Probably, but Animal Farm is an obvious allegory for the communist revolution in Russia. It's why a Soviet tool tried to stop it from being printed back in the day.
In an ironic turn of events, the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC) at the once prestigious Cambridge University in England is now attempting to dismantle the very ideas inherent in the title of the department, claiming that the Anglo-Saxon ethnic group is apparently a racist concoction meant to stoke British nationalism, according to a report from London’s Daily Telegraph.
“One concern has been to address recent concerns over use of the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ and its perceived connection to ethnic/racial English identity.”
“In general, ASNC teaching seeks to dismantle the basis of myths of nationalism… by showing students just how constructed and contingent these identities are and always have been,” they continued.
Apparently unsatisfied with dispelling the supposed “myth” of the Anglo-Saxon people, the university department went on to claim that there was never a “coherent” ethnic identity for the peoples in England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.
The attempt to brand the term as toxic has succeeded to such an extent that the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists decided in 2019 to change its name to the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England due to “the problematic connotations that are widely associated with the terms ‘Anglo-Saxon’.”
The name change came shortly after the resignation of Canadian academic Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm from the organisation, who later claimed that the study of Anglo-Saxon history is fraught with “inherent whiteness” and that the “Anglo-Saxon myth perpetuates a false idea of what it means to be ‘native’ to Britain.”
Former UKIP politician turned host of the Lotus Eaters Podcast, Carl Benjamin said: “We aren’t having it, you smarmy pseudo intellectual subversives. We, the English, exist. We have existed for a thousand years, and that isn’t going to change now. No discussion. No dialectic. We are the English and we live in England. Simple as.”
Lazy pilpulling that can be affixed to anyone with a clear, if not overtly stated agenda - when they claim to be "abolishing whiteness", that tells you everything you need to know.
Every culture is valid except for the white, we're going to pluck out your eyes, put them on our fingertips like fucking olives while mocking your screams but don't be mean to us ever!
For the woke Marxist movement (which has clearly completed its long march through our academic institutions) it really isn’t important if the revisions, alterations, reinterpretations, etc. make sense or can be logically supported, it’s much more important that they just keep making them. That way no one can ever have the confidence of certainty on any point, and it’s that much easier to replicate their ideas-of-the-moment in other brains. Another poster has already quoted 1984, but I’m reminded of an early scene where Smith is told that a certain old article mentions someone now out of favor with the Party, and he must go change the archives. He notes how most jobs-worths would simply switch the outcome of the old story (previously if it concerned a now-hated person winning something, just change it to make that person lose the thing) but that he found it more interesting to wholly invent a new situation. If I remember right he changes a fairly unremarkable story into one where the unperson died heroically fighting for the current party orthodoxy back in the day. Point being, it doesn’t matter what the fuck they say or believe or claim, the only point is that they can never let us be certain of anything. That’s to their advantage, always.
Out of curiosity, I read some quick summaries on him but I am not sure what you are talking about. For the sake of historical knowledge, what controversy are you referring to? Him being possibly of bastard birth?
Alfred was an incredible King, seems (honestly) like one of the best Kings ever. I meant to basically say that as king of all the Anglos (and technically the Anglo-Saxons), that one of his biggest problems was the fact that the other Anglo kings would still try to wage war with him, while he was trying to fight off the damned Danes. Even though literal Dane Law rules a huge swathe of your country and people, and you have regular raids against your home by these foreign invaders, the Anglo-Saxons found plenty of time to fight each other, rather than the Danes.
Scary thing is that they've infiltrated museums. As their agenda marches on stuff is going to get destroyed because it doesn't support their new narrative.
I beg your fucking pardon!? The writing before the Ngl arrived was carving in trees. Sachsnglish was very distinct and had to be chosen by the people. The language has modified and changed for centuries. From any point of view there was a distinct culture that entered and began to develop in Albuun. What idiot in his right mind could even talk about something so easily traceable?
Heck, I started to learn Old English just to study more about Vikings because the better records directly from that time were kept by my namesake.
It’s interesting that we get “England” and “English” from the Angles, but yet we generally refer to the Saxons much more…
I did a bit of reading on this recently - it’s suggested this is because the Saxons were more into military leadership/conquest, whereas the Angles, who dominated a slightly different part of the “country”/island were more into developing the culture and stuff…
And also because apparently a larger proportion of Angles shuffled off to Britain, vis à vis the Saxons who left like half their people behind…
Interesting that the Jutes barely rate a mention, though, lol…
I think it's because the Jutes settled and then didn't do a lot. It was all about looking at the historic Angles. They chose to be a new unified people as opposed to the others. The same was happening in the North, but it got lost to history when the Vikings stopped being a thing.
In the sense that they likely thought of themselves more as "Angles, Saxons or Jutes", sure...
But they most definitely existed, as far as a collective term for the dominant ethnic group occupying England at the time, so... Cambridge is wrong. Obviously...
But do remember Anglo-Saxons ≠ "Britons", who were the native people before the Romans arrived, and who merged with other groups as they came to "dominate" later on...
It's complicated. Obviously...
But all of these groups would be considered "white", so... shrug.
Keep in mind that 1984 and Animal Farm were both inspired by the real life Soviet Union. This is just commie bullshit repeating itself.
I was under the impression that they were inspired by his own experience with the people that he ran with when he was an idiot communist.
Probably, but Animal Farm is an obvious allegory for the communist revolution in Russia. It's why a Soviet tool tried to stop it from being printed back in the day.
"Akshually, it's not genocide because the people we are gradually making extinct don't even exist." ~Leftists.
We aren't doing it, but if we were that would not be a problem.
That thing they aren't doing would be a good thing, in fact.
Vey Anglo-Saxon
"You tried doing civic nationalism, and where did that lead you? Back to me."
This is part of that "deconstructing whiteness" bullshit that the left and even many mainstream conservatives support.
Nooooo. Deconstructing Whiteness would actually involve recognizing Anglo-Saxons outside of the concept of a White race.
This is about deconstructing an English identity, and assimilating everyone into a Globalist nomad people.
They are deconstructing Anglo-Saxons because they are within the white race. They don't do this to anyone else.
They do this as a tactic to any and all groups that need to be broken down.
Who is "they" and when do "they" do this to Jews?
In a couple hundred years White People will never have existed while simultaneously we’ll still be blamed for everything wrong with the world.
Lazy pilpulling that can be affixed to anyone with a clear, if not overtly stated agenda - when they claim to be "abolishing whiteness", that tells you everything you need to know.
Every culture is valid except for the white, we're going to pluck out your eyes, put them on our fingertips like fucking olives while mocking your screams but don't be mean to us ever!
For the woke Marxist movement (which has clearly completed its long march through our academic institutions) it really isn’t important if the revisions, alterations, reinterpretations, etc. make sense or can be logically supported, it’s much more important that they just keep making them. That way no one can ever have the confidence of certainty on any point, and it’s that much easier to replicate their ideas-of-the-moment in other brains. Another poster has already quoted 1984, but I’m reminded of an early scene where Smith is told that a certain old article mentions someone now out of favor with the Party, and he must go change the archives. He notes how most jobs-worths would simply switch the outcome of the old story (previously if it concerned a now-hated person winning something, just change it to make that person lose the thing) but that he found it more interesting to wholly invent a new situation. If I remember right he changes a fairly unremarkable story into one where the unperson died heroically fighting for the current party orthodoxy back in the day. Point being, it doesn’t matter what the fuck they say or believe or claim, the only point is that they can never let us be certain of anything. That’s to their advantage, always.
"our people have always been here, your people don't exist."
the march towards genocide continues
I'm waiting for the non-existent Saxons to wake up and do something about their institutions attempting to erase them from existence.
Read about the first king of England. You're gonna keep waiting.
Out of curiosity, I read some quick summaries on him but I am not sure what you are talking about. For the sake of historical knowledge, what controversy are you referring to? Him being possibly of bastard birth?
Oops, I meant Alfred The Great, not Aethelstan. The Lotus Eaters did a great documentary on him.
Alfred was an incredible King, seems (honestly) like one of the best Kings ever. I meant to basically say that as king of all the Anglos (and technically the Anglo-Saxons), that one of his biggest problems was the fact that the other Anglo kings would still try to wage war with him, while he was trying to fight off the damned Danes. Even though literal Dane Law rules a huge swathe of your country and people, and you have regular raids against your home by these foreign invaders, the Anglo-Saxons found plenty of time to fight each other, rather than the Danes.
Scary thing is that they've infiltrated museums. As their agenda marches on stuff is going to get destroyed because it doesn't support their new narrative.
I beg your fucking pardon!? The writing before the Ngl arrived was carving in trees. Sachsnglish was very distinct and had to be chosen by the people. The language has modified and changed for centuries. From any point of view there was a distinct culture that entered and began to develop in Albuun. What idiot in his right mind could even talk about something so easily traceable?
Heck, I started to learn Old English just to study more about Vikings because the better records directly from that time were kept by my namesake.
It’s interesting that we get “England” and “English” from the Angles, but yet we generally refer to the Saxons much more…
I did a bit of reading on this recently - it’s suggested this is because the Saxons were more into military leadership/conquest, whereas the Angles, who dominated a slightly different part of the “country”/island were more into developing the culture and stuff…
And also because apparently a larger proportion of Angles shuffled off to Britain, vis à vis the Saxons who left like half their people behind…
Interesting that the Jutes barely rate a mention, though, lol…
Ah, the Dark Ages…
I think it's because the Jutes settled and then didn't do a lot. It was all about looking at the historic Angles. They chose to be a new unified people as opposed to the others. The same was happening in the North, but it got lost to history when the Vikings stopped being a thing.
Someone ought to tell that to the Celts.
In the sense that they likely thought of themselves more as "Angles, Saxons or Jutes", sure...
But they most definitely existed, as far as a collective term for the dominant ethnic group occupying England at the time, so... Cambridge is wrong. Obviously...
But do remember Anglo-Saxons ≠ "Britons", who were the native people before the Romans arrived, and who merged with other groups as they came to "dominate" later on...
It's complicated. Obviously...
But all of these groups would be considered "white", so... shrug.
Of course Cambridge hates that.
Are the Anglos committing suicide or being murdered? Or both?