m0r1arty 15 points ago +15 / -0

They've dropped 7 million from their population since 2019.

I highly doubt that there's 6.75 million Ukrainians tucked away across Europe alone.

The current population of Ukraine (2025) is estimated at 37.8 million.

Something's not adding up and it's not the Bidenomics again.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +5 / -2

I've seen Team Downey attached to projects which aren't listed on IMDB or Wikipedia. I'm pretty sure the Netflix show Eric and the Showtime show Kidding had something in their credits about it. I could just be muddling up puppets and adult content here but I think he and his wife (Yes, she's Jewish Telia!) have had input into more than a few projects in recent years.

As for Robert Downey Jr. writing a Doctor Doom backstory, as long as none of it gets put in front of camera as material provided by the actual writers he can Kirk Lazarus the shit out of it.

m0r1arty 6 points ago +7 / -1

Dude in the photograph is clearly waiting for his boyfriend.

Tequila sunrise and 2 straws (Paper no doubt)?

As for the stats, from the remaining 55% of men who have asked a woman out in person around 10% of them worked out in lasting relationships, or 1 in 20 of the whole.

With risk like that you're only going to get gigachads and QTs hooked up for anything worthwhile.

Boils down again to individuality versus collectivism. Both are important for survival but when it is all said and done a person only has themselves at the start and end of it all. Who looks after them the best?

m0r1arty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lawyers aren't cheap.

That's a lot of recycled toilet water used to cool down the organic plastic coated paper fans of turbines on wind farms with the urea and excrement not going to good GM tomatoes right there.

But the food's good and you can't mention the war, so it's all worth it.

m0r1arty -3 points ago +1 / -4

I'll stop responding to silly situations about comic books and Jews when they stop being made.

Until then mockery to everyone in support of such ideas.

LOLcows are LOLcows regardless of their political stance.

m0r1arty -5 points ago +1 / -6

The dudes asking me if I would like them scharf, kräuter or knoblauch all have blonde hair and blue eyes.

m0r1arty -4 points ago +1 / -5

I'd imagine I'd be asking people questions as if they were genuine...

m0r1arty -1 points ago +1 / -2

The article title isn't. But one wonders why it was left to you and me to make that observation, rather than the people working there. Could it be that they wanted to smear Uganda?

These are question which indeed should be pondered.

m0r1arty -10 points ago +1 / -11

I love Germans. They make the best kebabs in Europe there.

m0r1arty -6 points ago +1 / -7

There are, yes.

The fatty that is always talking about chocolate cake but has no idea as to who eats it all is certainly one to take note of when it's your turn to buy this weeks Friday pieday.

m0r1arty -9 points ago +1 / -10

I know more than a few stormfags who enjoy being known as stormfags.

They've told me that you can't take that word away from them and they use it as a badge of honour.

m0r1arty -10 points ago +1 / -11


Israel is dividing the West so that it may conquer the world via Russia and China.

You happy now?!?

m0r1arty -12 points ago +1 / -13

One might infer that projection is not limited to those seeking to manifest their predilections onto Kraut only cartoons.

Whoever smelt it, dealt it.

m0r1arty -12 points ago +1 / -13


I'm more of a Batman guy but sure.

m0r1arty -13 points ago +1 / -14

Rorschach, like the blots his name is based upon, is open to interpretation by the audience.

The great thing about him is that he's not rich, but determined to bring those down who he thinks are wrong. He has no abilities other than those available to all and he makes do with that.

Some see him as a baddie, some as a goodie and others as a grey middling of both.

As always, it's down to those observing to take what they want or can from what the creator intended.

m0r1arty -17 points ago +1 / -18

The ultimate rebuttal has already been done.

This is mockery and it is effective despite how it makes me look.

I'd rather be a fool who is loud and nonsensical to most than a fool who allows idiots to hijack a situation that has been piggy-backed in collaboration with those against us.

I've never once said I don't like stormfags. Any slurs assumed have been by others.

m0r1arty -6 points ago +2 / -8

Which version of the bible are you referring to?

I've read quite a few adaptions over the years.

m0r1arty -10 points ago +2 / -12

I don't know, I wasn't there.

Who was it?

Was it Superman or The Incredible Hulk?

m0r1arty 12 points ago +13 / -1

He was going to go with "Slanty eyed wetback nigger Marxist" first, but that upset Bernie Sanders because there was no context for her being a Marxist.

After months of committee meetings, which cost millions of dollar, it was decided that since she claimed to be Native American a Disney character that fit the bill was more apt.

Otherwise Disney were going to be sued for siding with Elizabeth Warren on the first choice.

m0r1arty -10 points ago +2 / -12

You're the allusion queen, you figure it out girl!

m0r1arty -4 points ago +1 / -5

The name PeekaJew was already bought by Karl Silberbauer.

m0r1arty -20 points ago +2 / -22

Yes. I understand.

The 'inference' here is that she kills demons and demons are evil regardless of what they say.

Who else could stand in for demons in real life?

That's a great learning tool for children to explore allegory.

I know, let's have stormfags use it!

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