There was a black guy in The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 in a key role. Didn’t even feel like they just shoved in the token black like in the Disney garbage. She just wants to bitch
Point is: Nobody wanted to know. Lando was a cool guy that cared about the people he was responsible for, a badass pilot and an important part of the rebellion.
Now he is the guy that wants to fuck everything that moves, even robots.
Racial identity politics is the only thing that matters to them. That's why they need to be "the first x in y." It's the only trait they have, the rest is filler and programming.
Billy Dee Williams Played Lando Calrissian and is well loved for his part in empire and Jedi. Whose character played the very Important part of leading the attack on the 2nd Death Star and destroying it. Not once have Star Wars fans derided Williams for his role in the original Trilogy. Samuel L Jackson had a major role in the prequel trilogy and is well loved for his portrayal of mace windu. During the trailers for the force awakens Finn was probably the character I thought was going to be one of the more interesting of the new ones (unfortunately the sequel trilogy had extremely poor writing and leadership).
These people need to stop acting like if fans dislike their shows or movies or have any kind of criticism that’s because of their skin color. Unless it’s coming out of China chances are it’s not that. Maybe people have heard rumors of how the show ends and no one wants to see Obi Wan Kenobi upstaged by a nobody in his own tv show.
I will never pay for mainstream media products ever again from any company that puts disgusting, virulently anti-white fucks like these on a pedestal in their shows. I'm so sick of it all. If I'm reduced to watching nothing but teenage-male-pandering anime and the occasional piracy for the rest of my life, so be it.
European and South American (and Japanese, and South African, to a lesser extent) indie cinema is really good, and still super-based, if you can handle subtitles, and give it a shot…
For television shows..? That’s a bit harder, but Spain and Italy still produce some really good shit. Or the Nordics, but that’s verging into… “Less based” territory, shall we say…
And Indian cinema (dot not feather). It's refreshing to see entertainment that extolls the virtues of their people, rather than shitting all over them like Hollywood. Granted, Hollywood was created and run by Jews.
I found a movie called Kesari that's really entertaining. It's about a handful of Indian Sikhs defending an outpost from hordes of Muslims. It's a wacky mix of serious war film with over the top Bollywood action. I've also heard good things about a movie called RRR.
And honestly I blame modern entertainment companies. In years past I was willing to give any show or movie a chance. Ever since they have gone over the deep end with diversity crap they shouldn’t be surprised when people suspect a bait and switch or when we see this obsession to get women into areas of interest that tend to skew male at the cost of abandoning the main fan base what do you think will happen?
Same here. I had built up quite a little list of things I was going to buy the day they announced Kennedy's firing (a couple of the newer games, but mostly old school books, comics and games, and was looking forward to watching The Mandalorian) but it's now too late for that, even if they do come to their senses.
There was a black guy in The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 in a key role. Didn’t even feel like they just shoved in the token black like in the Disney garbage. She just wants to bitch
And then they made him robosexual ...
Pretty sure he was really just pansexual, but I'm not watching that trash again...
Point is: Nobody wanted to know. Lando was a cool guy that cared about the people he was responsible for, a badass pilot and an important part of the rebellion.
Now he is the guy that wants to fuck everything that moves, even robots.
Sorry, what do mean about Kirk? Just curious.
Okay, gotcha.
It was an origin story, though, and didn't they show him kind of maturing and mellowing by the third one?
Standard operating procedure. Lawl patsy sopranos ref?
Just wait for the Chinese version where they edit her out.
it's just as valid reason not to watch as any other, I genuinely have nigger fatigue and refuse to watch anything with blacks as main characters now
So the fact that Lando and Mace Windu were very popular characters mean nothing to her?
Narrator: Yes.
Progressivism doesn't actually allow progress because that would take away their reason for existing.
Racial identity politics is the only thing that matters to them. That's why they need to be "the first x in y." It's the only trait they have, the rest is filler and programming.
Billy Dee Williams Played Lando Calrissian and is well loved for his part in empire and Jedi. Whose character played the very Important part of leading the attack on the 2nd Death Star and destroying it. Not once have Star Wars fans derided Williams for his role in the original Trilogy. Samuel L Jackson had a major role in the prequel trilogy and is well loved for his portrayal of mace windu. During the trailers for the force awakens Finn was probably the character I thought was going to be one of the more interesting of the new ones (unfortunately the sequel trilogy had extremely poor writing and leadership).
These people need to stop acting like if fans dislike their shows or movies or have any kind of criticism that’s because of their skin color. Unless it’s coming out of China chances are it’s not that. Maybe people have heard rumors of how the show ends and no one wants to see Obi Wan Kenobi upstaged by a nobody in his own tv show.
I will never pay for mainstream media products ever again from any company that puts disgusting, virulently anti-white fucks like these on a pedestal in their shows. I'm so sick of it all. If I'm reduced to watching nothing but teenage-male-pandering anime and the occasional piracy for the rest of my life, so be it.
European and South American (and Japanese, and South African, to a lesser extent) indie cinema is really good, and still super-based, if you can handle subtitles, and give it a shot…
For television shows..? That’s a bit harder, but Spain and Italy still produce some really good shit. Or the Nordics, but that’s verging into… “Less based” territory, shall we say…
And Indian cinema (dot not feather). It's refreshing to see entertainment that extolls the virtues of their people, rather than shitting all over them like Hollywood. Granted, Hollywood was created and run by Jews.
I found a movie called Kesari that's really entertaining. It's about a handful of Indian Sikhs defending an outpost from hordes of Muslims. It's a wacky mix of serious war film with over the top Bollywood action. I've also heard good things about a movie called RRR.
Just curious, what European indie cinema are you referring too? I thought they had all drank the Kool-Aid by now?
It's insta. Who is expecting an actual human to make a corrective or critical comment against this actual nobody and stay clear of blocks or deletion?
Heavily censored as well. (makes twitter look like a free speech zone)
I mean, it is owned by Facebook, don’t forget, after all!
And honestly I blame modern entertainment companies. In years past I was willing to give any show or movie a chance. Ever since they have gone over the deep end with diversity crap they shouldn’t be surprised when people suspect a bait and switch or when we see this obsession to get women into areas of interest that tend to skew male at the cost of abandoning the main fan base what do you think will happen?
This program is going to be utter garbage. Which is a shame.
But look at the keys they're jangling. See? It's Obi-Wan! You like Obi-Wan, don't you, you simple monkey?
Bitch, I’m not racist. Some of my favorite droids are black!
Eh. Racist wants in on Groomer action. Forces it.
Yes, because Mace Windu was white lol
Same here. I had built up quite a little list of things I was going to buy the day they announced Kennedy's firing (a couple of the newer games, but mostly old school books, comics and games, and was looking forward to watching The Mandalorian) but it's now too late for that, even if they do come to their senses.
They've killed it.
We've become such a clown world that the opening scene from Chasing Amy is now reality.
Adi Gallia got her own fucking game.