posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +24 / -3

I got thinking about this when I was looking at stuff generally on steam it's amazing how I can't even find a run of the mill multiplayer shooter these days. Yes I know there's crap like PUBG but that's spyware now as well and it runs like potato because the maps are too big. Apex has the same problem, spyware, Call of Duty, already ranted about that, they try to make you give your phone number just for the privilege of logging into your own account the glowie cunts.

You know the games industry is in the shitter when they're not even bothering to put out a typical shooter and they've decided that third person walking simulators for the sake of ticking off diversity boxes. These are not difficult genres to do and they could probably retain a playerbase if they made them playable but they can't even manage to do that anymore.

I guess Helldivers 2 technically counts which is why everyone is playing that, but you know the playstation account nonsense. CS:2 is an obvious one but the lobbies seem to be filled mostly with bots and Turkish players now.