45 The insidious nature of zionist brainwashing in 3 images (media.communities.win) posted 1 year ago by Graphenium 1 year ago by Graphenium +55 / -10 155 comments download share 155 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Oy vey
Quit clogging up / forum sliding my threads you retarded faggot
What do you expect from a slavish shabbo?
Wow, imagine that! Next our Hebron massacre afficianado will complain about people capitalizing Christian and not white!
OY VEY! A religion founded by JOOOZ.
Why don't you just fuck off back to reddit and leave the adults to the real talk
What's the matter, boy? Got caught out? I knew you were a filthy glowfag the moment you started acting like a fedboy, retard.