m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

I heard his real name was John Titor and that he wanted to stop the founding of San Dimas High School which would happen after the great drought of Los Angeles in 1960.

Instead he sabotaged William Mulholland's dam, in San Francisco, 60 years later leading to the great floods of the Water Wars altering the terrain and leading to it being a fixed point in time and not the terrible Russian-German nightmare that he escaped from.

All of this because he had read that water wings were the cause of the rise of the Soviets post-World War 2 while in his high school and blamed the inventor of them (At the time) for it all happening.

So I heard from some kid talking to a girl at 31 Flavors before I passed out.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only evidence I provided was from the mainstream media.

That and my observation of how far from the peak of the bell curve both Sharon and I are.

Think symmetry, a mirror and how the error may have come about on her reported score.

m0r1arty 24 points ago +24 / -0

That MSNBC analyst is gay.

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like Matt Hansen is going to see that the last artistic director who decided that a group of people couldn't catch any breaks because he didn't like them left Minecraft famously after losing a particularly noticeable game of Risk.

OP here knows who I'm talking about ;)

m0r1arty 31 points ago +31 / -0

Well that's illegal.

And really shitting on people who aren't white/straight, good at what they do and in the industry willing to go toe-to-toe against all competition based on their abilities alone.

I take it Matt Hansen is going for the Grand Wizard position as his local lodge and just decided to slam dunk on everybody with a virtue signal flourish before the BlackRock bukkake outburst of liquid gold over his face drains into his bank account?

m0r1arty -5 points ago +2 / -7

Well Sharon Stone does have an IQ of 154 and so she probably knows more than most about such matters.

I'm just happy to say that she sits as close to the X-axis as I do on the distribution of normal dispersal of such things on a bell curve.

Either that or she's muddled up where she sits and I do...?

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's an interesting thread all of its own.

Gabe Newell is only 62 years old at the moment and doesn't need money so his influence is his own. But one day, like it is for everyone, he'll not be with us and so who will make sure that Steam and Valve stay on a steady course and don't bend to whims like every sodomised fucker in every other field of influence has done throughout time?

Trusts can tie things together and that will outlive us all but, as The Guardian has so bravely shown, trust funds can be pirated and fall into hands who were never once thought of as capable of sailing them.

Only history can tell but when you look at legacies like Carnegie's you can see the wrong people get in control using nefarious reasons and try to start a revolution with tools they could never have conceived of on their best days.

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nobody other than Beavernook put this up?

I hate playing games with political climbers.

m0r1arty 20 points ago +20 / -0

Steam's house, Steam's rules.

They can go and build their own Steam if they don't like it (Whoops, they tried that already didn't they?).

If they want to call Johnny Somali the best thing to ever happen to Japan and make a game all about him going back in time and being gay then I commend them for their efforts and progressive notions towards contributing to gaming.

But the rules are the rules and there's no getting around them.

I'm really looking forward to their next Assassin's Creed game where you have to find Anne Frank hiding out in an annex at the back end of a canal house in Amsterdam. You play as Gabriel bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, a transwoman fleeing their Amalek Ethiopian father and trying to make amends with their Levite Ghanaian mother all while adhering to an ahimsa way of life.

The idea being trading Anne Frank for the Tabernacle from the Führer and using it to wipe out all the evil goy from the Holy Lands.

It's got Black Rock money behind it and so it should be dope!

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly couldn't tell you. A friend who knows what I'm into brought it up on their TV and we caught the first quarter of an hour together. It looked perfectly well made for a light comedy.

I don't know anything more of Tubi's output, but it's certainly something you could have on in the background and not be offended by. If the rest lives up to that standard it's innocuous enough, but best get a better idea from someone who watches it.

m0r1arty 21 points ago +21 / -0

They virtue signalled to me when they wanted me to buy content I already owned.

I'm done with IO Interactive and it has nothing to do with the developers or how they are acting about Conor McGregor.

Their economic model tried to rape me and people like me.

Shame, as I owned every single thing they'd been involved in until their Hitman 3 expansion.

They make good games. But proven economic rapists (Who then has the audacity of having a go at Conor McGregor for an allegation in a civil court having had criminal charges dismissed due to no evidence).

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only saw the first 15 minutes of it but it seemed like a perfectly normal late 80's/early 90's set-up for a payoff for the lead.

I might get around to seeing it all at some point but I don't expect a Working Girl or Thelma and Louise movie when it's said and done. Perhaps, at a big push, a Clueless copy but it is what it is.

Semi-Gamergate relevant.

The lead is playing against some kid online and has a great putdown within the first 10 minutes, worth it for that alone :)

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

You shouldn't.

Just knowing it exists in case anyone brings it up is enough.

I certainly haven't watched any Disney Star Wars after Obi-Wan Kenobi but am aware of it existing.

I haven't even touched most of the games being touted as good or bad around here but I know that they exist and what the problems are with them.

This exists, like 4B, but you don't need to know anything more about it.

m0r1arty -1 points ago +1 / -2

It could certainly be asserted that it's putting forward the porn industry in a lighter entertaining manner.

There are more rude gags in There's Something About Mary and that's 26 years old but it's a light hearted romp in a similar vein.

m0r1arty 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hate to be a conspiracy guy but since they've gotten pretty rubbish in the past 25 years how's about 4Chan is a means to 'leak' information letting the general public not take full trust in the AI model thus maintaining the current gatekeepers of information in their jobs?

Once upon a time you'd go to an archivist to get important information. They told you it will take at least two months for that to be retrieved and you'll wait. They were the ones telling you that you'd wait and there was no going about it - you'd wait. Once the requested information came forward, and you had made sure it was the correct information requested or that's at least another two months until you get the chance to verify the actual information requested is the information presented, you find that the archive is incomplete. There is additional data which has since been found to be added to the record. Time to add it to the record. That takes a bunch of academics some time to deliberate over whether or not this new information is actually important to the archived information and, depending upon the value of this new information, that could be career and a few books worth of writing as well as a spin or two on the conference market worth of deliberation. Once the new information is accepted and added to the archive it pairs up with other new information which has been added to another archive elsewhere and the first to note this would have a competitive advantage on an economic gain, be that land which is rich in a particular material or a new means of production for an important tool. The only people how have access to all this fresh information, and at least a two months head start, are the archivists.

And that archivists name; Nancy Pelosi*.

So now that archivists and records keepers are all flapping about and feeling that they will be bypassed altogether for AI they are making sure that laws come in to keep them important, policies are draughted in businesses to make sure that they keep within these laws and public sentiment is to give these priests of knowledge their respectful authority in the hierarchy of scientifically divine order, oppression being the current tool with sexism, racism and sexuality being the most brazen of their means of division.

Throw a particular titbit out on Qanon's favourite place of disruption and people will buy into it like they did with the OK symbol.

How can we trust AI when it makes such silly mistakes versus how can we trust people who are in it for their own gain.

*Add anyone who had better access to information and profits from it. Nancy is just a well known profiteer of early access to information and looks like an evil librarian.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just use the spazzy john John. Nobody asks to be born like anything.

m0r1arty 13 points ago +13 / -0

Thought the Ukrainian folk were against shekels for kekels?

m0r1arty 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm not sure what the thread title or intention of this thread is but here's the archive of the tweet.

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Susan Sto Helit is the Discworld's Vivian James. I'm pretty sure Terry would have been a Gamergate co-leader, his approach to the Vilja mod for Oblivion shows that he cared for games and how people interact with them.

m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

Of course it will be on a case by case basis. That's what we all agree to with the social contract.

The fact that it's taken over 4 years for people to be granted their freedom is really what should be looked into.

I expect a lot of the establishment to try the Nuremberg defence by way of justifying their actions.

We might finally get to see the term Nazi being used appropriately.

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