What I was about to say. Although it is funny when you see these woke black celebrities push back against this. Which they should but they are being hypocritical
My sister caught the woke mind virus and she's obsessed with bashing white people. My Dad is also infected although his symptoms aren't as severe as hers.
My sister was visiting recently, and she asked my dad (who's a doctor and lives in a city that is 95% white) if he has more black patients compared to five years ago. My dad said no, and they both solemnly agreed that was a terrible thing.
Neither of them have ever lived around black people, let alone lived in a place that's majority black. They're the naive types who honestly believe that if you just give every black kid a laptop and an internet connection, they'd all be doctors, lawyers, etc.
Obviously this isn't feasible, but our country would be much better off if everyone was required to live in the hood for six months so they can get slapped in the face by reality.
Towns that don't meet the cookie-cutter requirement for economic diversity will lose federal funding.
This is the only mechanism they have to force compliance. Despite being huge, the federal government really doesn't have a lot of employees or law enforcement that are able to impose their will on you. They rely on partnerships/cooperative agreements and coercion through withholding federal funding to get state and local governments to do their work for them.
State and local governments need to stop being reliant on federal funding if they want to maintain their independence.
The other issue is inflation. Federal funded things are massively inflated (healthcare, universities) to the point local governments can't afford them, breeding the dependence. While plenty of local governments are in debt, the relative amount the feds can do is much more.
There are deeper local problems as well, public sector unions being a big one. However locals will never afford things the feds have caused to be inflated.
True, and a town is probably too small of a political unit to effectively push back on the federal government to force them to change policy.
However, giving up federal funding and refusing to cooperate is probably the best way for states to fight back against overreach, woke policies, etc.
People don't realize how reliant the federal government is on lower level political bodies to function. For example: they have agreements with every state to share data for Social Security. They don't even know that someone has died unless the state tells them. That's just one thing the state can stop helping with to push back on the feds.
Every academic I know believes people are moving to cities and we need to get ready for that. None of the statistics actually show this, but they are convinced it is.
That’s just doublespeak for we’ve seen cities bleed money the past 20 years and now we need to take all of the money from the rest of the state to shore up cities. New York is literally dying in front of our eyes. San Francisco is a shit ridden mockery of common sense, and if Californias massive turnaround from the biggest net federal tax contributor in 2008 to a net tax tax loss a decade later is any indicator, shits going to really be bad in cities soon.
Then they explain that the sense of community is lost because of suburbia. They want the vibrant lifestyle of a city. At no point do they imagine hearing a truck at 5AM stopping at a light, or the crazy guy screaming at the McDonald's.
Reject the funding. Handle your own business in your own town. Stop letting fedbois buy your compliance and obedience with meaningless fiat paper.
So much this. I wish cities and states would just decide to reject all these strings. Government is way too big. Reduce taxes, implement something like Electoral College for states - or just stop letting cities make doctrine for people outside of the city - and let people handle it themselves.
I want the government to leave me the fuck alone. That's it. The last thing I want is their "help," and I'm just going to assume anything they try will make my life worse. Which seems like a pretty solid bet, historically speaking.
this has been going on for a long time.
What I was about to say. Although it is funny when you see these woke black celebrities push back against this. Which they should but they are being hypocritical
What if they say no?
They'll receive federally funded cultural enrichment instead of locally funded cultural enrichment.
yeah i remember similar stories from the end of the obama regime.
Somewhat related....
My sister caught the woke mind virus and she's obsessed with bashing white people. My Dad is also infected although his symptoms aren't as severe as hers.
My sister was visiting recently, and she asked my dad (who's a doctor and lives in a city that is 95% white) if he has more black patients compared to five years ago. My dad said no, and they both solemnly agreed that was a terrible thing.
Neither of them have ever lived around black people, let alone lived in a place that's majority black. They're the naive types who honestly believe that if you just give every black kid a laptop and an internet connection, they'd all be doctors, lawyers, etc.
Obviously this isn't feasible, but our country would be much better off if everyone was required to live in the hood for six months so they can get slapped in the face by reality.
This is the only mechanism they have to force compliance. Despite being huge, the federal government really doesn't have a lot of employees or law enforcement that are able to impose their will on you. They rely on partnerships/cooperative agreements and coercion through withholding federal funding to get state and local governments to do their work for them.
State and local governments need to stop being reliant on federal funding if they want to maintain their independence.
of course, the townspeople will still have to pay federal taxes for the federal funding they will not be receiving.
The other issue is inflation. Federal funded things are massively inflated (healthcare, universities) to the point local governments can't afford them, breeding the dependence. While plenty of local governments are in debt, the relative amount the feds can do is much more.
There are deeper local problems as well, public sector unions being a big one. However locals will never afford things the feds have caused to be inflated.
True, and a town is probably too small of a political unit to effectively push back on the federal government to force them to change policy.
However, giving up federal funding and refusing to cooperate is probably the best way for states to fight back against overreach, woke policies, etc.
People don't realize how reliant the federal government is on lower level political bodies to function. For example: they have agreements with every state to share data for Social Security. They don't even know that someone has died unless the state tells them. That's just one thing the state can stop helping with to push back on the feds.
States need to cut off funding for the federal government.
Pretty much this. Stop sending federal remittances. They don't deserve it anyway.
Every academic I know believes people are moving to cities and we need to get ready for that. None of the statistics actually show this, but they are convinced it is.
95% of academics are gay commies and cramming people into technocrat managed concentration camps is part of their dream
That’s just doublespeak for we’ve seen cities bleed money the past 20 years and now we need to take all of the money from the rest of the state to shore up cities. New York is literally dying in front of our eyes. San Francisco is a shit ridden mockery of common sense, and if Californias massive turnaround from the biggest net federal tax contributor in 2008 to a net tax tax loss a decade later is any indicator, shits going to really be bad in cities soon.
Then they explain that the sense of community is lost because of suburbia. They want the vibrant lifestyle of a city. At no point do they imagine hearing a truck at 5AM stopping at a light, or the crazy guy screaming at the McDonald's.
Maybe it'll make suburban white women stop voting for dems when they start seeing crime go up.
Probably not, but I can hope.
Doesn't matter as long as we win. 20% of the population is retarded, 30% functionally retarded, and the dems love to use them for votes
They won't let us have one country, one state, one county, one city, one neighborhood, street, one household to ourselves.
So much this. I wish cities and states would just decide to reject all these strings. Government is way too big. Reduce taxes, implement something like Electoral College for states - or just stop letting cities make doctrine for people outside of the city - and let people handle it themselves.
Absolutely. And they're also naturally quite reluctant to reduce their own power.
This is not about what people can do but to give an excuse for the local administration to push it while keeping their job.
"It is not us is the feds making us do it" excuse.
Martha's Vinyard and similar towns will be exempt or they'll just find a way to quietly not enforce it there
They will refuse the funds, is not like they need it. All the media will stay quiet and that will be all.
Not really on topic, but that is one butt ugly horse.
I want the government to leave me the fuck alone. That's it. The last thing I want is their "help," and I'm just going to assume anything they try will make my life worse. Which seems like a pretty solid bet, historically speaking.
I wouldn’t even qualify as “low income” and I can’t afford to live in the suburbs of nicer cities.
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