to defend yourself is a must. Emphasis on defend
Just like that father son duo who were jumped by that jogger!
you're going to have to be more specific
Travis and Gregory McMichael sentenced to life in prison for the death of Ahmaud Arbery.
If you don't remember the case, Ahmaud Arbery charged the pair and just about got his hands on one of their weapons before being shot. It was about as clear as self defense gets.
My point is that self-defense is a defense in court that requires you to admit the crime and then justify your actions. It doesn't work if you can't find an honest judge or honest jury.
I'm going to vooooooooot harder!
The vote is one of many things that you have to do. yes it's corrupt, yes they cheat, and yes they will steal. but if you don't vote, the steal stays believable. hence the margin of fraud I mentioned.
Its also fucking free and easy.
Like, you can believe all the things you want about it being fake and gay. But what do you have to lose by doing it anyway on the off chance it does something?
This ain't some propaganda piece about almost getting shot trying to vote in Afghanistan. You drive to a local library or some shit and drop a piece of paper.
The number of fat lazy stupid fucks who sat out the Republican primary in Texas was unreal.
It wasn't an issue of fraud, because fraud can't shrink the total number of votes. But in the second round of the primary, like literally a full third of people who voted in the first round simply didn't show up, and thus, Brandon Herrera lost.
The left will do literally anything to vote. They make it a fucking celebration. The right doesn't even bother and just bitches for years after when it's entirely their fault and they try to justify it with faggot copium about muh Dominion.
It is the absolute minimum possible participation in government.
You want to do more? You can do more. You can do so much more. But the minimum is voting.
Go fuck yourself retard.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Do not tell users to kill themselves.
I'll tell everyone who does that "voooote harder" shit to kill themselves. I will not tolerate them mocking the last fucking line that prevents my nation from becoming a full-on warzone. What else am I supposed to do, be violent? Give up and despair?
Be both mentally and emotionally stronger than that. That's what you should do. Call them an idiot and recognize impotent rage when you see it.
You also have to remember just how dumb your average leftist is, both because of their low IQs and because of the way they've been coddled for the last 20+ years.
it's going to have to be winning the White vote while making sure they can't "fortify" the next election. and there's only one way to make sure they can't "fortify" the next election.
This. One of the stormfaggot invaders was whining about how "there weren't any riots". What's the point of riots? Destroy our own community for what? So the globalist corps can come in and take more of them over? That's what they want.
The crypto leftists demand we act the same as the trained monkeys the standard variety leftists employ. Because they serve the same goals, and in the end, the same masters.
When the right does use violence it is directed and purposeful, when other options have been exhausted. Restraint isn't weakness, it's discipline.
When right wingers use violence, maps get redrawn later.
are you talking about the US civil war? that only happened after the Southern States voted to secede, organized an army, and had a unified front against the Union.
You literally have zero plans or any other options.
The obese, stupid, low-IQ, lazy, minimum wage manual laboring shitwit MAGA fuckwits are so slovenly and stupid they couldn't even show up for the Republican primary runoff in Texas.
778,355 people live in Texas's 23rd congressional district.
On March 5th 57,630 turned out to vote in the primary.
On the May 28th runoff only 29,692 could be bothered to put down their fucking 128oz sodas and fried food
Brandon Herrera enormously advanced his vote share. He lost by only 350 votes.
I mean, what's your explanation? That isn't fraud. The disgusting, stupid fats simply didn't show up. Were they too genuinely fucking ignorant and stupid to know there was an election that day? MUH JOB?
The idea of expending even tens of calories to vote in the primary was so abhorrent to the diabetic army of truck-driving faggots that are Texans that Brandon Herrera lost to a RINO dipshit spicbrain beanerbreath fuckup.
Yup, if it isnt the president, most people dont care about voting, which is the dumbest possible attitude to have because local politicians have way more influence over your life then the fucking president does. But I guess the peasant/royalty attitude is too entrenched for people to get it.
Wait, you yanks can get 128oz sodas? For real? That sounds awesome!
to the contrary, a low turnout makes fraud incredibly easy. I know there was excitement for Brandon Herrera, I can't even remember who the other candidate was. I would not be surprised if there was ballot stuff and going on to keep the establishment candidates in place. We'll never know because the numbers are believable.
this is why you have to vote. and get all of your friends to vote as well. get the numbers high enough so that the number of total voters after the election exceeds the predicted likely voters. even better if you can get the number of total voters to exceed the population of the county. only then will normies believe that there's something fishy going on.
this is the minimum
Stuffing ballots increases the turnout count which is where "a record 81 million votes" comes from.
There is no fraud that shrinks totals. That makes no sense. Even if you wanted to pull out Ol Reliable, "muh Dominion vote swapping", that still doesn't shrink totals.
Just admit conservatives and MAGA are stupid and lazy. We all know they are. Have you ever seen a prominent right wing influencer account list and promote elections that might slide by peoples memory, like that runoff? Never. They literally only care about engagement farming for shekels. They couldn't bother to say "turn out and vote for Herrera". Somehow magically a full third of people just gave up and couldn't even be bothered.
Fraud is just an infinitely milkable copium pipe for the endless failure that is the MAGA fuckup audience. The fact that you obese lazy dipshit literally think every election you lose is "fraud" is proof of that. There are hundreds of elections every year and you think they're gambling with rigging literally every single one, every time, at every level? Are you stupid? (If you're MAGA the answer to that is yes). The 2020 fraud cost millions of dollars and required a massive effort and you think they're pissing that energy away on primary elections in districts they'll never win anyway?
It's fucking cope just like the infinite number of shitty excuses every MIGA redneck spews for why they didn't bother to vote or why they won't do demonstrations or protests or why you permit shit like on that Christian Day of Prayer when those three fat antifa showed up and smashed all the gear and the 100+ Christians there literally just cried and left, because "but but but if I did anything I might get arrested!!!!"
It's the same cope you failures use to cry about Patriot Front. Patriot Front has never done anything wrong in their entire existence. They're peaceful, they don't start fights, they aren't spray painting swastikas or standing in front of Synagogues yelling at jews. They genuinely just stand there and aren't obese.
But you hate them for completely imaginary reasons. Some faggot cope about "making us look bad/muh optics". And it ultimately comes down to your petty resentment that there's people on the right who don't subscribe to your failed political platform of slovenly obesity and shekel hoarding, and actually will go outside from time to time, while you literally promote the entire Democrat platform from 2008, and think you're a conservative. "We have the best trannies! Look, a black likes us omg I love Diamond and Silk! OMG is that a gay in a MAGA hat???"
they are stupid and lazy, that's why I'm trying to change that.
one of the things I do in that pursuit is to make sure they don't do something even stupider.
well said
too real...
They got addicted to "Donald Trump memed in to the White House" that they couldn't even fucking notice that the entire Trump meme machine was shut the fuck down, and has been for eight years. Tech companies banned Trump meme accounts from the entire internet.
Now they just post memes to each other and think they're winning.
Nah, when someone with a new speech pattern has joined only within the past month or so and starts fedposting when something serious happens, people are going to be suspicious.
I think it's largely how some idiots have been talking about it. Slinging around rhetoric about stooping to their level and such nonsense. If you do believe this is appropriate action to take (and I concede there are strong arguments for specific instances), then be diligent and professional in how you go about it. This is both to protect yourselves from consequences of mistaken actions, and to show the contrast between our abilities, like comparing CHAZ to the trucker convoy in Ottawa.
But we write strongly worded letters!
(galloping cavalry goes through the line)