throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even before the rise of wokism, I can't think of a single game that ever got it accurately.

Let me direct you to the Mad Max 2015 game where the only women wandering around outside were dying of starvation or were either being actively raped or eaten by the bad guys (though if you approach the enemies engaging in such activity, the deeds were already done and you basically just encountered the aftermath in those cases, but if you used the binoculars at a distance you could basically tell what was going on before you approached).

The only prominent three females in the game included a concubine and her daughter, a drug-addled whore, and a crippled old woman who managed logistics at one of the few strongholds.

Otherwise, you are 100% correct. No game I can think of set in a post-apoc setting other than Mad Max got the role of a woman right. In that game, it was absolutely as brutal as it sounds and that was part of its charm -- it was unabashedly honest that the role of a woman in such a scenario would either be getting bent over (one way or another), helping maintain logistics within the confines of a walled domain protected by men, or being eaten.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course not. But they did finally stop saying "legalising class A drugs will fix the problem". So I guess that's progress?

throwawayaccount2037 11 points ago +11 / -0

Every time some young Leftist says, "If the government legalises drugs, there wouldn't be so many addicts", I just link them to stories like this and what happened in Portugal.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope the failure of shadows leaves them vulnerable to a hostile takeover.

Unfortunately, the only companies that would take over would be just as woke if not more-so.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know you can download this operating system on your own hardware as well, but your mileage may vary.

Doesn't have proper Nvidia support yet, which is the only reason I have not installed it on my gaming rig yet.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't stomach to watch any of it, but I did dip into some normie YouTube channels such as MSNBC just to see what the average normie comments were like, and oh boy were they roasting Camel Toes to the high heavens. It was quite the white pill moment for me.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

Christ premediated a beating over economic sacrilege, what would have done if he met abortionists?

The same thing, if not worse, since child sacrifice was considered a blood offering to Baal, a lesser god. And there were few things that would require immediate death, and immoral blood sacrifices were one of them.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent points; the other problem is that as some others commented above, the woke mind virus has metastasized throughout the industry from the moment they enter school to the moment they enter the work force. Even if there is a soft crash, there is still the problem of a bunch of converted artists, engineers, and designers who will still tow the line.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

Basically, it's like playing old NES games, but with better graphics.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, why were the black guys preventing the Japanese from breaking up the fight? And why were they allowing the fight to ensue and guarding it like it was some kind of event?

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

You end up loosing alot less squad members in the original X Com if you take the scorched earth approach.

This has been my go-to strategy.

Have a dedicated demolitions expert and another squad mate who just lugs around high-explosives in his backpack, and let the demo guy just place explosives everywhere and level the stage. It's also how I would approach entering into alien craft: use tanks and just blast the walls down for a couple of turns and have multiple squads surround the craft. No need to worry about getting shot in the face when entering through the front door.

The only tricky tactics is later on with the battleships and their teleport entrances -- but you can still toss explosives up the teleporter and kill anything on the upper floors. Absolutely loved that about the original trilogy.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +3 / -1

I just can't play those Firaxis games.

I have replayed the old Microprose games and they just hit in all the right ways; all the micromanagement and not wresting control from the user. The squad limitations and the focus on "personalities" and also forcing in so many female characters was just a huge turnoff to me.

All the people who justified Firaxis dumbing down the game turned me off even more, and the fact you need a dozen and one mods to try to bring it up to the quality of the original trilogy just made me realise I can stick with the original trilogy and actually have fun instead of fighting with the game.

Someone also Jagged Alliance 3 here on this forum, and it was a good departure from some of the typical turn-based strategy games that all seem to mirror Firaxis' design. However, it does still suffer from the aiming nonsense that you brought up with the newer XCOM games, where you're standing next to someone point blank with a shotgun and they somehow miss a body shot while fully aimed in. It creates save-scumming situations and makes the game feel cheap.

Still, at least Jagged Alliance 3 doesn't have the same sort of squad limitations as the new XCOM games, even though it still shares some of the same annoying AI problems and smallish map designs.

But yeah, I have Phoenix Point on my wishlist so I will probably give that a go next.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0
  • It Came From The Desert
  • Street Rod
  • Omikron: The Nomad Soul
  • Bushido Blade
throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been recently thinking a lot about the original Syndicate -- that game is still unmatched today by anything else on the market. Such an original and unique concept.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe I just sound like a dinosaur, but pre order culture just sounds ludicrous to me.

It is, but you have to understand that what MCMoneyPants said is 100% correct.

Here, this place and other anti-woke social circles are unfortunately not the norm -- we all see the writing on the wall, call out the faggotry and wankery that persists in society writ large. But this place isn't the reality that the normies occupy. Their reality is much, much worse, and much larger.

If you ever go into normie spaces you will quickly realise just how much the woke overlords control; the zeitgest is chiefly woke among the Gen Z and Gen Alpha types, and plenty of Millennials.

In the anti-woke circles everyone talks about Ubislop and corposlop and girlbosses being the insufferable wenches that they are; we deride pre-order culture, talk about the good times in gaming from the 1970s through the mid aughts, and reminiscence about proper masculine media. But if you go outside of those circles, into the normie spaces, the normie channels, the normie forums, or dare I say even Reddit, they are completely pozzed.

I was shocked at just how many people in normie YouTube channels still seemed interested in playing Fail Wars: Outlaws. I tried explaining why the game seemed terrible and tried comparing it to previous 3D action-adventure titles and just how much it lacked compared to games made 20 years ago, but a lot of them have never played games even made in the early 2010s, so their frame of reference is nil.

TL;DR: The propaganda is working on the younger generations, and they are lured into making stupid decisions because they have grown up in an environment where they have been cultured to be stupid.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's mostly anything made after the 1960s.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not even just a good MCU movie, it's a good movie all the way around.

All of the scenes with the Winter Soldier are some of the best filmed action-thriller scenes in the last two decades (which isn't saying much due to all the slop out there) but yeah. Captain America 2 was the best thing to come out of the MCU, everything else could be tossed in the bin (though I will admit that Infinity War was really well done).

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good looking out.

Looks like there's a documentary too, definitely going to check that out.

throwawayaccount2037 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is the kind of "Enlightened Centrist" that keeps the normies from properly hating or doing anything about the woke mind virus.

If you don't push these people out of the industry and make an example of them, they will just keep coming back.

This YouTuber is basically saying "Don't do anything that might enact change, elsewise you will be just as bad as them!"

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Troubles and IRA may return

This is my greatest hope. They have been sitting in the wings waiting for a moment like this. Let us hope they don't throw it away.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Careful, there are several different iterations -- I personally prefer the originals from the 1960s, but your mileage may vary.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

May not have been as popular as some of the shows you're watching or being suggested, but Gerry Anderson made some good stuff back in the day, too. I grew up on Stingray and Thunderbirds, but I've been recently rewatching Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons. It's a good sci-fi, espionage show with miniatures and puppeteers using super-marionation if you're into that sort of stuff.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Used to love that series -- wasn't too fond when they moved to the old cottage. Lost a lot of the appeal of the classic department store aesthetic.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll double down & circle the wagons. They'll likely gaslight & blame it on the virus itself.

I shouldn't have taken a look, but I did... and it appears some of her rabid fans are blaming it on... suicide????

throwawayaccount2037 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yep, and before long they will start Katyn'ing wrongthinkers.

Better to put up a fight than to go down whimpering.

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