her parents (the people who manufactured this "grassroots activist") want more power and wealth. regardless of the result of this lawsuit, frequent appearances in the media help the Gretaâ„¢ brand, which also leads to more power and wealth.
I don't think she is ever going to say anything smart or worth hearing. I just point out the cowardice of this autistic ''climate activist'' puppet keeping quiet on the Dutch farmer thing which was directly caused by her climate cult.
Sweden could meet those goals if they sent all the apes they've given refuge to back to their own countries. As a bonus the violent crime and rape rates would drop.
... what's she after? The Swedish invasion and conquest of China ... ?
her parents (the people who manufactured this "grassroots activist") want more power and wealth. regardless of the result of this lawsuit, frequent appearances in the media help the Gretaâ„¢ brand, which also leads to more power and wealth.
isn't she an adult?
Yes, but her parents are still in control because she's half autistic.
The other half is FAS
Half autistic but full retard
So if she had children, would they be quarter autistic?
Unfortunately the fetal alcohol syndrome has left her womb as barren as the Mojave
Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Play it again.
Of the many things FAS does to a child, infertility does not seem to be one of them. A real shame in her case.
Well, but then again there can’t be a lot of guys lining up to fuck her, even on the hardcore left.
That's not unfortunate. The world would breathe easier if she couldn't reproduce.
She's after the same thing all the so-called activists are after. "GIMME FREE STUFF!"
I thought Sweden was already conquered in the name of Islam?
She should sue China
That's "sinophobic", dont'ya'know! She should sue India.
Thats "pajeetphobic", dont ya know!? She should sue the african countries
Man you can really see the fetal alcohol syndrome in this pic. Her parents failed her in every possible way.
To quote the great lawyer Darrell Brooks, "gRoUnDs?!"
Do what women want or else...
Never forget she admitted this is all a lie.
Greta Thunberg.
Where is she to comment on the Dutch farmers situation? Obnoxious fucking autistic puppet.
What do you think she's gonna say? That government overreach is bad?
Are you insane?
I don't think she is ever going to say anything smart or worth hearing. I just point out the cowardice of this autistic ''climate activist'' puppet keeping quiet on the Dutch farmer thing which was directly caused by her climate cult.
I can see Ezra Levant peeking over her right shoulder.
"Put me in the screenshot!"
Greta and Friends sounds like a Southpark bit.
Sweden could meet those goals if they sent all the apes they've given refuge to back to their own countries. As a bonus the violent crime and rape rates would drop.