m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's inconsistencies that I notice. The patterns come all by themselves.

You are right though, the yellow one is labelled, just very poorly (Like a Harris vote).

m0r1arty 0 points ago +2 / -2

Number 8 doesn't even have an initiator.

So selecting that means you don't even read (Even though if yellow were to be the 1 of that process is would be the most likely).

m0r1arty 12 points ago +12 / -0

Well at least Brianna Wu has inspired others to send threats to themselves and then pretend that it was the people who they are too fucking glass jawed to square up to in person.

Life in jail, no parole. Let's make an example of him (After we cut his dick off and enforce the trans in him).

m0r1arty 44 points ago +44 / -0

They are though, they are begging to have their ability to breathe stopped and yet we all ignore them.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Moderators on this web used to believe in things. Honour, respect. Look at this! What do they believe in, huh? WHAT DO THEY BELIEVE IN?

I believe what doesn't cuck ya, simply makes you banworthy 🤡

m0r1arty 9 points ago +9 / -0

If we're going for the no proof required argument before taking action, as used by the police and media regularly, then perhaps attentions should turn to the real culprits who allow these people onto the shores and streets and infer motives without anything clearly being stated?

That would be a hoot!

m0r1arty 11 points ago +11 / -0

I have no idea personally. All I know is that it's Rolling Stone and they are known liars and so I believe the opposite of what they say.

m0r1arty 26 points ago +26 / -0

Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.

Proceeds to show that it's based on binary.

Based (The encoding kind).

m0r1arty 30 points ago +30 / -0

All these YouTubers should put slightly sloped roofing at the entrances to their houses.

They'd be totally safe then :)

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fair play!

The Nordbert thing was pretty funny xD

It's just nice to see both show and fact together.

m0r1arty 13 points ago +13 / -0

I can't fine it on their X.

Has it been deleted or is this a hoax?

We need to be careful these days!

Screenshots without links are useless.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the US perhaps, there are plenty of places still left where this jurisdiction doesn't apply.

Let's make sure it stays that way!

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

They were. They made the 'January 6th 2021 insurgency' look like it actually was; a friendly walk around a public space.

Then they were in the same place back then there were guns and bombs with them.

m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

Why would Tim Pool, one of those lowlife-for-nothing ex-employees of Vice who likes to skateboard, a man that stood in for Sargon of Akkad on YouTube for a week near the beginning of Gamergate, milquetoast social commentators with thoughts of conspiracy and soft ear to the alt-right be of any threat to the democracy of the US?

He was dismissed as a nothing burger by all the Pulitzer winning powerhouses of media over a decade ago. Threats to him and those who live with him in his commune haven't seen the tiniest of by-lines in any major publication. If he were any threat the tens of thousands of hours he's made over the years would have suggested something, anything, to those with all the tools to spy on citizens for the protection of citizens from domestic threats.

That all said, I don't like him and if he's involved (Like they are saying he is) then it's a sting to close him down and bring disrepute to those who do like him.

If he's being highlighted I can assure you that some here, across this site, are looking to spread that love to everyone who takes part here. Just like the FBI did with Puerto Rican and black activist groups in the 1970s.

m0r1arty 11 points ago +11 / -0

It looks like the FBI need to reduce the sensitivity of their radar to only people who are threats and not people who are just online mouthing off about what they are seeing go on around them.

Otherwise they might as well not exist.

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sydney Watson and a bunch of smaller YouTubers like Star Wars Meg, JesterBell and others are getting hit by the group too.

It could be Gen Z's hope to get their own Prequel Trilogy community type thing going or it could be a bunch of trolls hopping on the bandwagon of attention being ridden around by some butthurt insider types annoyed that they can't even surpass the Christmas Holiday Special by way of audience attention.

Either way it will pass. I didn't watch the show and so I'm not a fan but I've liked other shows which have been cancelled and, while it is annoying, I got over it.

First timers I reckon.

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

I guess that guarantees that Trump is the net POTUS.

m0r1arty 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'll accept that they were a trans character, but were the a legit character in a video game when it's been announced that they're shutting it down two weeks after launch?

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