'Kill La Kill' Creator Defends Fan Service In Anime: "If We Make The Work Completely Sterile, People's Immunity Will Be Weakened...
'Kill la Kill' creator Kazuki Nakashima believes the anime industry "should dare" to keep including 'risqué' fanservice in their productions.
Funny how the "media literacy" crowd insists KLK is some kind of own towards fanservice in anime. They are irony poisoned retards who are unable to grasp how someone can be earnest through metaphors and symbolism. The point of the show is Ryuuko integrating and weaponizing her sexuality, not pointing out bikini armor is not practical...
They are also the type of people who think if one series "subverts" something or parodies it, then that thing can no longer ever be used across the genre because its been destroyed.
Because as we know, once Evangelion mocked the concept of child soldier mecha pilots, Gundam was cancelled forever.
Evangelion isn't that original either, it seemed new because of the 90's anime boom, but before it there was Ideon
Its just gnosticism draped over a mecha show. But its originality doesn't matter.
Its just the most mainstream example of a "deconstruction" in anime. Its the one everyone knows and can point to, even if they haven't seen it.
The Lion King is almost certainly a ripoff of Kimba the White Lion.
That doesn't make it any less of a good movie, from when Disney actually cared about quality.
By the way, I'm three Rebuild movies down. One to go. I don't see why you warned me about them so harshly--I agree they're not perfect, what with Mari not getting enough character development to build upon her Blood Knight foundation, and so far I do like the actual series better, but so far, I don't see why you didn't want me to see them.
Again, have not been able to see movie 4 yet. Will have time on Monday--it's over an hour longer than 3.33 was!
I don't think taking inspiration from or subverting something makes either less of a good movie, its just how most Lefties think.
And understanding why Rebuild is terrible requires to both know Anno and his intentions behind it, as well as being a big enough fan of the original prior to seeing them. Because he openly despises anyone who likes the series, admits to enjoying ruining things for them, and only did Rebuild begrudgingly because no one cared about any other work he did and he knew he could fuck with fans once again.
He literally is Rian Johnson but Japanese.
I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for liking them, because they are pretty solid movies in a vaccuum I suppose. But there is a reason why most fans prior to their release despise them. Especially with the huge wait time between many of them (during which Anno would continue mocking people about their opinions on them).
I should hate Starship Troopers because Verhoeven. Got it.
A direct remake by the original creator versus a parody that barely resembles the original because of a cheap IP is the main reason it has the name. Very comparable, especially in light of me giving you a better comparison.
If that's what you took from what I said though, then it makes a lot of sense why you enjoy the movies.
But I'm glad you liked them. We all have our low bar slop.
It wasn't supposed to be wholly original. It was intended to be, in part, a commentary on many of the common anime tropes.
I meant it in the sense that it plays with escapist tropes. Tourists think for some reason all anime is just "muh power fantasy" when there are plenty of grim and depressing moments in old anime
And Gunbuster.
Hell, Gundam itself was a subversion criticism of the entire super-robot genre.
Japanese anime has no problem with evolving and devolving as necessary to expouse creativity and good story.
This is an insightful comment. Their subversions become status quo, to the point where a traditional product almost feels subversive.
Imagine a Star Wars movie in 2024 that features a straight white male protagonist who isn’t a morally gray anti-hero, isn’t surrounded by more competent female characters, and isn’t a spy-infused beta male weakling. The mainstream press would lose their minds over such a thing because it would be legitimately transgressive in this climate.
Its why something like Stellar Blade was even news worthy.
The PS2 had uncountable games just like it. I'm able to conjure "Red Ninja: End of Honor" from memory as a close to 1:1 copy across most categories. No one really cared about it other than "oh its a stealth action game but you are a woman, neat" and that was it.
Or OneeChanbara, Iirc the general opinion about that game was that japan could be weird, it was a far cry from modern outrage
Not just the mainstream press, also the normies.
I learned this when discussing the Mario movie on some normie YouTube channels and was disgusted to find so many normies hating on classic Mario games because they said they hated how "Peach was a damsel in distress" and they kept praising the movie for making her a boss babe. Even though in real life practically every woman is a damsel in distress who either needs a man to help her through life or the government because most can't take care of themselves or survive on their own. Yet now a basic biological fact is considered "sexist".
The left uses words like magic spells. Every "-ist" or "-aphobe" is just their way of conditioning people to deny reality.
Just don't tell them that when they hype up witch of mercury which seems to be a darling for some of them (cuz space lesbian).
Space Lesbian is an improvement for the Gundam series, considering half of its fanbase for generations has been fujos lusting over Space Homo shipping.
maybe, or maybe it's just that making something men find enjoyable is not inherently evil and bad. maybe we shouldn't by default villainize male sexuality, what men like, and what men want to see on screen.
I was always told the show was a satire about ridiculous anime clothing...
Though it does have one of the very best English dubs you will ever hear, IMO.
I know a lot of you hate dubs on principle, but I urge you to give this one a shot.
didn't check KLK english dub, but as a sub purist i do admit that russian dub for SnK is damn good
Don't lose your way o7.
This is the kind of quote a man says while having that kind of look on his face.
Anime Tenchou. o7
Imagine a world where dirty jokes can't exist.
Oh, that's not a command, that's a manga and anime recommendation. It's very much a realistic, but comedic, possible outcome for Japan if the Wokes win. Where breeding is prohibited, and knowledge of any sexuality or sexual content is punishable by severe prison time or even death.
Lmao https://www.thefandomentals.com/kill-la-kill-wants-cake-eat/
Reddit is that way, faggot. Why are you even here if you're going to post links to leftoid faggotry like that?
PS. For anyone wanting to see how retarded the link this faggot posted is, I looked up an archive.
It's not tho, it's mahou shoujo from a shonen perspective, like Cutie Honey was.
Also yes, Ryuuko and Satsuki and their relationship are more endearing that those western shows that try to subvert magical girl tropes like Magical Friendship Squad or whatever is called
You're whining about suspension of disbelief... In a show with a talking vampire shirt that can turn into a rocket-booster in order to fight aliens in space... where there's enough oxygen to breathe and talk?
"without my naked girls, i will die."
shame they aren't real naked girls. japan might just die porno in hand.
Silence tourist.
When the leftoids and the pedophiles begin to yammer about 'porn' and their main argument being 'go watch porn'/'porn BAD', you can begin accurately extrapolate their goals - ie, they wish to shut down anything they cannot control with some kind of excuse.
Never forget: When those leftard activists first showed up here, they tried to push the age of consent as a "jewish law". Now they're trying to shout down anime and manga as 'porn' for the same reason - they want to subvert and destroy it.
you're self-defeating. the more you celebrate and propagate porn addiction, the less likely japan is to survive the coming world order collapse to produce your little girl cartoons, because they'll be too busy gooning to loli just like you.
Nobody said anything about loli except you, weird that you have naked little girls on the brain.
you guys fight for that crap here daily.
"it's not happening, but if it were, it'd be a good thing, free speech dude!"
Shoo, my little brony.