They REALLY hate any kind of normal romance that 90% of the world enjoys huh? There's no need to add straight to it, it's JUST romance.
And of course got to attack Anime again for the billionth time, though I am going to question 'male gaze' on the 3rd, they seem like first schoolers so that's just a child like romance, we may need eyes on him.
I think the funniest thing is with how wide ranging romance is as a genre, EVERY kind of personality quirk has had some kind of redemption into a relationship, from your tsundere, yandere, your brats, your stuck up privileged to your down in the dumps.
Something the twitter freaks will never experience firsthand..
I am kind of surprised the hate the SJW's have for Nagatoro though, considering she very much wears the pants in that relationship. But then again, she does actually care about Senpai, so that is probably why.
Thanks for the recommend. Although it will probably be a while before I get around to it as I have some backlog to get through (finishing Nagatoro soon, then Fire Force, Then wrap up Demon Slayer, then that).
Fire Force is amazing, in large part due to its unique world setting. Also, kickass OP/ED, both musically and visually. It's just a very well put together anime.
I started watching it and got to the part where the figured out the true nature of what is causes the Infernals, then I fell off the wagon due to other things in life coming up. So very much looking forward to getting back in on it.
Coming in a bit late but i've been absolutly loving the SoL Romance stuff these last couple of seasons so if you're looking for some recommendations, boy have i got some.
"Real Girl" - An older anime, but i fucking loved this show, i highly reconmend checking it out.
"Don't toy with me, miss Nagatoro" - One of the shows in the thumbnail here. Starts off pretty rough but it gets really good a couple of episodes in. Season 3 is going to be a banger once it comes out.
"Tomo-chan is a girl" - Another good one from last season worth watching. Its about a tomboy who is in love with a childhood friend who she thinks he just sees her as one of the boys, and so the show is based around her trying to change his view of her.
"Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!" - Season 2 came out last season (or season before i can't keep track anymore), Anyway super cute show about a girl who torments the living shit out of an introvert, but it's very wholesome and funny.
"The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten" - This shit just about gave me type 2 diabeties and required my feet to be amputated. Show came out last season and it's very, very sweet and super wholesome
"Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway" - So this one is a very Japanese type of show.. It does feature an underage girl and it exposes some parts of Japanese culture that is not really talked about in Anime, however it is still a very wholesome and interesting show. The title is pretty descriptive of what the show is about and to avoid spoilers i will just leave it at that.
"More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers." - Another show that popped up i think 2 seasons ago now.. basically the premise is that as part of the highschool ciriculum 2 random students are assigned to be "Married" and have to live with each other in an apartment, and as part of the assignment they get graded on how well they get along and act as married couple. For the sake of keeping this short i'm just going to say, it's really worth watching
"My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU" - An old show but if you like romance it's really good. It does take a little bit to really get into it but by the end it's almost too hard to stop watching.
"My Dress-Up Darling" - Hot anime girl wearing very tight cosplays.. need i say more? Super wholesome show though
"The World God Only Knows" - This was a pretty brutal show, Basically a shut in high school boy who has no interest in IRL girls is forced make random girls fall in love with him to purge demons that are hiding inside them, Unfortunately once the demon is purged, the girls memories get wiped and they forget everything about the MC however he still retains all memories and any feelings he had for the girls. I will say though between season 2 and season 3 the anime skipped ALOT of the manga and it kinda ruined it. But up until that point it was a super good show
OK current season stuff now that i'm really enjoying...
"TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You" - Currently season 2 is running. very sweet and super fucking wholesome with some mystery involved as well. This show makes me wish i had a wife.
"My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999" - In this one the female MC gets dumped for another girl. She is not a gamer however she started playing an MMO because that's what her ex-boyfriend was interested in and after he dumpped her she joined a guild and ended up meeting new people. The animation style is.. interesting. TBH i'm not sure if this one will be for everyone but i like it so ehhhh..
Oh that reminds me of another gamer based show which is a bit old now..
"Recovery of an MMO Junkie" - Show about a NEET who plays a lot of MMO games. She ends up finding love in one of the games and some stuff happens. I quite enjoyed this one and it ended on a good enough note, Sadly however the manga auther passed away before he really finished the full story so there won't be another season of this. But what we got was quite good.
"The Dangers In My Heart" - Another show about a loner who gets adopted by a girl. Very sweet show.
"INSOMNIACS AFTER SCHOOL" - Basically 2 insomniacs meet and find out that while they are together they can finally achieve some sleep. Adorable show and i'm really quite enjoying it
Not going to lie..... There's probably more i could reconmend but i think i'll stop here. Hopefully some others here will find as much enjoyment as i did out of some of these shows. Sorry to bombard your post with this but it was going to bother the fuck out of me if i didn't make this post.
Already seen it, loved it. And like you said, shockingly wholesome consider so much of it is based around the fanservice. Kind of like how SpyXFamily was a lot more wholesome than just it's premise made it sound.
She only does initially, and even then she is constantly undermined by her obvious attraction for Senpai and being easily flustered/embarassed if he even accidentally responds. She is a complete paper tiger and its obvious to everyone, to the point that the manga has basically flipped the dynamic to the point where she has been on the defensive almost constantly for a while.
So its still the same basic tsundere romance they hate, no "pants wearing" subversion whatsoever beyond the pilot doujin strips.
I haven't seen the anime, so I can't tell if things changed or not (I haven't heard anything of it, but sometimes scenes don't get adapted) but she only really has the upper hand during the earlier parts.
It becomes obvious pretty soon in that he isn't a victim, he is just letting her run her mouth because he enjoys it.
The part I am to, she is starting to get more flustered by things he does. And like you said, he is kind of admitting to himself that he is just letting her go with it because it makes her fun and interesting to be with.
No, they hate romance period. Leftists literally don't understand romance, only fuck-buddy-mentalities as a form of sexual liberation. They can't form romantic relationships because those are metaphysical bonds of sentiment, and they are purely materialist, rationalistic, power-mongers.
My guy friends and I recently attended an engagement party put on by one of the guys wife for another one of our friends and the girls parents thought we were all brothers. The idea that four guys can just be friends without being related or gay is completely foreign to people now.
We look nothing alike except for the fact that we all have beards.
Fair, I can see that angle, too. I was mostly talking about Komi, which is hella wholesome. Now that you mention it, I think the others are a bit more simp-y. I really don't like the trope where the females abuse the males nonstop, and I think some of those others lean on that.
I watched one episode of Uzaki-chan, and didn't like it, as she was just totally obnoxious and borderline abusive.
The point of Uzaki, that the initial handful of chapters doesn't get across well, is that it isn't the same as the "teasing girl who always has the upper hand." The MC guy is a stoic, ripped and very popular guy who has no problem telling her off and calling her out, and most chapters involve her being bullied just the same.
So rather than the standard tsundere romance, its closer to the "brat bullying" type. It just spends a lot of time building her up to make it more satisfying when she starts getting knocked down.
Alright, maybe I'll give it another try, if it gets better. I know it's very beloved, so there must be something there. The first episode just really grated on me.
I also have a problem with the trend in entertainment in general to try to redeem terrible-acting characters. In real life, based on her initial behavior, I'm rooting against Uzaki (as I recall, it's been a while), don't care what happens to her, and hope she goes away.
Another anime, Real Girl did the above redemption-thing exceptionally badly. A "rival" to the MC frames him as a would-be rapist pedophile (drastically harming at least four peoples' lives)...and then they sort of become friends. No, fuck that guy, he can catch on fire. Such a stupid trope.
I'm quite a distance behind, so I can't speak for the last year or so, but that was my impression at the time.
But yeah, Uzaki ends up having to recognize she has major competition around the time she notices her feels and deal with her issues (and he his own major anti-social ones) before they can really go anywhere. That's where I left off, so no idea how it goes from that point.
Without too much spoilers, it does kind of go back towards that 'simp' route unfortunately - but that is more of a symptom of Japanese relationships than any western influence. Sakurai (the MC) has a lot of trouble getting physical with Uzaki once they end up dating, primarily played up for comedy and leaning towards her 'bullying' him by being overly affectionate.
I'm gonna say I enjoy the series myself, but you can see the way things lean towards that side from time to's normal for there to be some simping in relationships though, especially exaggerated for some fiction itself.
The Japs don't seem to know what to do once the relationship starts, which is why nearly all series end as soon as they get together. But the backlash to that has started to push more current series to go beyond, and its not working in their favor.
I am surprised no one has shat on "The dangers in my heart" which recently had a retarded translator do the mansplaining shit.. The anime is very much romance and I am surprised they have not said anything about it yet or I just didn't see anything yet.
What's interesting here is how strong 3/4 the female characters are, Takagi most of all as her confidence literally almost never wanes and her teasing is so light-hearted.
Uzaki I get they don't like her cause she is cute, has giant tits, doesn't mind being feminine for Sakurai, but also likes to just tease and jest around with him in mostly ribbing types of jokes while really liking the guy.
Nagatoro is a bitch regularly and eventually just annoying imo, but she is also a high school kid, I think she is like 14 or 15? All children are annoying so she might be one of the most realistic.
Komi is literally just nonstop wholesome and comedy, almost no sexualization of her, just constantly referred to how beautiful and striking she is. But again almost no sexualization, funny characters, ridiculous and stupid situations, and just positive fun little mini stories.
I know they hate romance, but innocent positive stories like these about romance, with very little sexualization out of the 4 series shown is just silly to attack, maybe they are just relevant/popular/easy to attack for them. Even Uzaki with her big monster titties isn't very sexualized in her own series, at least from her manga - and everything I'm referring to is from each manga as I've only seen occasional episodes/clips.
They REALLY hate any kind of normal romance that 90% of the world enjoys huh? There's no need to add straight to it, it's JUST romance.
And of course got to attack Anime again for the billionth time, though I am going to question 'male gaze' on the 3rd, they seem like first schoolers so that's just a child like romance, we may need eyes on him.
I think the funniest thing is with how wide ranging romance is as a genre, EVERY kind of personality quirk has had some kind of redemption into a relationship, from your tsundere, yandere, your brats, your stuck up privileged to your down in the dumps.
Something the twitter freaks will never experience firsthand..
I am kind of surprised the hate the SJW's have for Nagatoro though, considering she very much wears the pants in that relationship. But then again, she does actually care about Senpai, so that is probably why.
Thanks for the recommend. Although it will probably be a while before I get around to it as I have some backlog to get through (finishing Nagatoro soon, then Fire Force, Then wrap up Demon Slayer, then that).
Fire Force is amazing, in large part due to its unique world setting. Also, kickass OP/ED, both musically and visually. It's just a very well put together anime.
I started watching it and got to the part where the figured out the true nature of what is causes the Infernals, then I fell off the wagon due to other things in life coming up. So very much looking forward to getting back in on it.
Coming in a bit late but i've been absolutly loving the SoL Romance stuff these last couple of seasons so if you're looking for some recommendations, boy have i got some.
"Real Girl" - An older anime, but i fucking loved this show, i highly reconmend checking it out.
"Don't toy with me, miss Nagatoro" - One of the shows in the thumbnail here. Starts off pretty rough but it gets really good a couple of episodes in. Season 3 is going to be a banger once it comes out.
"Tomo-chan is a girl" - Another good one from last season worth watching. Its about a tomboy who is in love with a childhood friend who she thinks he just sees her as one of the boys, and so the show is based around her trying to change his view of her.
"Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!" - Season 2 came out last season (or season before i can't keep track anymore), Anyway super cute show about a girl who torments the living shit out of an introvert, but it's very wholesome and funny.
"The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten" - This shit just about gave me type 2 diabeties and required my feet to be amputated. Show came out last season and it's very, very sweet and super wholesome
"Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway" - So this one is a very Japanese type of show.. It does feature an underage girl and it exposes some parts of Japanese culture that is not really talked about in Anime, however it is still a very wholesome and interesting show. The title is pretty descriptive of what the show is about and to avoid spoilers i will just leave it at that.
"More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers." - Another show that popped up i think 2 seasons ago now.. basically the premise is that as part of the highschool ciriculum 2 random students are assigned to be "Married" and have to live with each other in an apartment, and as part of the assignment they get graded on how well they get along and act as married couple. For the sake of keeping this short i'm just going to say, it's really worth watching
"My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU" - An old show but if you like romance it's really good. It does take a little bit to really get into it but by the end it's almost too hard to stop watching.
"My Dress-Up Darling" - Hot anime girl wearing very tight cosplays.. need i say more? Super wholesome show though
"The World God Only Knows" - This was a pretty brutal show, Basically a shut in high school boy who has no interest in IRL girls is forced make random girls fall in love with him to purge demons that are hiding inside them, Unfortunately once the demon is purged, the girls memories get wiped and they forget everything about the MC however he still retains all memories and any feelings he had for the girls. I will say though between season 2 and season 3 the anime skipped ALOT of the manga and it kinda ruined it. But up until that point it was a super good show
OK current season stuff now that i'm really enjoying...
"TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You" - Currently season 2 is running. very sweet and super fucking wholesome with some mystery involved as well. This show makes me wish i had a wife.
"My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999" - In this one the female MC gets dumped for another girl. She is not a gamer however she started playing an MMO because that's what her ex-boyfriend was interested in and after he dumpped her she joined a guild and ended up meeting new people. The animation style is.. interesting. TBH i'm not sure if this one will be for everyone but i like it so ehhhh..
Oh that reminds me of another gamer based show which is a bit old now..
"Recovery of an MMO Junkie" - Show about a NEET who plays a lot of MMO games. She ends up finding love in one of the games and some stuff happens. I quite enjoyed this one and it ended on a good enough note, Sadly however the manga auther passed away before he really finished the full story so there won't be another season of this. But what we got was quite good.
"The Dangers In My Heart" - Another show about a loner who gets adopted by a girl. Very sweet show.
"INSOMNIACS AFTER SCHOOL" - Basically 2 insomniacs meet and find out that while they are together they can finally achieve some sleep. Adorable show and i'm really quite enjoying it
Not going to lie..... There's probably more i could reconmend but i think i'll stop here. Hopefully some others here will find as much enjoyment as i did out of some of these shows. Sorry to bombard your post with this but it was going to bother the fuck out of me if i didn't make this post.
Already seen it, loved it. And like you said, shockingly wholesome consider so much of it is based around the fanservice. Kind of like how SpyXFamily was a lot more wholesome than just it's premise made it sound.
I got it on the list, but still a ways down.
She only does initially, and even then she is constantly undermined by her obvious attraction for Senpai and being easily flustered/embarassed if he even accidentally responds. She is a complete paper tiger and its obvious to everyone, to the point that the manga has basically flipped the dynamic to the point where she has been on the defensive almost constantly for a while.
So its still the same basic tsundere romance they hate, no "pants wearing" subversion whatsoever beyond the pilot doujin strips.
Ah. Admirably, I am not that far along. I have been watching the Anime and am almost done with Season 2.
I haven't seen the anime, so I can't tell if things changed or not (I haven't heard anything of it, but sometimes scenes don't get adapted) but she only really has the upper hand during the earlier parts.
It becomes obvious pretty soon in that he isn't a victim, he is just letting her run her mouth because he enjoys it.
The part I am to, she is starting to get more flustered by things he does. And like you said, he is kind of admitting to himself that he is just letting her go with it because it makes her fun and interesting to be with.
You expect them to actually care about the story dynamics?
They hate Nagatoro because we like Nagatoro. That's all there is to it, there's nothing deeper than the default friend/enemy response for them.
Here's the imdb page for the anime: It sounds like they're meant to be pre-teens or possibly early teens.
Middle school. Takagi-san is just about the most wholesome anime you could ever find. Makes sense why they despise it.
Fun fact, Urusei Yatsura, the grand dad of this genre was created by Rumiko Takahashi, a woman
Same with the harem genre and Ranma 1/2, by the same woman. Literally every single trope, cliche and plot used in a harem anime is ripped from there.
Heck, even most isekais owe a huge amount to Inuyasha.
No, they hate romance period. Leftists literally don't understand romance, only fuck-buddy-mentalities as a form of sexual liberation. They can't form romantic relationships because those are metaphysical bonds of sentiment, and they are purely materialist, rationalistic, power-mongers.
They don't understand same-sex friendship either, probably for the same reasons.
Yup. Absolute porn brain. They are so thirsty for gay dick that they forget that men can just be friends without sucking each other off.
My guy friends and I recently attended an engagement party put on by one of the guys wife for another one of our friends and the girls parents thought we were all brothers. The idea that four guys can just be friends without being related or gay is completely foreign to people now.
We look nothing alike except for the fact that we all have beards.
The porn brains have also created a culture from that.
I prefer "Coping SIMP wish fulfillment"
Fair, I can see that angle, too. I was mostly talking about Komi, which is hella wholesome. Now that you mention it, I think the others are a bit more simp-y. I really don't like the trope where the females abuse the males nonstop, and I think some of those others lean on that.
I watched one episode of Uzaki-chan, and didn't like it, as she was just totally obnoxious and borderline abusive.
The point of Uzaki, that the initial handful of chapters doesn't get across well, is that it isn't the same as the "teasing girl who always has the upper hand." The MC guy is a stoic, ripped and very popular guy who has no problem telling her off and calling her out, and most chapters involve her being bullied just the same.
So rather than the standard tsundere romance, its closer to the "brat bullying" type. It just spends a lot of time building her up to make it more satisfying when she starts getting knocked down.
Alright, maybe I'll give it another try, if it gets better. I know it's very beloved, so there must be something there. The first episode just really grated on me.
I also have a problem with the trend in entertainment in general to try to redeem terrible-acting characters. In real life, based on her initial behavior, I'm rooting against Uzaki (as I recall, it's been a while), don't care what happens to her, and hope she goes away.
Another anime, Real Girl did the above redemption-thing exceptionally badly. A "rival" to the MC frames him as a would-be rapist pedophile (drastically harming at least four peoples' lives)...and then they sort of become friends. No, fuck that guy, he can catch on fire. Such a stupid trope.
I'm quite a distance behind, so I can't speak for the last year or so, but that was my impression at the time.
But yeah, Uzaki ends up having to recognize she has major competition around the time she notices her feels and deal with her issues (and he his own major anti-social ones) before they can really go anywhere. That's where I left off, so no idea how it goes from that point.
Without too much spoilers, it does kind of go back towards that 'simp' route unfortunately - but that is more of a symptom of Japanese relationships than any western influence. Sakurai (the MC) has a lot of trouble getting physical with Uzaki once they end up dating, primarily played up for comedy and leaning towards her 'bullying' him by being overly affectionate.
I'm gonna say I enjoy the series myself, but you can see the way things lean towards that side from time to's normal for there to be some simping in relationships though, especially exaggerated for some fiction itself.
The Japs don't seem to know what to do once the relationship starts, which is why nearly all series end as soon as they get together. But the backlash to that has started to push more current series to go beyond, and its not working in their favor.
just like me fr fr
They hate anything biological and natural
I am surprised no one has shat on "The dangers in my heart" which recently had a retarded translator do the mansplaining shit.. The anime is very much romance and I am surprised they have not said anything about it yet or I just didn't see anything yet.
They hate anything that might lead towards normal heterosexual reproductive sex.
This is the simple truth.
What's interesting here is how strong 3/4 the female characters are, Takagi most of all as her confidence literally almost never wanes and her teasing is so light-hearted.
Uzaki I get they don't like her cause she is cute, has giant tits, doesn't mind being feminine for Sakurai, but also likes to just tease and jest around with him in mostly ribbing types of jokes while really liking the guy.
Nagatoro is a bitch regularly and eventually just annoying imo, but she is also a high school kid, I think she is like 14 or 15? All children are annoying so she might be one of the most realistic.
Komi is literally just nonstop wholesome and comedy, almost no sexualization of her, just constantly referred to how beautiful and striking she is. But again almost no sexualization, funny characters, ridiculous and stupid situations, and just positive fun little mini stories.
I know they hate romance, but innocent positive stories like these about romance, with very little sexualization out of the 4 series shown is just silly to attack, maybe they are just relevant/popular/easy to attack for them. Even Uzaki with her big monster titties isn't very sexualized in her own series, at least from her manga - and everything I'm referring to is from each manga as I've only seen occasional episodes/clips.
Give them ZERO attention. If she is not already on your dick, she deserves nothing.
Looks like shoujo.
should be on the ground in tears thanking them for keeping it at words.