Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common
Editor's note (3/21/20): For an update on this story, visit:Why is a 16-year-old book on slavery so popular now? A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 – a far greater...
Who is suggesting that? Around here, it's "fuck them both, stay out of it."
kosher masculine icon Andrew Tate is openly celebrating Islamification of the Europe because its "not LGBT"
Tate is astroturfed as fuck.
He's also not white.
When a celebrity feels cornered they usually turn to Islam, for some reason.
It's not a long jump from one kind of devil worship to another.
Except Mia Khalifa. Though she was more bracketed than cornered.
tate says what he says to generate buzz
Additionally, it's not joining with them to try to push our enemies to fight each other.
I, too, am going to take the bold, unpopular stance that indiscriminate murder is bad.
The wehraboo faggots will cheer and clap for islam just because it's anti-jew. But they're all lefty shills coming from another board, anyway - nothing of what they deal in is in good faith.
Wait who the fuck is saying we should ally with them? I've been campaigning to stay out of it, use the time to resupply and recuperate and see if we can drag other leftist fractions and establishment figures into the mess as we look on.
Oh and about the history, this is what pisses me off THE MOST about how slavery is used as a stick to beat the white man. You want to know who had the longest running history of slavery, Korea. Who used castrate ALL their slaves, Arabs.
Which empire had slavery but a way out of it especially for the children of slaves, Romans. Which country outlawed it the quickest in history, the English thanks to William the Conquer and then centuries later went on to be the first to use military assests to stop the trade. Remember your history, Europe especially Britain should've been telling any talk of damages or guilt to accept immigration to make up for slavery with the words 'FUCK OFF'
I don't think anyone here actually wants to ally with the mud slimes.
I'm laughing at them destroying each other while posturing for virtue points all the while.
Projection. Do you still have that Israeli flag on your wall?
This guy is like a fucking telemarketer. His bosses gave him a list of internet communities to visit, make specific posts and spread their propaganda. Not his fault that on this particular topic he struck out. It's just a job. ABC.
uh nobody's actually siding with Islam, let them kill each other, preferably Muslims getting rid of the jews first, as Islam is overtly aggressive and easier for the normies to recognize as a threat. any support of Muslim on the forum is just to make jidfs seethe
Precisely why I wish the full history of slavery was taught from the get go. If you try to teach this now you’ll just get the response that it wasn’t as bad as slavery in America
I thought this was common knowledge.
Anyone that doesn't sit back and watch them kill each other is a fag
You mean you can support someone's actions in this moment without giving them your entire acceptance and adoration and endorsement for everything else?!
What the fuck, how is such a thing even possible!?!
Hold on there bucko, someone might apply that to da joos