Meanwhile, there's stories of sane guys treading water for 2 days. Notably, a difficult act to do whilst raping. But I guess rapefugees make their choice, while sane people make the other one.
Honestly, might make a good litmus test for entrance to civilized society, with some adjustments. "You're on a sinking ship, what do you do?" And just shoot everyone who answers with "rapin' time!", send back almost all the rest, and give more consideration to the ones who try to break off a door to use as a floatation device and give it to others.
I don't think they distinguish consent; just property. He was committing a property crime, but he was gonna die anyways, and so was she, so it didn't matter.
A corollary of this is I don't think the girls fight back very hard. They're not taught to fight men off like white girls are. You say "kick him in the balls and run" right? There's no honor in it.
See while many of us if we faced our last moments and knew it, might pray for forgiveness, desperately try to call loved ones or just reflect on their lives on if they achieved enough, this guy rapes.
...why are we not treating these boats as a barbaric invasion and using military force to repel them?
The EU is the worse thing ever.. some commie country can let in all sorts of rapefugees and those rapefugees can travel to any country in the EU. So even if you keep invaders out, the invaders will enter through your commie neighbor and legally enter you from there.
Thank god the mother was there to just watch and let her daughter die in horrific fear and agony. She prolonged her own life by minutes by doing nothing on a sinking ship.
Well I guess there were survivors so she might be one of them, but thank god they all were happy to just watch it happen so they could live instead. Truly people of worth.
“I might drown so I’m going to rape one more time.”
What the actual fuck? Just what type of incestuous conceived demon thinks this way?!
It's a last gasp of "living." Evidently sex was the peak of existence for him, or at least his best idea from what was available for this ending.
Meanwhile, there's stories of sane guys treading water for 2 days. Notably, a difficult act to do whilst raping. But I guess rapefugees make their choice, while sane people make the other one.
Honestly, might make a good litmus test for entrance to civilized society, with some adjustments. "You're on a sinking ship, what do you do?" And just shoot everyone who answers with "rapin' time!", send back almost all the rest, and give more consideration to the ones who try to break off a door to use as a floatation device and give it to others.
I don't think they distinguish consent; just property. He was committing a property crime, but he was gonna die anyways, and so was she, so it didn't matter.
A corollary of this is I don't think the girls fight back very hard. They're not taught to fight men off like white girls are. You say "kick him in the balls and run" right? There's no honor in it.
See while many of us if we faced our last moments and knew it, might pray for forgiveness, desperately try to call loved ones or just reflect on their lives on if they achieved enough, this guy rapes.
...why are we not treating these boats as a barbaric invasion and using military force to repel them?
Because the call is coming from within the house. The political class is treasonous. We are already occupied, and these are merely reinforcements.
Greece regularly defends her borders and the woke Western media constantly attacks her for it.
The EU is the worse thing ever.. some commie country can let in all sorts of rapefugees and those rapefugees can travel to any country in the EU. So even if you keep invaders out, the invaders will enter through your commie neighbor and legally enter you from there.
B-b-but it's so inconvenient to bring my passport every time I want to fly to Paris!
Just think about all those poor refugees who drowned without getting to rape anyone 😥
Women most affected
How are these "people" even human anymore? Normal human would grief for their family, even DOGS do that.
They're demons in human skin.
They will give him citizenship. Can't allow that talent for enrichment to escape.
Those ''sexual emergencies'' are done by evil people, excused by other evil people.
Damn... well, lets grant him rapefugee status and let him in. What are we waiting for?
He wanted to die like he lived - raping young girls and being a burden on the West
Oh but they're all future scientists and astronauts.
200 years from now: "Warp core is overloading! Execute emergency protocol Mohammad alpha!"
An emergency panel opens revealing three naked prepubescent girls
Venting and fury, sure, perfect misdirection
They’re just like us!
Thank god the mother was there to just watch and let her daughter die in horrific fear and agony. She prolonged her own life by minutes by doing nothing on a sinking ship.
Well I guess there were survivors so she might be one of them, but thank god they all were happy to just watch it happen so they could live instead. Truly people of worth.
Ah, he just needed to vent, bros.
Give the guy a break.
I'm sure there are many that can help with that.
Wait, you didn't say "ventilated"?
Uh, ignore this shovel... 🔫♠🤫
The actual fuck, though?
Also Proglodytes: This poor migrant man wouldn't have had to rape that girl if WHITE SUPREMACISTS had just let him and his family in
Remember these are the freedom fighters
What's the source of this story?
Seize the funds of the NGOs and backers. Send them the bill for the next 100 year’s of the gimmigrants gibs
Better yet, send them the immigrants!
The Kurd thing is 100% an attempt to bring sand joggers into our country. They're not gonna reform Kurdistan -- in Asia.