seems its fine to advocate for the assassination of a world leader.. and not just any world leader.. OUR leader. the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. of the free world.
as long as the leader is perceived as some kinda hitler who literally hasnt done ANYTHING to warrant this perception. for them to make a joke, but then say they are kidding.. but then they kinda mean it, but say they dont mean it.
anyways i bet jack black and his faggy partner Kyle Gass are both closet pedos and have plenty of metoo.
Blue knows who Jack Black is. He just mistaken[ly] believes that being an ignorant, obnoxious contrarian is somehow clever, and is a valid personality trait.
Unironically, I have no idea who Jack Black is. I've heard his name but I have no idea what he is. Same for Matt Smith which apparently everyone knows and talks about like everyone knows who he is.
Brutal Legend sucked and I was really looking forward to play the game. The gameplay shift a quarter of the way in to focus on what can now be considered a mobile game strategy game was especially galling.
Lucha Libre (imo) sucked, boring, unfunny, ugly, and I'm still just talking about the film. And I love movies and wrestling, the only one in my family, and I was so fucking embarrassed after watching the film because I knew the rest of the family was silently thinking it's your fault we watched this.
At some point I was like why do I even like Jack Black? He's just a loud fat guy with a funny voice. And stop giving a shit or pay attention to the guy.
He did an escape room show a few years back, it's on youtube I think, look it up if you like cringe.
I won't hold Brutal Legend against Black, I think his contributions were one of the few reasons it is even mediocre instead of outright bad.
Schafer, another fat beard man, is responsible for the huge gameplay shift and planned it that way entirely as a middle finger to his publisher. They wouldn't let him make his wierd RTS, so he faked a different game than swerved back to the shitty RTS portion.
If it had stuck to the action game thing it would have been a fine weekend rental game. Instead Schafer showed his true colors (that Gamergate would show even brighter) by leaving all his fans to suffer so he could have a hissy fit at his publisher telling him his idea was dumb.
After that BS right after an assassination attempt? Yea, same.
seems its fine to advocate for the assassination of a world leader.. and not just any world leader.. OUR leader. the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. of the free world.
as long as the leader is perceived as some kinda hitler who literally hasnt done ANYTHING to warrant this perception. for them to make a joke, but then say they are kidding.. but then they kinda mean it, but say they dont mean it.
anyways i bet jack black and his faggy partner Kyle Gass are both closet pedos and have plenty of metoo.
They were never alive to me and Jack Black is a BRUTALLY unfunny hack and always has been.
This would be true no matter what his politics were (I just wouldn't say it if he wasn't such an absurdly zealous shill)
I remember him in both Shallow Hal and The Holiday, mostly because he was so utterly shit in both.
He's an unfunny hack with predictable politics.
Jack Black's comedy duo band. They were only really relevant for a while in the early 2000s.
A period of time that came after the 1990's but before the 2010's.
Also known ast Strong Bad era.
I miss that era. It was peak internet.
They are still around just in the industry a lot. They still update a few times a year. So like they always have.
One of my almost kids and I loved the techno song.
A fat comedy actor who was briefly relevant as a weak replacement for Chris Farley, who was a weak replacement for John Candy.
You’re not entirely wrong, but you’re on thin ice dissing Farley like that
Even just fat man in a little coat by itself is funnier than Jack Black's entire career, but Candy was the funniest fatass ever.
John Belushi enters the chat
Blue knows who Jack Black is. He just mistaken[ly] believes that being an ignorant, obnoxious contrarian is somehow clever, and is a valid personality trait.
Unironically, I have no idea who Jack Black is. I've heard his name but I have no idea what he is. Same for Matt Smith which apparently everyone knows and talks about like everyone knows who he is.
I bet you don't even own a TV 🙄
At this point, that may be a blessing in disguise
I actually do, though I don't watch what is on TV.
They have like one song.
two songs
They have in fact killed the metal.
Brutal Legend sucked and I was really looking forward to play the game. The gameplay shift a quarter of the way in to focus on what can now be considered a mobile game strategy game was especially galling.
Lucha Libre (imo) sucked, boring, unfunny, ugly, and I'm still just talking about the film. And I love movies and wrestling, the only one in my family, and I was so fucking embarrassed after watching the film because I knew the rest of the family was silently thinking it's your fault we watched this.
At some point I was like why do I even like Jack Black? He's just a loud fat guy with a funny voice. And stop giving a shit or pay attention to the guy.
He did an escape room show a few years back, it's on youtube I think, look it up if you like cringe.
Hear hear.
Game was a mess, story was a mess. Directed by Mr. Sockpuppet himself, so in retrospect, it shouldn't have been a surprise.
I won't hold Brutal Legend against Black, I think his contributions were one of the few reasons it is even mediocre instead of outright bad.
Schafer, another fat beard man, is responsible for the huge gameplay shift and planned it that way entirely as a middle finger to his publisher. They wouldn't let him make his wierd RTS, so he faked a different game than swerved back to the shitty RTS portion.
If it had stuck to the action game thing it would have been a fine weekend rental game. Instead Schafer showed his true colors (that Gamergate would show even brighter) by leaving all his fans to suffer so he could have a hissy fit at his publisher telling him his idea was dumb.
Have you heard of them before? No? That's why he said it.