Until black people can become civilized literally anywhere in the world, I’m not sure slavery is as amoral as we were taught.
If you commit minor shoplifting, you should get a month of slavery. Larger thefts, 6mo-1year. Assault: 5 years. Assault with a deadly weapon: lifetime.
0 strikes policy. Only civilized peoples will remain. The rest will be put to work and treated like farm animals.
Duke is a private university, but it does receive federal money by way of federal student loans. I suspect it gets other public money as well, but it’s not a public university.
As for other scholarships, no clue, but I’d hope no scholarship or opportunity is ever gated on someone’s race. If Asians get most scholarships, so be it.
I’ve literally never met a black woman that plays video games.
Men? Yes of course. Sports games, fighting games, halo when it was good, mainline shooter titles.
But still. Blacks are a small portion of the US, the cash cow of game sales outside Japan, and catering doesn’t make sense. Sports games are already majority black without any injected diversity required to do that.
Big wind down on content production. Netflix., Apple, et al. let loose so much cash for so long that the industry turned to glut.
It doesn’t help that most of what it produced is woke garbage that no one wants to watch.
Everyone who was decent left. They had some really cool series! The Geoff’s liberal wife left him when he was super vulnerable, and everyone caved to woke bullshit.
Funhaus was hilarious, but Adam was a cheater who liked to masturbate in the office on camera.
Nope. Voting only works if only the few have the power to vote. Otherwise history shows us it gives us shit.
Whatever comes next will likely remove voting altogether, since restricting voting back to male landowners isn’t tenable.