OK, so you started out denying that you supported the 1929 Hebron massacre, which you did only 22 days ago so it isn't something that escaped your memory, but now you admit it and try to justify it by labeling the victims of the massacre as 'genocidal parasites'.
Golly, i oppose people who conduct massacres and genocide, what a damning indictment you’ve produced
Apparently, you oppose people who 'conduct massacres' by expressing your support for massacres.
Only when they’re conducted against genocidal parasites engaging in ethnic cleansing
OK, so you started out denying that you supported the 1929 Hebron massacre, which you did only 22 days ago so it isn't something that escaped your memory, but now you admit it and try to justify it by labeling the victims of the massacre as 'genocidal parasites'.
I didn’t label anyone anything. I said i oppose genocide. Which is what’s happening in Palestine. Thus I oppose the zionists conducting the genocide.
Keep sucking that ethnonationist zionazi baby foreskin soother however, it’s a great look for you
So why do you suck hamas dick? After all, they want to genocide the jews, so isn't Israel killing them justified?
I'll wait for your brain to stop working while you try to justify yourself without just going "jews bad though".
Any year now...
I’ve never said anything positive about hamas you retarded zionist faggot.
Go ahead and prove me wrong
Any year now...