posted ago by bamboozler1 ago by bamboozler1 +43 / -1

Hi, I’m back again. It’s been a while. Don’t want to talk about that right now…

But anyway, about a week and a half ago, I did not know who Erin Moriarty was, because I don’t watch the show, nor have I seemingly seen her in anything else, so…

I only learned about her from a Reddit discussion about other “botched”/“bimbofied” young celebrities… And then I went down the inevitable rabbit hole (yes, I saw the previous discussion here, too)…

Anyway, the whole thing made me rather… Sad, or at least unsettled, to think that someone so obviously attractive completely ruined her face and body like this, and has probably ruined her career, now…

But also the wider discussion around it. The whole “denial” thing, and the “don’t ask, don’t tell” (lol) approach that Reddit mods have been taking (and also The Boys production staff)…

I watched the Megyn Kelly discussion segment. I don’t think she said anything particularly wrong, or cruel (although she got the date of one photo wrong - big whoop! Lauren is lying about that one, too), and nor did her guest…

And now we have this, as the result (I can’t link on mobile, but the rant is almost the only thing left on her Instagram).. And all online discussion about it is being sanitized…

Honestly, at this point, having ruined her career and her looks, and how obviously mentally and physically (I believe she has an ED, at least) unwell she obviously is, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she either sinks into obscurity, or worse, because surely the show cannot continue to filter Starlight’s appearance more and more forever, while ignoring what is really going on…

Poor girl. Poor, poor girl. And what a fucking society we now live in, where this, and Anya Taylor-Joy, and Bella Hadid, and so many other naïve young women do this to themselves, and then keep making it worse and worse…

And then they blame it all on “online trolls” or “misogyny”.

Eugh. /Endrant

I hope I don’t find out that she died, in a few years time. Genuinely.

Fuck Hollywood, and fuck “LA”.

Edit (actually important): One thing I noticed immediately when this came up last week, but forgot to mention here, is that you rarely, if ever, see her smile anymore. Not on her own Instagram, not in promo shoots and at events, and not even in her role as Starlight…

Posing? Sure. Pouting. Yes. Blowing kisses at the camera and contorting herself to show off her new enhanced figure, and how skinny she is now? Very much so. But never smiling. Never looking natural. Never looking like she did, in any of those same sorts of environments, pre-Covid…

Like I said, that very clearly differs to even 2019 (when the photo Megyn Kelly was talking about was apparently taken), before all this cosmetic surgery shit. It may be that she physically can no longer smile normally, but I think it also shows just how… Not in a good place she must be.

And her eyes. As someone else pointed out here last week, her eyes look cold, now. She looks, sad, and kind of “mean”.

I think that’s why this one really got to me. It genuinely looks like they stole her soul or something…

Notably, this happened to Jennifer Gray, 30 years ago, and she rarely ever starred in anything again. And, one I care more about - Jewel Kilcher, who must be one of the more… Ironic music sellouts out there. :-(

Something is rotten in the state of pop culture…