That shit is insulting to high-schoolers not living in a high crime city, let alone legal adults. I dropped out of community college a decade ago, partly because of patronizing shit like teachers expecting an excuse to not attend a lecture. Easy to fake, but that attitude really had me questioning the value of my scholarship funded education. An expectation that students install any app on their personal phone would have me buying a decoy phone, if there were no other options.
For Americans, if you're not from an upper middle-class family or not going into a formalized profession, just get an online degree that's indistinguishable from a brick and mortar. Most schools de facto expect you to teach yourself, so what's the point of living in a metropolis or college town where available service industry jobs don't match rent?
After reading the 2nd parent comment, I watched the 49 second clip to verify. First, that gives no context as to whether the overalls stabber was following beforehand. Second, Duncomb wasn't carrying the knife or bear spray in his hands, which that comment and a few others were too eager to emphasize. Probation is too light a punishment, even if Duncomb was being a shithead.
With children, absolutely there is accidental or negligent misdiagnoses; 3x incidence from birth year 92 to 08 is more than just awareness. With teens and especially adults, there's a bizarre trend to enthusiastically self-diagnose, with the casual criteria overlapping with introverted habits or slight autistic traits. Makes it tricky to differentiate from an actual high-functioning who's well practiced at social rituals.
The spectrum should have been given a different name and separated from the condition. Makes it apparent at first glance who self-diagnosed.
Before the Frankenstein buzzword abuse in the tweet, weirdos who claim their autism is a mental superpower (barring the 1 in a million savants) almost justify the severe bullying of the pre-Y2K grade schools. Despite my autistically-intense distaste for neurotypical monkey social rituals (at least those who think only in that dimension) and other imitative, boilerplate inanities, not being able to readily process human social behaviors would terrify me.
With the modern spectrum nonsense, it's tricky to know if those who genuinely believe they are clinically autistic are being accurate or honest. Of course, an "introvert spectrum inconvenience" doesn't qualify for disability benefits and peer-pity.
What gets me is that casual Dem voters won't inform their permanently connected (TV or WWW) acquaintances that earnestly arguing this point is retarded. Or, notice and acknowledge how retarded their die-hard friends are.
The silver lining of having had a Facebook account was witnessing that a chunk of people I went to school with or met in my 20s were undependable, imitative dipshits. Wisdom and experience coming with age is bollocks, at least when it's uttered.
Even when they did happen, it was fraternity/sorority shenanigans. Unless your field needs those connections, just don't become a frat boy/sorority girl. Or do, it's not risking lasting harm like walking alone drunk at 03:00 in nightclub clothes.
If a woman has thong swimsuit photos on social media before the man starts a relationship, he deserves any resulting inconveniences and calamity heading his way. That's worse than nude-art, as women wear beach-thongs in family friendly venues.
Some really are NPCs who can't objectively gauge whether a certain action is objectionable. They observe too-tight yoga pants becoming mainstream and add it to their wardrobe, as popularity is their only barometer.
A continuation of baseline behavior is consciously seeing how a woman reacts to reasonable and unreasonable feedback. If she's swallowed the propaganda that conflicting preferences are "controlling behaviors", just walk out before any argument brews. If she's an emotionally tangled people pleaser, she's not contributing to the relationship and is just as bad as the "modern woman".
Woe to any man who doesn't figure this shit out past 25 years of age.
It's depressing how far the state has fallen over the past 18 and 51 years. Most of the pozzing comes from recent transplants, or children of transplants in cities or ski resorts (i.e. both parents moved here from a urban shithole after 1973). Interstate freedom of movement should have been curtailed a century ago.
Not just the double-standards, but the partisan's inability to compartmentalize their various thoughts and lifestyle facets. A product of art should be including bizarre stuff because it improves the overall objective quality, not because of some post-hipster's basic-bitch level fetish or cringey agenda.
In fairness, I don't want to associate with the type of man who does their political signalling by holding up a cringey sign through a photo-op for social-media validation. Be like Rorschach and reject societal dysfunction.
Despite the community, that comment section is surprisingly tolerable.
It is innate human nature to compare status, so at least observe everyone you know, everyone walking down the street, and consider those where you don't live. When comparing, don't fixate just on the obvious and superficial. Are people aware of their surroundings, do they form meaningful relationships, have they accomplished anything before a mid-life crisis, and so on?
Doing the above has made me realize that the societal structure is fairly immutable, but that there's a whole bunch of luck of who lands where. Now bust your ass for the next decade, and get the hell out of your hometown or country. You might not wind up in a great place, but barring freak circumstances you'll wind up in a better situation than this specific trust-fund dolt.
Not even a man would use a "Heaviest sword" (above 4 kg), which were reserved for ceremonial purposes. The 7.7 lb greatsword shown in the comparison chart isn't like the epic paddles seen in WoW or Skyrim, but not ideal for the average height woman. It will still exhaust anyone not physically fit, or foolish enough to treat it like a katana instead of a polearm.
The post's insistence on twisting and distorting historicity is banal, but what's worrying is trying to attract the type of woman that needs overt validation into geek hobbies.
I have at least 50% of useful comments bookmarked instead of account-saved. I had attached to my account ages ago for account-saved posts/comments, forgot about it before exporting, then saw it after the blackout. I can't easily verify that one comment I'm looking for (some guy's unique Emacs + Rust setup and workflow) wasn't lost in the blackout.
Edit: Not in r/programming
I still don't get how an independent news reporter chose Ring security cameras, a company which shares footage with law-enforcement.
Always the disproportionately vocal cancerous lesions of online communities. Even before the mod boycott, I've preferred that subreddits go read-only to keep content (when it qualifies as such) easy to find, not risk admin-purging, and sectioning off the late-comer horde from degrading any residual standards.
I've been irritated that the only sizable center-right tech communities I've found are the *chans, which are almost too much chat-room for my forum.
Somehow the active mods of r/programming are keeping it closed despite the top 2 mods being spez and another site admin. Annoying for me, since I'm trying to track down a few comments that might be saved to my Reddit account instead of bookmarks.
Incoherent 'living document' geeseshit. Establishment-left has always been about optics and tacit power, not systemic integrity.
Most lucrative corporations will swallow up any ivy league grad they can get their hands on, which means you should be cautious of any who is job-seeking on the open market. As a competitor, figure out how you can spot talent overlooked by other employers.
Japanese equivalent: scroll down to 'Exploiting Flaws In Salarymandom'
The conventional wisdom that attending a top-50 school makes you smart is not uttered by bright people. What's changed is that you can't even trust the smart, promising graduates if they don't explicitly denounce DEI when prodded.
It would be neat if a competitor just declared IP gay, fake, and void, then proceed to import meaningful Youtube content wholesale.
One thing I've noticed in many political/personality/drama/identity forums is that a village idiot is often tolerated to give the other members a communal punching bag. Impy is more monotonous spam than idiot, but his un-nuanced monocausal obsession crosses the duncehat threshold. I don't pay close attention here 75% of the year, but I haven't noticed any other persistent derailers. Tolerating blatantly IQ-damaging commentators who don't outright break rules will sink any community.
1960s NASA had a bunch of white guys who dressed alike and had the same haircuts. It was diverse since they actively recruited scientists and engineers of disparate educational backgrounds and work experiences. Hiring staff of similar actual backgrounds, but colored females, is the reverse of conceptual and cognitive diversity, where even homogeneous formal qualifications (in modern NASA's case, having a masters degree relating to aerospace) are deprioritized to satisfy skin-deep political fashion.
Wokeness and other late civilization frivolities will see the West's militaries fall behind China's, or victim to third-world terrorism.