This is one of your biggest tells. Whenever someone criticizes Israel, Zionism, or the Jewish demographic, you call them a useful idiot for leftism. As if the only two options are utter subservience to Islam/communism or Judaism. Shades of “anti sjws are just as bad as sjws”.
There’s a third way, and people aren’t Hitler for suggesting it.
I assume you can criticize Israel, Zionism, Judaism or the 'Jewish demographic' (particularly the last two deserve a lot of criticism), without going full retard like this guy often does.
I mean, he supports massacres of Jews, and he whines exclusively about Jews, what do you want people to say?
This is one of your biggest tells. Whenever someone criticizes Israel, Zionism, or the Jewish demographic, you call them a useful idiot for leftism. As if the only two options are utter subservience to Islam/communism or Judaism. Shades of “anti sjws are just as bad as sjws”.
There’s a third way, and people aren’t Hitler for suggesting it.
I assume you can criticize Israel, Zionism, Judaism or the 'Jewish demographic' (particularly the last two deserve a lot of criticism), without going full retard like this guy often does.
I mean, he supports massacres of Jews, and he whines exclusively about Jews, what do you want people to say?
I whine about shills, it just so happens that the vast majority of shills here are zionist shills
Right, it has nothing to do with your views.
Correct, hence my efforts to expose shills like the one who founded c/niggers and c/NationalSocialism who was the biggest problem on ConPro
Turns out when you support leftists, you're a useful idiot of theirs. Who knew.