going to just say that if you have a good jailbreak for chat gpt it honestly does pretty dam well only problem is it has the memory of a goldfish right now cant even remeber what happened 5 paragraphs ago most of the time so untill that problem is solved it wont be going anywhere and even if it does get fixes the creators of ai models like these are super sjw types so there going to do there absolute best to censor the hell out of it
going to just say that if you have a good jailbreak for chat gpt it honestly does pretty dam well only problem is it has the memory of a goldfish right now cant even remeber what happened 5 paragraphs ago most of the time so untill that problem is solved it wont be going anywhere and even if it does get fixes the creators of ai models like these are super sjw types so there going to do there absolute best to censor the hell out of it