little_mac 2 points ago +3 / -1

you dont have any friends, do you?

little_mac 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah hes half Iranian and half Hungarian. I remember even some leftists were criticizing him because his middle name is Aryan lol.

Even though he was correct, the problem was hes very much a layman on the subject and came off as a bumbling goof when arguing with Destiny, whos notorious for arguing in bad faith by constantly filibustering and moving the goal posts. Leftists are also too scared to verify their opponents claims, especially the one Jon was arguing since you can no longer rely on "muh socio-economic conditions" to excuse black criminality when even richer blacks commit a higher rate of crime.

little_mac 2 points ago +2 / -0

IIRC it was dropped because ironically YaBoiZack ended up being very successful despite Mark Waid's interference.

With something like tortious interference you have to prove major damages.

little_mac 22 points ago +22 / -0

Sam Hyde - had a show on Adult Swim that was cancelled before its first season ended due to him being on the right.

JonTron - had his cameo appearance in the game Yooka Laylee removed as well as losing some sponsors after he came out as a pro GamerGate right winger while debating destiny over race realism.

Tim Soret - developer of the game Last Night was cancelled by Zoe Quinn after his pro GamerGate tweets from 2014 were dug up. His game has been in development hell since then.

Diversity And Comics/YaBoiZack - is a comic book youtuber who had a campaign for his comic sabotaged by industry veteran and rabid SJW Mark Waid who petitioned to get his publisher to drop him.

little_mac 1 point ago +1 / -0

Show has changed a lot since then. It was originally more about shock humor and then later just became about social commentary on whatever is currently relevant in the culture. I haven't watched the show since 2009 myself since I felt like it ran out of steam by then.

little_mac 3 points ago +3 / -0

i cant tell whats farther apart, her boobs or her eyes

little_mac 5 points ago +5 / -0

i never liked to apply R/K to humans since the wealthier humans are the ones having the least amount of kids while the people in third world countries are having population booms

little_mac 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Goku (Dragon Ball Z). I always admired his determination to keep training because of his love for fighting and to protect those close to him. I also relate a lot to his laid back attitude, and his confidence when dealing with seemingly hopeless situations. As someone whos struggled with laziness and weight problems earlier in life, watching Goku fight was part of what motivated me to take up boxing and start living a more healthy and active life.

  2. Link (The Legend Of Zelda). To me Link is the embodiment of the classic hero archetype, specifically as described by Joseph Campbell in The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Link's journey from his humble upbringings to saving the world is something that always inspired me to seek out adventures in my own life whether it was through travelling or pursuing other hobbies. The Zelda games also got me interested in both art and fantasy at a young age, I'd always want to learn about or even create my own worlds similar to these games.

  3. Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV). Most people pick Cloud as their favorite, but I always related more to Cecil. The first reason being that Cecil's redemption journey from dark knight to paladin reminds me of my own Christian faith and how I've also ditched things as well as people from my life who I felt were a hinderance to it. The second reason is I also relate to the disillusionment he felt to his country when his King (who ended up being a puppet of a foreign entity) gave him orders to commit war crimes.

These characters have taught me to push myself to new limits while also being more creatively expressive. They also taught me to appreciate the simpler parts of life such as family/friends and even spending time outdoors.

little_mac 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not really the same when you don't have a say in certain matters as opposed to something like what you spend your money on for entertainment.

If you personally don't care, then shut the fuck up when others do.

little_mac 7 points ago +8 / -1

man its so much easier being a Baptist

little_mac 16 points ago +16 / -0

They can only ruin the localizations and try their best to stigmatize anime fans, but they have no creative control over the art itself.

What SJWs really hate the most about anime is how easy it is to escape their indoctrination, because all you have to do is just watch fan subs. Its not like games where you have to learn Japanese to play the original uncensored version.

little_mac 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember arguing with a leftist once about the israel/palestine situation, and he literally said "zionism is white suppremacy/nazism". I was trying to get him to understand that the jewish problem isn't just over a land dispute in the middle east, it extends to the rest of the world, but he couldn't handle the nuance and just kept defaulting to "muh white supreemists".

Don't mistake their anger over the situation as them being redpilled about the JQ, they're still stuck in the anti white paradigm.

little_mac 4 points ago +5 / -1

The only Christians who care for Israel are the dispensationalists, who are mostly boomers as well. Younger generation Christians like the NIFB movement and other fundamentalists are exposing zionism/dispensationalism for the heresy that it is.

little_mac 11 points ago +12 / -1

good on them for not drinking or smoking, cutting that garbage from my life did wonders for me

little_mac 5 points ago +5 / -0

never read it, cant stand Stephen King, but the movie was great

little_mac 12 points ago +12 / -0

brown privilege is hating jewish occupation and subversion of your home country while having all the woke idiots they created support you without calling you a nazi

little_mac 29 points ago +29 / -0

this is what happens when your ideology is based entirely on labels, rhetoric, and whatever is trending in the news

little_mac 1 point ago +2 / -1

thats only the self identifying ones, the irreligious demographic extends beyond that, and plenty of people identify as religious while not actually holding any religious beliefs themselves, good example being Barack Obama

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