That’s just doublespeak for we’ve seen cities bleed money the past 20 years and now we need to take all of the money from the rest of the state to shore up cities. New York is literally dying in front of our eyes. San Francisco is a shit ridden mockery of common sense, and if Californias massive turnaround from the biggest net federal tax contributor in 2008 to a net tax tax loss a decade later is any indicator, shits going to really be bad in cities soon.
Then they explain that the sense of community is lost because of suburbia. They want the vibrant lifestyle of a city. At no point do they imagine hearing a truck at 5AM stopping at a light, or the crazy guy screaming at the McDonald's.
That’s just doublespeak for we’ve seen cities bleed money the past 20 years and now we need to take all of the money from the rest of the state to shore up cities. New York is literally dying in front of our eyes. San Francisco is a shit ridden mockery of common sense, and if Californias massive turnaround from the biggest net federal tax contributor in 2008 to a net tax tax loss a decade later is any indicator, shits going to really be bad in cities soon.
Then they explain that the sense of community is lost because of suburbia. They want the vibrant lifestyle of a city. At no point do they imagine hearing a truck at 5AM stopping at a light, or the crazy guy screaming at the McDonald's.