So it would be well within game logic and woke logic to play such a character as an oppressed human [black of course] who some sorc [who will of course be white] took as a slave then "forcefully" changed...
I'd prefer it the other way around as a reference to our creator Yakub.
He was standing right there on the tarmac...menacingly!
The girlboss wields power using the tools of a cluster b emotional abuser. Which is a superpower when you think about it, since with power comes responsibility...except it doesn't when you can play the victim. Men can only dream of wielding such power (unless they become "women").
Wonder if Nate Silver could be bullied into addressing Baris's work.
Social media is also so flooded with botting that there's no reliable way to know what's really trending and what's just paid to trend via botfarms. Nevermind people and organizations with deep pockets paying social media platforms to have the algorithm boost content. It's giving big Dead Internet Theory vibes, everything just feels really off because of that.
One of the things that made me think 2020 was a shoo-in for Trump was the fact that following the riots, there were record numbers of first time gun owners. Then according to polls the reason why there were so many new gun owners is because libs were terrified of roving bands of MAGA marauders hunting down libs and minorities for sport.
Which I must admit is quite a vexing result. It most certainly sounds like some fuckery was afoot, since it would be the most bizarre thing in the world if leftist riots lead to people buying guns to protect themselves from the figments of Jussie Smollett's imagination. But then again, I wouldn't necessarily rule out the possibility of libs being that retarded, either.
Ah, so either the nigger made it up or it was provoked by the nigger trying to whip up a mob against this guy.
Incidentally, trying to whip up a mob against someone is far far worse than saying a mean word, at least if you're not morally deranged. But then again proglodytes let murderers, rapists, and child predators out of prison to make room for wrongthinkers, so go figure.
Granted, you're not gonna record something you didn't anticipate, but I agree. Someone being "racist" in most cases is just being a dick at worst, and I say at worst because racial slurs usually don't just come out of nowhere.
I'm tired of "racism" being elevated to some special pedestal of evil when it's again, in most situations, no more than someone being a dick, which isn't news.
Even third world shitholes can manage voter ID, our country is a joke in this regard.
Funnily enough, it's also one of those rare occasions where leftoids are American exceptionalists. Guess not everything is done better in the conspicuously white countries that lefties threaten to emigrate to whenever a Republican is president.
I'm convinced that Deep State operatives are threatening him in some way to let swamp creatures run his campaign.
How about Razorfist's recommendation of bande dessinee?
Greece and Rome had very advanced moral frameworks long before Christianity came along. The educated classes didn't by and large believe their culture's polytheistic deities to be real, and morality was separate from religion considering that said deities were portrayed as behaving abominably anyways.
Over in the East, Confucianism was the prevailing moral framework, and it was secular. The Taoists combined religion with morality, as did the Buddhists, but neither managed to achieve the same level of hegemony in any large Eastern country like Christianity did for Western countries.
Dharmic religions resemble Abrahamic religions in terms of meticulously tying together a specific metaphysics, cosmology, epistemology, ethics, and even politics together into an all-encompassing system of thought. Plus you have monotheistic traditions like Zoroastrianism to contend with, not to mention Gnosticism.
Once a religion of the magnitude of Christianity starts falling, it might not be possible to stop it. Dawkins may be a materialist fool, but maybe we're at a historical moment akin to the fall of European "pagan" religions.
Maybe Mormonism or Gnosticism or Buddhism or Zoroastrianism or something we've never heard of will become the next big thing for Western societies in the coming millennia. People are becoming more curious about esotericism and the occult as well, though I strongly advise caution for anyone thinking of going down that path.
white boy
The use of AAVE to sound hard is always so cringe, you know the people saying this shit are either baizuo retards or middle-class negroids who are insecure about never having grown up in da hood.
The UK's shores are very porous as long as you appear like a group of vibrant young men on your way to do some enriching. Golden opportunity for burgers to make some cash while also helping a nigga out.
I'm lukewarm on Nick, don't trust him but sometimes he makes really good points and he's right on the money here.
I'm referencing a video clip from the OP. No idea if there's anything to that clip or it's BS, but I'm taking it at face-value for the sake of argument.
Oi! You got a loicense for that meme?!
Again, yes, of course. But this still isn't some exotic sci-fi tech. Proteins chaining (and folding) themselves into even more complex structures is just what they do by their very nature, and when this process malfunctions, like in the case of prions, the results are catastrophic.
However this is way more likely to be the inadvertant result of screwing around with RNA rather than nano-engineering that should be at least a few decades away if we're being optimistic. Forcing people to take an experimental medical treatment knowing that everyone who takes it is a lab rat while claiming a level of certainty regarding its safety that's simply not possible to know prior to pushing it onto everyone is already a crime against humanity, no need to make such wild extrapolations.
Unfortunately Walz actually has charisma. Unlike Harris who's obviously a cold-blooded psychopath and probably induces a bunch of frantic growling, hissing, barking, howling, and squawking the second she walks into a pet shop. Dems knew they needed someone who at least superficially seems like a wholesome guy, and normies aren't gonna bother checking under the hood.
Looks like the GOPe are pursuing the same strategy, mismanaging Trump's campaign on purpose so that he loses and then they have their excuse to purge MAGA from the party. No wonder it feels like both campaigns are trying to lose.
There are a billion Muslims on this planet. I doubt that most of them would give a shit about us if our government wasn't always fucking around in Muslim countries.
Yes, Islam is definitely the 13/50 of religious violence today. Blowback doesn't explain why countries like Vietnam have managed to get over the US doing far worse things to them than we've ever done to any Muslim country. However, plenty of Muslims drink and eat bacon and marry Christians and don't give a fuck because they're just regular people born into a shitty religion.
And no, I don't wanna import any more Muslims into Western countries, their religion is a problem, but the hysterics about how all Muslims want all non-Muslims dead is weapons grade boomer retardation. Even if you're not a boomer yourself.
I don't understand why Iran would instigate a war with the US. That would be like putting your dick in an alligator's mouth. But maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough to understand such mysterious behavior on the part of the Iranians, unlike all the Ivy League glowies.
- Archive shit from enemy media sites, faggot.
Why would you trust Newsweek to honestly represent Tim Pool's claims and arguments, retard?
For the love of God, just stop it with this prolapsing at anyone who dares sound the alarm on the utter fecklessness of Trump's campaign so far. Nevermind the glaringly obvious signs that Trump himself is either being bribed or coerced into allowing swamp creatures who openly despise him to run his campaign.
Into the ground, and likely on purpose. The spastic overconfidence of MAGA mouthbreathers is gonna get us President Harris, when now is the time to be holding the RNC's feet to the fire.
They'll also make Ciri look like a tranny. Maybe they'll even make her a tranny.