Not to exaggerate, and sure, some of this is probably depression-related, but I find everything that is happening, lately, to just be... Exhausting.
Particularly the "coof" shit. Australia, where I live, is ground zero for quite literally the most oppressive approach in any supposedly "democratic" country (yes, some parts of the US are more restrictive in some ways, and yes, Ardernistan exists, but, overall, I'm sorry, but I would have to say we are worse), and it is just... EVERYWHERE.
Like, I try to get offline, I really do, but I am not kidding when I say it is everywhere, here. The TV (idiot box), of course, is utterly saturated with it. The newspapers are, naturally, too. When I leave the house, pretty much to do anything, now, I have to "check in" on my fucking smart phone, even just to buy bread, or I am literally breaking the law. This is all anyone talks about now (well, this and Afghanistan). This DOMINATES our fucking lives.
And I can't travel anywhere. Hell, I can barely even go interstate. The prevailing attitude in this country has always been "love it or leave", but now we can't even fucking LEAVE...
So... I'm just so very tired. "Get off the internet" isn't working. "Talk to someone, then"...
Oh sure, let me go talk to my doomer parents, then, who are so brainwashed by the news and their own agendas that they literally regurgitate it all word for word, and then yell me down when I try to literally SHOW them it is wrong. Or how about my girlfriend, who is so depressed, and so anxious, now, that she barely goes out except to work and to walk her dog (much like me), let alone bearing in mind that we live hundreds of miles apart, anyway... Or maybe my grandfather. Oh wait, I can't, because I'm not even allowed to visit him in his nursing home, because, get this, I haven't had the fucking FLU vaccination yet. Not Covid. The flu. Because they fucking can...
So yeah, I'm sorry, I just... I hope y'all are doing better than me, in your "righteous anger", because personally, after having learned that my country is fucking shooting rescue dogs (see the post yesterday), and laughing that "Haha, this is because of Covid", I'm just... Beyond exhausted by it all. And I'm not sure how much longer I can keep living like that, let alone all the other clown world bullshit that is going on, around, and in some cases allegedly unrelated to, the sniffles... :-(
I'll see how long anger can keep someone alive, soon, I suppose. Because there's not much else that burns me enough to keep the overwhelming sadness and sheer frustration at bay...
The latest news is that Aussie truckers are planning on shutting down the country to end the dictatorship. Protests really took off this weekend too. Hang in there, it will escalate and end soon.
Well said.
Yep, I don't know about a guaranteed happy ending to all of this but many are sick of it. You are not alone, OP, and thankfully people are starting to congregate en masse.
This is the only way things will end well. But there's a price to be paid, which is why people hesitate to engage in actually peaceful protests. With the ball already rolling though, as long as the momentum continues, there's hope for the future.
Once the truckies stop then business will most certainly pick up. If they stop that is.
There was talk of that post US election 2020 too. I don't buy it.
Look I hear you...I live in this damn country too and I know how exhausting this shit is. I really do. I've seen this shit slowly evolve and grow like cancer since 2014 before the pandemic and I know how tiring it really is.
Honestly, once it gets to the point where I know its getting to be too much...I just simply disconnect...reading has really been my go to lately for disconnecting. Find a book that isn't gonna patronize you with its politics and just read for a while. Tune out. Focusing in on this shit daily is a poor recipe for the mind so try and find something to escape with. Easier said than done at times, I know...but that's been the advice given to me through therapy after my suicide attempt.
Find something to take your mind off it just laying on the bed listening to some music, laying on your bed reading a book, walking outside (as far as you can go these days at least)
Just anything to take your mind off the grind.
I understand about the talking to parents thing....I love my parents but they live and die by the propaganda fed to them that talking to them is just maddening. I try not to talk to them about this shit to be honest, because it's just too depressing to argue with them about it. Let's just say I'm very much for freedom protest and they are very much "lock 'em down and don't let them leave"...I love my parents but they're not gonna challenge anything told to them by the precious media and government cronies.
I know it is maddening. I just want to get out and see my friends. My best friend had her first kid last year and I still haven't met her thanks to this shit. I miss the fuck out of my friends. But can't go anywhere.
I have a leg ulcer and will admit I am obese...I went to my vascular surgeon for first consultation...their answer was a very blunt "lose weight." To which I answered "well, gee I would like to lose the excess weight I've put on but oh yeah! We can't go anywhere! Can't go to a fucking gym! Can't go out past 5km from your home! Gee easier said than done."
That consultation didn't go well needless to say...but it's have all these boomers giving you all this shit advice that you can't do because they've locked down the fucking country. "Go to a gym?" That cost money I don't have...I'm making enough to keep me alive but I don't have enough to go out to the gym because I lost my part time job that offered spare income thanks to this shit!
It's very fucking maddening...and I understand how maddening it can be being dialed into this shit. So my only advice is to find something to escape with. Be it a book, game, anything. Just switch off every now and then if you can.
I know, easier said than done...unfortunately...but it does least for me it does.
I know it sucks, but 90% of losing weight is about eating habits. Don't let focusing on what the regime is preventing you from doing, stop you from doing what you can.
Oh yeah look I know that...I'm not making excuses for it...I know that I did a lot of comfort eating in the last year or so and paid the price for it. But it is still maddening to hear advice like that when you're in a climate where you're barely surviving financially and their answer is simply "spend more money you don't have"
I have actually cut back on the comfort eating and dropped at least 4kg from giving up soft drink in the past month so there is that I guess.
But it's no less maddening when someone tells you "spend money you don't have to achieve X results." It's like "are you even listening to what I just said?" when they throw that shit out.
put a calendar on your refrigerator or kitchen door. Every time you open it, or go in the kitchen, use a pen hanging from the calendar to make a mark on the day. Count the marks--whatever your count is, make it lower the next day. 10 marks on monday? Don't go past 9 in tuesday. Keep doing this the number of marks is 3. Keep it there.
You wanna lose weight cheap and easy? Throw out all the food in your house and buy only a chicken, celery, carrots, onions and garlic. Roast the chicken and use the carcass to make soup stock. Congratulations, that's your meal for 1-2 days. 1 chicken and 1 kg of veggies is about 2000 calories. It's soup, it's filling, it's delicious.
If you are obese, you are in no danger of starving and your liver has sufficient storage of most nutrients that you can't be hurt doing this. The chicken has the rest. I lost 12 kg in 2 months doing just this. No carbs, no snacks, no drinks. Just chicken or duck for 4 weeks. I added barley to the soup and ate extra celery after 4 weeks.
Is this fun? No. Does it suck? Yup. Is it cheap? Extremely cheap. Is it dangerous? Nope, not even a little bit. Is it difficult? That's up to you.
The most important thing is to get all of the bullshit and temptation out of the house? Got a bag of chips hanging around? It must go. Tube of cookie dough? Donate that shit or throw it out. Can of beer? Keep the beer, it's fairly benign, but keep it to one a day and no more.
Good luck. Or not if you don't want. It's all on you, man.
Cutting out carbs will do the trick. It doesn't even have to be boring, with chicken every day. 10 minutes online searching for keto recipes will disabuse you of that notion.
The best approach I've found is fasting. Just skip food for a day. The human body is far better equipped to deal with No Food than it is to deal with Not Enough Food. Plenty of additional health benefits beyond simple weight loss from it too.
All you have to do to lose weight is fast. It’s that simple. Don’t eat Friday-Sunday. You will lose weight FAST.
Fasting is really good if you have the mental discipline. Look up autophagy.
Autophagy is why I fast. I’m already less than 12% body fat percentage so I don’t need to loose weight.
What's autophagy?
That’s why I do it
Actually the fasting thing really does work.
I lost around 20 pounds in about four days just not eating or drinking anything. The body starts consuming EVERYTHING, especially if you don't properly hydrate. However, mobility becomes a serious factor, and you'll be in pain by day two or three even just doing simple things like standing up and walking.
I wouldn't recommend it, but if you really wanted to drop weight fast, periodic fasting is a lot faster than exercising.
You gotta be careful with any sort of extended fasting, particularly if your body isn't used to it. I'd recommend building up to it. Start with skipping breakfast and work your way up to skipping food one day a week and see how you do. I've never gone past 40 hours, it just starts to tax the body a bit too much at that point. Wake up hungry, go to bed hungry, wake up and have breakfast, that seems to be the sweet spot.
Have you tried reading books? That is a good way of escape for me.
Watch old TV series and black and white movies instead of today’s woke garbage.
This. The actual visual arts from the pre-clown world days, are the only acceptable ones. Who the hell cares about a plotless 90 minute lecture of "White people bad," "men bad," "America bad," "heteros bad" and "christians bad." Modern Hollywood trash is literally just insane far-left politics disguised as "entertainment" that only NPCs clap like seals over.
The great thing about older movies is they couldn't hide behind special effects. They had to have well written scripts and talented actors and actresses.
Got that right
Man is that blackpilling. I naively hoped that the NPC's would wake up when there is literal tyranny afoot. As an American that is just a window to the future. May God have mercy on us all.
Break the law.
Reach out to your neighbors. Organize. Fight back. It's your only hope.
Problem with that is your neighbors just might dob you in these days since that's the trendy thing to do now as the government has everyone in a mass psychosis of fear.
My neck of the wood's been pretty sane so far at least but one of the local chains put up signs saying masks are "strongly recommended" yeah, kick rocks with that shit. Still a worrying number of people actually wearing them again. Doomers screaming for lockdowns again and jerking themselves raw over ICU numbers, were perpetually being overran but never quite there, funny how that fucking works. About to get a job and i'm not gonna let these cocksuckers ruin it for me.
American here, i've kept up on the news and would probably be in the same place of despair as you, except for my faith in God.
I try and start every day with reading the Bible, i cannot describe the peace it has brought me.
And man, whats happening has been fortold, the virus and the vaccine are means to an end.
We are seeing the formation of the anti-christ system and the formation of the one world order.
But do not fear, trust in God and repent of your sins and you will be saved.
They can kill the body, but not the soul.
It's not a very widely read book, but I recommend Habakkuk for these times. He's a prophet who asks God about why his country (the northern kingdom of Israel) is falling apart.
I'm not joking when I say start working out and making it a priority. Start small of you need to but it will really help your mental
And if you don't have a smart phone..?
This has been my plan for well over a decade. Full speed ahead as a Luddite.
This is a good question, actually, but essentially it depends on who you are dealing with...
I doubt the state can force you to buy a smartphone, and is unlikely to give you one for free, so... I dunno.
Generally you just get refused entry, yelled at, and if you resist in any way they threaten to call the cops...
This is Australia, right, so they wouldn't arrest you for "not having a smartphone" specifically. They're smarter than that. "Disturbing the peace". "Attempted trespass". "Offend, harass, humiliate". It's not hard for the "powers that be" to find something dumb to arrest you over, just because you want to go for fucking lunch, and you don't have/don't want to use a fucking piece of shit smartphone, lol... But mostly, it's fear.
Side note: I heard a story yesterday of a guy who kept being overtaken by hoons on a country road, going twice the speed limit, and trying to run him off the road. This happened regularly. So he decided "Fuck it", and filmed them on his phone as it happened. Then he took the footage to the cops.
Guess what they fucking did? Sure, they fined the "dangerous driver" hoons, when they tracked them down. Gave them something like an $150 fine. But then they ALSO fined the GUY WHO WAS MAKING THE REPORT, twice that amount, for "driving while using his phone".
That's what we're dealing with, here. That's in my state. The police, and laws, here, are absolutely fucked, and obviously they rely on a bought court, and/or you not being able to afford a good lawyer... :-(
This wouldn't be much of a remedy, but perhaps they have some paper license for this purpose? It's bad enough getting the "papers, please" treatment, but being expected to put special software on your phone is a big ask.
I'm wondering now if the cops have been hiring extra recently, there. I do not suggest this, but it sounds like a path of low resistance is to join the bad guys. I'm not a fan of trying to fix broken systems while becoming a part of them. I'm sure you'd feel terrible being compelled to treat your neighbors like shit, besides.
Ardewhat you say?
Take heed, these words, OP
And again, this is all about forming a new dictatorship, tell all your bud s, as SOON as you people stop deciding it is an UNJUST law, and ACT (in this case INACT towards that law) it will successively cease to stand. You ALL are in control of the POLITICIANS, it is NOT the other way around!! Solidarity, Kangaroo brother. ✊✊ 👌
Big Brother asked the people to IGNORE the evidence that was sitting in front of them, it was his Final, and ULTIMATE command.
Op, you all ALLOW it to dominate you ;)
Also = no freedom of movement is literally the start of HISTORIC DICTATORSHIPS, once you realize that, maybe you'll start fighting against your new nazi's dictates. When everyone jumps for them on command, you will EVENTUALLY be seeing death camps, its not when, how long.
Play some gaimes bro, i heard the new mass effect was goood... wait a minute, well we always have biowares other new game (oh, that failed too? BY god!!!!) well cdpr is coming out with a new cyberpunk game...
Well, maybe its a better idea if we just play a few classics.. (WHAT! The diablo remaster is REMOVING LAN???? QUADRUPLE FUCK BLIZZARD IN THEIR GAY RAPIST ASSHOLES)
... Is NOTHING sacred ANYMORE???
Well at least we still have halo 1 that wasnt ruined by remasters. Hah.
Hahahaha, bro. Welcome to 'the new normal', aka 'fascism is fine' aka 'we would be nazis if they told us it would protect us from scary wee wee doo doo virus-23.
Tell her to come visit. Fuck their nazipass. And is hundreds of miles the ends of the coast or a few towns away in africa?
Unjust laws exist so long as intimidated yokels decide to comply.
At least we can still go outside, for now...
Do they allow you to hike or even GASP ride a bike without anyone in a 50 ft yards around you???? or have your Nazipolice taken THAT away from you too, OP?
If they dont allow SOLO hiking or SOLO biking - there is NO science they can pretend to fall back on to justify this/
Dont get such a downer, bro. at least we arent trapped in 500 bc, the only games we'd have would be playing with stick and hoop for 6 hours, trying to farm the elusive -5% to splinter rate stick. ¯_(͡o‿O͡)_/¯
DONT be a whiner, OP, your future is in YOUR hands, not the tranny ass govt trying to make you all into nazis (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ ) ╲ ∋━━o
Tranny governments LOSE, when brave men STAND tall.
I want to repeat this part again, because its very important, read it again, and take head, my aussie brother, its not over as long as you gather your countrymen and STOP it from getting WORSE/
Take heed, these words, OP
And again, this is all about forming a new dictatorship, tell all your bud s, as SOON as you people stop deciding it is an UNJUST law, and ACT (in this case INACT towards that law) it will successively cease to stand. You ALL are in control of the POLITICIANS, it is NOT the other way around!! Solidarity, Kangaroo brother. ✊✊ 👌
Seems like you need to start meditating and finding God.
“Be in this world but not of it”.
Also you need to be lifting if you’re not. Buy equipment if you can’t go to a gym.
A year and a half of sustained stress has made me very weary indeed.
Calisthenics. Start with simple pushups.
The blackout on information, the censorship by Big Tech, the breakdown of any form of mass communication between dissidents, and the lockdowns are all part of psychological warfare to isolate and dominate, or divide and conquer.
The shit show is working exactly as planned
If you want to pretend you have friends that are on your side, check out sam hyde's PGL podcast, and
Just remember, the best part about commie shitbags taking power is they kill each other in large amounts.
Let's talk about God.
If you're a believer, I've recently been digging into Dr. Michael Heiser's stuff. Really fascinating lectures on what can be deduced about the supernatural realm from the Bible.
If you aren't a believer, I'd love to chat about the fact that the God of all creation loves you and misses you.
Stay strong, brother. The whole world is watching. We see you. Don't give up. That's what they want.
Do you have friends who aren't on board with the narrative?
If so, hang out with them.
That and find ways to disobey without getting in trouble. Make life difficult for them.
Retaining anger about situations you can't control is like drinking poison hoping that it will harm the source of your anger. Try to improve your situation with exercise, especially cardio. There are spiritual benefits to running that may set you free-ish.
I would sell everything, convert it to US dollars then go down to the nearest marina. Look for a robust looking yacht, load it up with food and hijack it. I bet I could sail into florida moor it a mile offshore and use a small boat to come ashore. If nothing else at least it would be exciting.
Ha, I wish I was as confident in my sailing abilities as you!!
But nah, honestly, we're an island in the middle of nowhere (in my case, an island off an island)... "We" have full control (in theory) of "our" territorial waters, and even if I got further than that, NZ would just pick me up, and send me back to face charges, lol...
However IF I had the financial resources to spare, I would probably buy a small yacht, and sail off into the sunset, because, I mean, if no one knows, at least initially, it's pretty unlikely that Border Force will bother tracking me down until I'm well gone, so that would... At least last a while. At least until I was caught and extradited for "leaving without permission", or whatever...
Anyway, it's a nice fantasy, I admit, but seriously, I live in a country that thinks it has the right to even police Antarctic waters... It's pretty hard to escape the grip of Australian and allied law enforcement. At least without dying in the process, anyway!!
Go to your Orthodox church, and don't let anyone stop you.
Anyone who does is one of Satan's minions.
Stop being so emotional. Stop worrying about shit you have no control over.
Lift weights 20mins x3 times a week, no isolation lifts only compound muscle group lifts
Get 20 mins+ unfiltered sunlight every day
Eat meat, animal fats, some vegetables. Never sugar processed carbs or vegetable oils. Avoid nuts and beans if you can.
Learn a productive skill with your hands. Welding, small engine repair, engraving, rope splicing, whatever.
Get your T levels check by a non-feminist cuck doctor you trust. Honestly you sound like an emotional woman who hasn’t taken responsibility for their life.
Saturated fats are good for you, and so is cholesterol. What do you think humans ate for thousands of years before modern agriculture? Your body would do just fine if you did nothing but eat animals.
Before agriculture you weren't likely to find enough plant based calories to fuel the next day's foraging.
We've always eaten lots of animal products. Some survived on animal sources alone, like the Inuit. The difference is that now we are capable of much larger human population sizes than in the past, when we relied on what we could individually hunt or fish for. A properly fed cow eats grasses, not corn. So modern agriculture makes it possible to mass produce cheap, fatty meats, but not only is it not necessary, it actually harms the nutrition of the resulting product. And fish obviously don't require agriculture to produce. If you did not have access to seafood or domesticated animals like cows, sheep, lamb, etc., then you relied on hunting wild animals such as moose, elk, deer, or bison. (which made you nomadic since you followed the herd).
While those people certainly supplemented meat with berries or other vegetation, they would not be able to survive on that alone. The Indians of America were the ones who helped settlers understand the importance of Vitamin C to cure scurvy (not that they understood it in a scientific way, it was just intuition). Their primary source of that was not potatoes or pine needles (though the latter is what they encouraged them to use as medicine), it was actually the organs of the animals they hunted. They knew which ones would provide them what they needed to sustain themselves, at least before they lost that ancestral knowledge.
There are books discussing remote populations which did not take advantage of modern technology, and the healthy ones all consumed the following sources of nutrition: butter, milk, cheese, animal organs, fish, and fish eggs. Certain foods like fish eggs were rare and highly prized for fertility benefits, so you are correct about that, but most of these things were staples. The main difference in modern times is that we no longer congregate in groups where the food is plentiful, but have the food delivered to us instead.
I've read stories that the strongest African tribes preferred cattle, and not only would they drink the milk and eat their flesh, they also had a technique where they would puncture a vein to draw blood from the animal, and drink the blood to sustain themselves. Of course they would not eat meat every day the way we do now, but they didn't need to do that. If you live on milk, meat, and fat, then you don't need to consume three meals a day. I can drink three cups of raw milk a day and not have to eat anything because there are so many calories, vitamins, and minerals in that alone.
Just consider, we cannot sustain ourselves on plant sources alone. We require animals to digest and extract the nutrients from the plant material for us, since their bodies can manufacture certain things that we require but can't make on our own, and they do a lot better at digesting grasses than we do. The plants pull the minerals from the earth for us, and the animals add some vitamins that we can't do without. Additionally, the best sources of nutrients that we need are animals, which makes sense because they are basically collecting the same minerals for their own body building and life sustaining activities.
No, humans need Vitamin A and Vitamin D as well, and both come only from animal sources. People point to things like carrots for Vitamin A, but that is a different form that the body can convert only in small quantities.
There is enough land for grass feeding. The reason they use corn is the greater profit.
Vegetarianism is indeed unnatural (which is why you need some kind of supplementation for what you are lacking from your diet), but humans have been drinking animal milk for a long time. Things like butter and cheese are also made from milk. It has the vitamins, minerals, and fats we need to be healthy, so I don't understand why you would say it is unnatural. It's not any less unnatural than consuming honey or fish eggs, and even bears do that.
animal fats are what your body needs. Why do you think bacon tastes so goddamn good? It's because it's animal fat and our bodies are starved for it.
You do know sugar tastes good too, right? Taste is not an accurate nutritional yardstick.
It's actually a pretty fantastic yardstick if you aren't eating artificial things.
I'm just waiting until Civil War is declared and I can go out and take care of the problem myself.