If it doesn't involve shilling for Israel, muh based darkies, or terrible half-assed takes on immigration, the average Republican is borderline worthless.
These idiots still think they can fix the Republican party from within. Or even worse, don't think there's a problem.
I want to see if we can reach some common ground here.
I agree that the Republicans are overly pro-Israel, but I think it's much simpler than a grand conspiracy. They just have investments in the companies that sell arms to Israel. It's basic corruption, helped by religious justification.
I think, as you might guess, that Republicans have more chance getting non-white votes than young white female votes. Remember their whole pandering fiesta in 2020 with the pardon of Susan B Anthony? They still didn't turn out for the Republicans. They wanted their feminist VP. Meanwhile, Hispanic males are turning out for Republican candidates, as seen in the Presidential election and even the CA recall. The black voting figures are still skewed, in my opinion, by the fraud. You can't genuinely believe 90% of black men turned out for a senile moron who promised to put women first, above minorities.
I agree with you here. They love talking about the border, but never doing anything about it. Look at TX Gov. Abbott, who could send the Texas National Guard to the border, but doesn't.
Republicans can't compete with democrats on minorities. Democrats are promising special treatment for minorities, easier admissions, forced diversity in the workplace, sentences that take in to account race.
Is so fucked up.
I just can't see minorities voting against their interests like that.
Exactly. They never will either. Oh Trump got 12% of the black vote this time around instead of 9%. Big deal. They’re still going to vote for the side that promises them the most things [that whites have].
I want to see if we can reach some common ground here.
I'm sure there's plenty we agree on if we break things down and move out of identity politik.
They just have investments in the companies that sell arms to Israel. It's basic corruption, helped by religious justification.
This is part of it, but not the whole story anymore.
In reality much of the cooperation with Israeli arms manufacturers broke down years ago when it was found that they were stealing American project info and selling it to China.
These days it's almost entirely either dual-citizen jews, glorified puppets taking bribes, or huge cucks who unironically buy into the "God's chosen people" meme.
The "conspiracy" is that Israeli assets abuse their ties with the US for monetary gain and to create regional instability. I've yet to meet a real person that disagrees with this idea. Virtually everyone, far left, moderate, far right, understands that America's relationship with Israel is being heavily abused in Israel's favor.
Meanwhile, Hispanic males are turning out for Republican candidates, as seen in the Presidential election and even the CA recall.
This may surprise you, but many of those Hispanics consider themselves to be white. In fact many South American countries have an unofficial caste system based around degrees of "whiteness."
You can't genuinely believe 90% of black men turned out for a senile moron who promised to put women first, above minorities.
They're not voting for the senile old man. They're voting for the Party having been promised gibs. What do you think the purpose of the "black pastor" orgs is? There are a few heads of the community who negotiate directly with the party for personal gibs and bring the population in line.
You're somewhat right to a degree. They themselves aren't voting. They agree to allow the community leaders to vote for them. Most, however, are all in on the war effort.
It's pretty much exactly the same as the warlord and tribal chief setup in Africa, but with extra black Jesus.
They love talking about the border, but never doing anything about it.
It's a sick joke what's being done with the borders.
I had a conversation with an elderly Quebecois couple the other day who were talking about how it's the same up in Canada. Illegals can just walk right over the border from the US into Canada and are instantly considered migrants, refugees, or whatever and are put on a path to citizenship. Somehow it's always Africans or South Americans and never whites that abuse this.
The black voting figures are still skewed, in my opinion, by the fraud. You can't genuinely believe 90% of black men turned out for a senile moron who promised to put women first, above minorities.
And that's where you show that you fundamentally don't understand black people. A combination of poverty, low IQs, and generational cultural propaganda means that blacks will never vote for Republicans (or any party on the right) in any meaningful numbers. That's why Trump's massive pandering to blacks was a stupid waste of effort.
Look at TX Gov. Abbott, who could send the Texas National Guard to the border, but doesn't.
I'm no Abbott fanboy, but he has sent the guard to the border. It doesn't make much difference though if there's no border wall or a federal government willing to enforce the law.
Republicans are not on my side. They're less evil than Democrats, by a factor of about a trillion, but they're still useless idiots who don't have my best interests at heart. It's like having to choose between living with a tiger or a chimp. The chimp is probably less likely to kill me for no reason, but he's still gonna shit all over the place and break all my stuff. I'd prefer to live alone.
...shows that "high numeracy" Republicans were spot on whereas the same smart Democrats were almost as far off (20%-49% hospitalization) as the total Fox News / CNN / MSNBC clods.
I'm sure it is less than 1%, but we don't have data to support any answer, really.
For example, the 0.89% unvaccinated hospitalization rate they claim in that article would include people who got sick and hospitalized before they knew COVID was a thing, and the vaccinated rate would not.
The most at risk elderly who died all would fall into the unvaccinated group, because that all happened before the vaccine was released.
Either way, to calculate the actual rate you'd need to know numbers for how many people caught it, and that's un-knowable.
nah, it's a bounding problem. hospitalization rate is just hospitalizations divided by infections.
hospitalizations number is known.
infections number, we know the lower bound, and it's likely substantially higher.
the known infections number is high enough that hospitalization rate is <1%. the likely infections is substantially higher, which would mean the hospitalization rate is only lower inside that bound, meaning <0.1% or something.
I'm so tired of arguing with the Fox News types. I've become much more critical of "Republicans" because they think they're on "our side" but they're still blind, listen to MSM lies, and chase the shiny object of the news cycle.
They're the kind of people who will get worked up over illegal immigrants crossing the border while cOvID-pOsiTIvE and uNVacCiNatED.
Remember that Republican governors shut down their states with as much fervor as Democrat ones. A county in Texas even sent out a SWAT team on some guys drinking beer outside a bar that was "illegally" open.
Lot of people on the right want to pretend they weren't on board with all this stuff. Don't let them forget.
Average republicans and their desperate attempt to appear tolerant to minority group just kills my enthusiasm. They want to be so milquetoast, it's like their original values don't even matter any more like conserving old traditions. They simply can't compete with democratic party when it comes to playing dirty politics because they care about being a bigger man.
If anything it just says normies get their news from the MSM. Which we already knew. If there's something to get mad at it's their—by this point—nigh-willful ignorance, not lunacy.
Wow over 50% of all people then believe at least 1 in 5 people who get Covid will be hospitalized. That is amazingly inaccurate. How do these people not know tens if not hundreds of family or friends who survived Covid at home and almost with no symptoms? I sure do.
One if, if not THE, main problems is that there are FAR too many ignorant and/or brainwashed normies whose only source of "news" and "info" is the MSM that constantly hypes the "we're all gonna die from Covid if we catch it" narrative to incite fear, blind obedience to lockdowns and jab "mandates", distrust of their felllow man and disdain for those who question or disregard the narrative.
If it doesn't involve shilling for Israel, muh based darkies, or terrible half-assed takes on immigration, the average Republican is borderline worthless.
These idiots still think they can fix the Republican party from within. Or even worse, don't think there's a problem.
I want to see if we can reach some common ground here.
I agree that the Republicans are overly pro-Israel, but I think it's much simpler than a grand conspiracy. They just have investments in the companies that sell arms to Israel. It's basic corruption, helped by religious justification.
I think, as you might guess, that Republicans have more chance getting non-white votes than young white female votes. Remember their whole pandering fiesta in 2020 with the pardon of Susan B Anthony? They still didn't turn out for the Republicans. They wanted their feminist VP. Meanwhile, Hispanic males are turning out for Republican candidates, as seen in the Presidential election and even the CA recall. The black voting figures are still skewed, in my opinion, by the fraud. You can't genuinely believe 90% of black men turned out for a senile moron who promised to put women first, above minorities.
I agree with you here. They love talking about the border, but never doing anything about it. Look at TX Gov. Abbott, who could send the Texas National Guard to the border, but doesn't.
Republicans can't compete with democrats on minorities. Democrats are promising special treatment for minorities, easier admissions, forced diversity in the workplace, sentences that take in to account race.
Is so fucked up.
I just can't see minorities voting against their interests like that.
Exactly. They never will either. Oh Trump got 12% of the black vote this time around instead of 9%. Big deal. They’re still going to vote for the side that promises them the most things [that whites have].
I'm sure there's plenty we agree on if we break things down and move out of identity politik.
This is part of it, but not the whole story anymore.
In reality much of the cooperation with Israeli arms manufacturers broke down years ago when it was found that they were stealing American project info and selling it to China.
These days it's almost entirely either dual-citizen jews, glorified puppets taking bribes, or huge cucks who unironically buy into the "God's chosen people" meme.
The "conspiracy" is that Israeli assets abuse their ties with the US for monetary gain and to create regional instability. I've yet to meet a real person that disagrees with this idea. Virtually everyone, far left, moderate, far right, understands that America's relationship with Israel is being heavily abused in Israel's favor.
This may surprise you, but many of those Hispanics consider themselves to be white. In fact many South American countries have an unofficial caste system based around degrees of "whiteness."
They're not voting for the senile old man. They're voting for the Party having been promised gibs. What do you think the purpose of the "black pastor" orgs is? There are a few heads of the community who negotiate directly with the party for personal gibs and bring the population in line.
You're somewhat right to a degree. They themselves aren't voting. They agree to allow the community leaders to vote for them. Most, however, are all in on the war effort.
It's pretty much exactly the same as the warlord and tribal chief setup in Africa, but with extra black Jesus.
It's a sick joke what's being done with the borders.
I had a conversation with an elderly Quebecois couple the other day who were talking about how it's the same up in Canada. Illegals can just walk right over the border from the US into Canada and are instantly considered migrants, refugees, or whatever and are put on a path to citizenship. Somehow it's always Africans or South Americans and never whites that abuse this.
And that's where you show that you fundamentally don't understand black people. A combination of poverty, low IQs, and generational cultural propaganda means that blacks will never vote for Republicans (or any party on the right) in any meaningful numbers. That's why Trump's massive pandering to blacks was a stupid waste of effort.
I'm no Abbott fanboy, but he has sent the guard to the border. It doesn't make much difference though if there's no border wall or a federal government willing to enforce the law.
Live, grew up, and worked in the commie chocolate city shithole known as NOLA all my life, and I can confirm everything you’ve said as 💯 factual.
I actually think it's less than 1%. There's no way to realistically estimate how many people contracted COVID.
It is.
That includes ALL age groups.
In you're in your teens, 20s, or 30s it even less
yup it should be 0-1% for the win - that is if you believe that it is soooo virulent that everyone is getting it.
Republicans are not on my side. They're less evil than Democrats, by a factor of about a trillion, but they're still useless idiots who don't have my best interests at heart. It's like having to choose between living with a tiger or a chimp. The chimp is probably less likely to kill me for no reason, but he's still gonna shit all over the place and break all my stuff. I'd prefer to live alone.
That's a good analogy because chimpanzees are far more dangerous than many people think: https://www.animallaw.info/article/incidents-attacks-involving-captive-chimpanzees
Sort of. People are around chimps more than tigers. Can't really say which is "more dangerous" due to lack of data.
Republicans and Democrats...
Two faces of the same coin
How many people are actually deluded enough to think half the people who get Covid end up in hospital?!
Literally the herd mentality.
Nietzsche explains this in his Master Slave Morality.
And that the slave (mediocre man or last man and The Slave) actively try to tear down society.
Great explanation
this was a bastardized version from NYT after the original from gallup made dems look so bad. they ran it themselves, and still look fucking retarded.
it's not even accurate. the hospitalization rate is not 1-5%. it's <1%.
Yes but in media speak, they included 1% in the range! /s.
It's the same if they were to claim 1-25%.
Better than either NYT or recent Gallup is from a year ago:
...shows that "high numeracy" Republicans were spot on whereas the same smart Democrats were almost as far off (20%-49% hospitalization) as the total Fox News / CNN / MSNBC clods.
I'm sure it is less than 1%, but we don't have data to support any answer, really.
For example, the 0.89% unvaccinated hospitalization rate they claim in that article would include people who got sick and hospitalized before they knew COVID was a thing, and the vaccinated rate would not.
The most at risk elderly who died all would fall into the unvaccinated group, because that all happened before the vaccine was released.
Either way, to calculate the actual rate you'd need to know numbers for how many people caught it, and that's un-knowable.
nah, it's a bounding problem. hospitalization rate is just hospitalizations divided by infections.
hospitalizations number is known.
infections number, we know the lower bound, and it's likely substantially higher.
the known infections number is high enough that hospitalization rate is <1%. the likely infections is substantially higher, which would mean the hospitalization rate is only lower inside that bound, meaning <0.1% or something.
I'm so tired of arguing with the Fox News types. I've become much more critical of "Republicans" because they think they're on "our side" but they're still blind, listen to MSM lies, and chase the shiny object of the news cycle.
They're the kind of people who will get worked up over illegal immigrants crossing the border while cOvID-pOsiTIvE and uNVacCiNatED.
I'd say "bad" Republicans are more likely to be good people trying their best who are dumb than intentionally evil like most Democrats.
And I don't see any problem with requiring immigrants to be vaccinated. Solves the problem in a few years that way.
Remember that Republican governors shut down their states with as much fervor as Democrat ones. A county in Texas even sent out a SWAT team on some guys drinking beer outside a bar that was "illegally" open.
Lot of people on the right want to pretend they weren't on board with all this stuff. Don't let them forget.
And who enforced all those lockdowns and mandates? Cops and sheriffs. Back the blue, amiright?
Average republicans and their desperate attempt to appear tolerant to minority group just kills my enthusiasm. They want to be so milquetoast, it's like their original values don't even matter any more like conserving old traditions. They simply can't compete with democratic party when it comes to playing dirty politics because they care about being a bigger man.
If anything it just says normies get their news from the MSM. Which we already knew. If there's something to get mad at it's their—by this point—nigh-willful ignorance, not lunacy.
Wow over 50% of all people then believe at least 1 in 5 people who get Covid will be hospitalized. That is amazingly inaccurate. How do these people not know tens if not hundreds of family or friends who survived Covid at home and almost with no symptoms? I sure do.
I'd say I know fewer than 15 people who tested positive for COVID. But I don't go around asking, either.
Sounds made up either way.
The poll should say 0 to 5%.
I don’t trust anything from the New York Times.
"People on our side" can be a matter of a huge debate.
I want to make a post for that but i am not sure if KIA2 is the right place.
You could try making a basic version of your point as a reply to this comment.
There are just as many morons, useful idiots and hammerheads on one side as there are on the other. Always been this way. Evolution.
One if, if not THE, main problems is that there are FAR too many ignorant and/or brainwashed normies whose only source of "news" and "info" is the MSM that constantly hypes the "we're all gonna die from Covid if we catch it" narrative to incite fear, blind obedience to lockdowns and jab "mandates", distrust of their felllow man and disdain for those who question or disregard the narrative.
The simple fact is that the majority of people are just normies.