i never said i'd grant it ;)
use it until they beg for forgiveness.
fuck you. it's not yours to move. another statue of a founding father should be put up next to it.
three gorges burst
three gorges burst
three gorges burst
they never had decommunization.
parasites of the soul
wilson was literally a vegetable at the point where she was controlling things. he didn't need her help to be a shitfuck before that.
funny valentine for president
you can't "change your pronouns". that's not how the english language works. you have no right to control how anyone refers to you in any capacity.
fark really fell off
prerecorded and they still couldn't get a good take.
you already have equality, faggot.
the roof had a a ladder and tons of people pointed him out to authorities who did nothing.
trump IS the compromise. they are not prepared for who comes after him.
well the awkward driver hippy tries to black power him but it goes totally over his head
iiiiiimpppppppppbb i missed u
why shouldn't heritage americans be the primary focus of the federal government of america?
he was gay, but was he a homo?
foreigners having any say in our politics is a mistake that needs total correction.
why should any israeli have a say in what americans say in america?
exactly what they did to liz truss inthe uk
doctor jill biden, hunter are primary suspects.
converting my entire lawn to sloped rooves.