Yep, he just sanctioned me for calling literal zionists, who have been literally cheering for the extermination of a troublesome minority, “zogbots”
No issue with every third word out of a sizable portion of this forum being “nAzI!” And “sToRmFaG!!” in response to milquetoast criticisms of zionism/israeli policy/ the talmud/ etc
Yes, I will continue to do that because it is in reference to the Judeo-Capitalist conspiracy of a jewish dominated government hellbent on world domination.
There's not much of a white version of that. Maybe Capitalist or Imperialist... maybe, but those are still normal words, not purely dedicated slurs.
The difference being, of course, that one is the deliberate and intentional action aimed solely at the killing of civilians, while the other is a military operation that as a byproduct kills civilians (due to Hamas using human shields and using hospitals as their base).
Also the "muh jews" in response to literally anything. Forum sliding in action, because apparently if you don't hate jews you're not really white... Or something.
This is one of your biggest tells. Whenever someone criticizes Israel, Zionism, or the Jewish demographic, you call them a useful idiot for leftism. As if the only two options are utter subservience to Islam/communism or Judaism. Shades of “anti sjws are just as bad as sjws”.
There’s a third way, and people aren’t Hitler for suggesting it.
Most all of my posts about zionism are only made in response to the blatant and disgusting zionist shills on this board. If it weren’t for you parasites I wouldn’t even bother.
You imply that these positions are mutually exclusive. How can a racial/ethnic demographic be criticized as belonging to two completely different categories? How irrational and nonsensical must these critics be!
The answer is actually very obvious: shapeshifting. When your ethnic/racial classification shifts based on convenience and opportunity, then it makes perfect sense that your opponents put forward seemingly incompatible criticisms.
How can a racial/ethnic demographic be criticized as belonging to two completely different categories? How irrational and nonsensical must these critics be!
I'm not suggesting anything is mutually exclusive, just that it's stupid to blame one group for all the ills of the world. It's stupid enough when you pick white people, but even dumber when it's a tiny portion of the world population.
But, all the Jewish bankers. No. We all agree bankers are bad, not just the Jewish ones. I don't think the solution to the problem bankers pose is to replace the Jewish bankers with gentile ones.
I'm not banning variants of insults that are already common parlance among internet tradition. Fag, Cuck, and Retard; and all variants thereof, shall remain.
Redneck certainly isn't offensive enough to warrant a removal. Neither is Hillbilly. Ask anyone from Appalachia.
You mentioned cracker twice. It's history isn't that offensive, but it's been elevated since the mid 20th century to be more offensive than it was. But is it enough to warrant it as a removal if you use it against each other? I'm not sure, currently the preference is to allow the slur, rather than ban them.
As for Goyim, I've never really thought about it before. Hence my comment. You'll notice that no action was taken in regards to it.
I'm not DoM, and I don't think he actually declared that it's a slur. He thought out loud, and the reasoning was that calling others 'goy' is not a tradition on KiA like faggot is.
Judging by how quickly AoV pops up in these things, it's probably him and a few others (at least Gizzy maybe?) reporting and then DoM showing up because they're buddies (iirc AoV moderates the reddit KiA2, DoM is slightly less of an atrocious janny but it's still a double-teaming issue)
I've been lurking the different iterations of KiA since probably 2018, and Toni already could be seen as a subversive derailer when the topic of the Chosen were brought up, quite some time before the move to .win in 2020. But that was on Reddit where the Gamergaters there never wanted to go meta or figure out why videogames were being undermined, so his shit was tolerated.
AoV is too much of a sperglord and autist to be subversive in any manner but for getting his own personal joy of getting to argue endlessly with people.
Its just what some people enjoy doing. I enjoy it myself in much smaller doses than he does. But in the past I've had week+ long arguments with him about dumb shit.
Heck, I did the gay little KIA "summit" with him and I can say for certain his stubborn bullheadedness is the trait that takes priority over everything else. He will argue until he is dead on a topic if he is convinced he is right and you aren't relenting.
But that's also why I know he doesn't have ulterior motives. He is a consistent man across nearly a decade now, for better and worse.
Who said anything about a sardonic fashion? Seth Rogen went around calling people Goyim as a slur
Everyone seems to be taking it as a slur. I've never actually thought about it before. Like, literally everyone. Nazis, Zionists, Islamists, etc. Is it actually offensive to warrant such conduct? IDK, you're throwing it around like it should be.
I'm excited to see the BLM and mass imported muslim golems turn on their masters. They were brought in to destroy white society, now all we have to do is sit back and let them chimp out on the parasites that are responsible for everything. The shabbos goy cucks on the right just need to get pushed out of the way.
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the moderator of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being moderated by jews or zionists?
Because when any forum reaches critical mass a normal mod can't withstand mossad attacks on their position or character or life, our own secret powers won't do anything about it because "they're our allies", and china/russia see it as a way of weakening us.
Fag = not a slur
Retard = not a slur
Calling a non-jew a goy in a sardonic fashion, dismissive of a jews hateful cry against them? Well that’s an interesting question, according to dom
Rules aren’t rules when they’re applied uni-directionally
They’re fucking cudgels at that point.
Add "stormcuck", "stormfag", "redneck", "cracker", "hillbilly", and "cracker" to the "not slurs according to DoM" list.
There really is only one rule followed by DoM: if it's anti-white, it's all right.
Yep, he just sanctioned me for calling literal zionists, who have been literally cheering for the extermination of a troublesome minority, “zogbots”
No issue with every third word out of a sizable portion of this forum being “nAzI!” And “sToRmFaG!!” in response to milquetoast criticisms of zionism/israeli policy/ the talmud/ etc
Yes, I will continue to do that because it is in reference to the Judeo-Capitalist conspiracy of a jewish dominated government hellbent on world domination.
There's not much of a white version of that. Maybe Capitalist or Imperialist... maybe, but those are still normal words, not purely dedicated slurs.
Is a school a fish a conspiracy? What about a flock of starlings or geese?
I mean, you supporting the 1929 Hebron massacre isn't exactly 'milquetoast criticism'...
Says the homosexual zionist subversive
Slander? At least you're smart enough to realize that it makes someone look bad to support a massacre of civilians, as you did.
Just a few days ago, you were citing a Geneva protocol from the 1970s in defense of a massacre in 1929...
Every Israel supporter here is doing that, and it's on going, not something from nearly 100 years ago.
The difference being, of course, that one is the deliberate and intentional action aimed solely at the killing of civilians, while the other is a military operation that as a byproduct kills civilians (due to Hamas using human shields and using hospitals as their base).
Prove it faggot.
Nothing easier. But it's good to have you admit that even you realize you are the bad guy.
Also note the title and head posts: "death toll over 1000", lol.
How many points did you get for that post?
Also the "muh jews" in response to literally anything. Forum sliding in action, because apparently if you don't hate jews you're not really white... Or something.
You’re literally one of the only faggots who constantly says “mUh jooz”
It’s like you, toni, gizortnik and a handful of other zionist shills
Practically no one here who opposes zionism is saying “the jews”. Those who do get instantly murked by the wise, enlightened centrist dom
Maybe, but you certainly are saying "the Jews" and that they should be massacred.
Golly, i oppose people who conduct massacres and genocide, what a damning indictment you’ve produced
You're one of the faggots always bitching about the jews.
Every single fucking post is "but did you notice the jews? Did you notice? Did you see? Israel bad"
Darvo is a leftist tactic, but you're a leftist useful idiot, so it's pretty standard. Go fuck a goat, just like your hamas buddies do.
This is one of your biggest tells. Whenever someone criticizes Israel, Zionism, or the Jewish demographic, you call them a useful idiot for leftism. As if the only two options are utter subservience to Islam/communism or Judaism. Shades of “anti sjws are just as bad as sjws”.
There’s a third way, and people aren’t Hitler for suggesting it.
Most all of my posts about zionism are only made in response to the blatant and disgusting zionist shills on this board. If it weren’t for you parasites I wouldn’t even bother.
The Jews are to the far-right what whites (and Jews, ironically) are to the far-left.
Oy vey
Quit clogging up / forum sliding my threads you retarded faggot
What do you expect from a slavish shabbo?
Wow, imagine that! Next our Hebron massacre afficianado will complain about people capitalizing Christian and not white!
OY VEY! A religion founded by JOOOZ.
You imply that these positions are mutually exclusive. How can a racial/ethnic demographic be criticized as belonging to two completely different categories? How irrational and nonsensical must these critics be!
The answer is actually very obvious: shapeshifting. When your ethnic/racial classification shifts based on convenience and opportunity, then it makes perfect sense that your opponents put forward seemingly incompatible criticisms.
I'm not suggesting anything is mutually exclusive, just that it's stupid to blame one group for all the ills of the world. It's stupid enough when you pick white people, but even dumber when it's a tiny portion of the world population.
But, all the Jewish bankers. No. We all agree bankers are bad, not just the Jewish ones. I don't think the solution to the problem bankers pose is to replace the Jewish bankers with gentile ones.
They're all leftists, just some don't hate white people.
That will be a surprise to him...
Wait! No! Dragons can't go to Harvard!
aww... :(
I'm not banning variants of insults that are already common parlance among internet tradition. Fag, Cuck, and Retard; and all variants thereof, shall remain.
Redneck certainly isn't offensive enough to warrant a removal. Neither is Hillbilly. Ask anyone from Appalachia.
You mentioned cracker twice. It's history isn't that offensive, but it's been elevated since the mid 20th century to be more offensive than it was. But is it enough to warrant it as a removal if you use it against each other? I'm not sure, currently the preference is to allow the slur, rather than ban them.
As for Goyim, I've never really thought about it before. Hence my comment. You'll notice that no action was taken in regards to it.
So it’s settled then, “jew”, “kike”, and “zogbot” are all acceptable terms. Or were you still playing Mario when you should have been browsing /b/?
Goy, like nigga, is a cultural reclamation effort. Say it loud and say it proud.
This is a gamer forum. Go back to /b/ if it suits you.
Oy vey
(Say the gamer phrase about israel if you’re actually a gamer)
What you've never met someone that's literally identified as a proud hillbilly or proud redneck?
You could also read this book which explicitly lays out the difficulties of the Appalachian people and white-working class:
Is that your standard there? One person in the world identifying as a proud <slur>?
Fuck off, you inbred eurofag goatfucker. And don't say that is a slur, as it's your standard that is in use.
One? No, entire families. Millions of people.
I don't think you've met people from Appalachia.
What you’ve never watched a Brother Nathanael video?
I don't think so.
Well you might as well start with his most recent video:
You think that calling someone cuck or fag is OK, but not when you call someone stormcuck or stormfag?
So sensitive. Imagine demanding special treatment on the grounds of being a Nazi.
I just want the rules to be executed consistently you gay fucking retard
OK, so where is the inconsistency when you can call people 'fag' and also 'Stormfag'?
Do we need a Nazi Bill of Rights?
Explain how goy is a slur when it’s said to a jew but cum-crusted shit-brained faggot isn’t a slur when it’s said to someone like you?
I'm not DoM, and I don't think he actually declared that it's a slur. He thought out loud, and the reasoning was that calling others 'goy' is not a tradition on KiA like faggot is.
"Tradition"? Lol that's dumb.
"Faggot" isn't even tradition in any sense because it only started after the .win migration, you obviously couldn't say that in KiA
Shut up go....faggot*
If you scroll slightly up you'll see he claims internet tradition, not specifically KIA tradition.
This distinction is important because goy is very much a traditional internet insult just as much as any of the other exceptions listed.
Judging by how quickly AoV pops up in these things, it's probably him and a few others (at least Gizzy maybe?) reporting and then DoM showing up because they're buddies (iirc AoV moderates the reddit KiA2, DoM is slightly less of an atrocious janny but it's still a double-teaming issue)
I've been lurking the different iterations of KiA since probably 2018, and Toni already could be seen as a subversive derailer when the topic of the Chosen were brought up, quite some time before the move to .win in 2020. But that was on Reddit where the Gamergaters there never wanted to go meta or figure out why videogames were being undermined, so his shit was tolerated.
He's a sayanim - he thinks they'll spare him. he's basically Grimer Wormtongue
AoV is too much of a sperglord and autist to be subversive in any manner but for getting his own personal joy of getting to argue endlessly with people.
Sometimes it does feel that way with the constant arguments. I want to believe it's intentional... Why waste so much time and energy... ._.
Its just what some people enjoy doing. I enjoy it myself in much smaller doses than he does. But in the past I've had week+ long arguments with him about dumb shit.
Heck, I did the gay little KIA "summit" with him and I can say for certain his stubborn bullheadedness is the trait that takes priority over everything else. He will argue until he is dead on a topic if he is convinced he is right and you aren't relenting.
But that's also why I know he doesn't have ulterior motives. He is a consistent man across nearly a decade now, for better and worse.
Who said anything about a sardonic fashion? Seth Rogen went around calling people Goyim as a slur
Everyone seems to be taking it as a slur. I've never actually thought about it before. Like, literally everyone. Nazis, Zionists, Islamists, etc. Is it actually offensive to warrant such conduct? IDK, you're throwing it around like it should be.
If you really don't want to that's fine.
It’s just that’s the context of this post
It's good to see how many people moved on from the impetus of gamergate and have taken notice at what's the core corruption behind our society.
Rampant leftist retardation, and the "muh jews" people destroying the right?
I'm glad we agree.
I'm excited to see the BLM and mass imported muslim golems turn on their masters. They were brought in to destroy white society, now all we have to do is sit back and let them chimp out on the parasites that are responsible for everything. The shabbos goy cucks on the right just need to get pushed out of the way.
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the moderator of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being moderated by jews or zionists?
Because when any forum reaches critical mass a normal mod can't withstand mossad attacks on their position or character or life, our own secret powers won't do anything about it because "they're our allies", and china/russia see it as a way of weakening us.
I agree? I think?
I like the cut of your gib.
... I think I know the place...
well he's an Enlightened European TM who chews dried foreskin for breakfast, why are you surprised.
He's European?