wrestlefannumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. Well thanks for explaining your reasoning and expanding on how you would take action. I thoroughly disagree that the deleted post and especially my example advocate for violence though.

wrestlefannumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see. I didn't mean a situation with a minor as a perpetrator. Guess I should have clarified.

With this example, to make it more analogous it would be someone commenting on the story of a burglar getting raped to death with "Don't get caught robbing, don't get raped to death. What an idiot." From your previous comments, my understanding is that this would go too far and be considered Violent Speech. Correct?

wrestlefannumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay then. So does it even extend to something like saying FAFO about any violent situation with a minor? And does it also apply to those at or above the age of majority?

wrestlefannumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see your other comment that because it's victim blaming a minor, it's encouraging the rape and thus a Rule 2 violation. Not that my personal opinion matters but I really don't see how you square that.

Would this same thing apply to any other violent crime against a minor? If a child was assaulted and I made the off color comment that the child should not have gotten himself beaten up and it only happened because he shouldn't be asking for a beat down like an idiot, would that comment also be deleted?

wrestlefannumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay but I'm not following. What does that have to do with the removed comment? He didn't encourage a minor getting pregnant and thus rape. He literally did the opposite, while in a pretty crass and vulgar way. How is that a violation of Rule 2?

wrestlefannumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know this isn't wrestling related, but how is this "Violent Speech?" He said not to do something -getting pregnant - then called her a name -slut. It's crude and maybe rude (dude), but what part of that is violent? Was it spam?

wrestlefannumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even if it was all consenting adults, it's so beyond the pail disgusting that it's best for him to be gone until everyone forgets.

I should pick a start date and just watch from there. I relived a lot of stuff with OSW a few years back and that was a lot of fun. I don't know how it would have worked if the Outsiders were originally a collaboration. Probably not as well. Remember how awfully the WCW invasion was handled?

wrestlefannumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think Vince ever wanted to go into the HOF and has famously said he doesn't want to be mentioned during speeches. People will probably be fine with him in 20 years, but who knows if he'll still be around. And the gross stuff is pretty gross if you assume it's true. WWE sure acted like it's true, but who knows.

I like the current WWE stuff a lot. Are you keeping up? I'm hoping the Vince stuff fades off Brock because I really want Brock vs Gunther before Brock can't wrestle anymore!

wrestlefannumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hogan, Flair, and Cena or Rock. The reason it's not Cena and Rock is that Vince has to be on there. Man changed wrestling, for better and for worse, forever, was an amazing on-screen character and is defintely one of the most recognizable wrestling figures ever. He's also easily the most financially successful individual in wrestling of all time.

Honorable mentions are Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Macho and Stone Cold.

Personal favorites is really hard. But I always liked Big Show. Foley would probably be there. And throw HHH and HBK up there, too! I obviously have a bias for a certain era of wrestling.

wrestlefannumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Dude Wipes plastered everywhere, especially on the ring post where you would see it and someone's butt right on top of it, was definitely way too much.

wrestlefannumbers 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was there Night 1. In person and up a few levels, it wasn't a great experience.

There are too many seats with obstructed views, and not just cheapseats. I got Club Level and the canopy support made seeing center-ring a real challenge. And while it was chilly, it wasn't that bad, but the crowd was dead outside of a few moments in each match, except for Sami/Gunther and Jimmy/Jey. Watching Night 2 at home was the better experience. I have no desire to go to another stadium show, even the Royal Rumble, after this. You would have to pay a ton of money for it to actually be worth it. But hey, I can say I went to a Mania and even saw the Rock wrestle!

The set design was also uninspired. I know they now run a ton of stadium shows so they have a base-set, but this was Mania XL! We couldn't get a giant bell or something? Also, it really felt like they skimped on the firework budget. Zero perimeter fireworks and nothing for the National Anthem.

The matches themselves were all good, though, with Sami/Gunther and Bayley/Iyo being my 2 favorites. I was not expecting Bayley/Iyo to be that good, or for Bayley to show LA Knight how you actually sell an attacked leg! Was also shocked that they kept that Final Testiment match fun! Great call bringing back Bubba for it.

Overall, a really good Mania. Probably the best in a while. Loved seeing Cody win and the big celebration after. Nothing disappointed in the ring and everything made enough sense. Looking forward to where the story goes next!