loubag1997 20 points ago +20 / -0

I was just thinking the other day how far our expectations have fallen.... from regular people to critics, we often rate a modern movie FAR HIGHER than it deserves, because of how shit we expect movies to be in general now.

Vanilla Sky was a fairly amazing, well written, cerebral movie released in 2001 but critics & audiences hated it. Nowadays it’s sorta a cult classic, but back then it was shit on because it had decent competition. If that movie was released now, it’d get all the accolades. You can say the same about numerous movies from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s.

Same with Jordan Peele’s shitty horror movies. They suck… but because they have this air of pretentious ‘art’ and it’s a Black guy making them, critics adore. It’s a sad state of affairs.

loubag1997 31 points ago +33 / -2

The movie is set in the 1700s, with a “female Comanche” warrior… something that simply DIDN’T EXIST and was so anachronistic that no one can take the claim seriously.

Seriously, Comanche warriors were brutal… they would constantly kidnap and rape women and children from other tribes and White colonizers, with no mercy, they didn’t give a single fuck. You think Comanches would let a female go around acting the way the one in this movie does?

loubag1997 54 points ago +54 / -0

Pointing out their hypocrisy is past the point of expiration now.

It’s like saying “Hey guys did you notice the Catholic Church burns heretics at the stake, but they never burn Catholics!!!”

They hate us for our race and sex, plain and simple, and making comments about how they treat White men like shit but love Blacks and minorities isn’t gonna change a thing. It’s treading water at this point.

loubag1997 17 points ago +17 / -0

God dude please don’t say you pay for this shit

loubag1997 34 points ago +34 / -0

Pronouns in her intro, using the word “folks”, calling pedos a “marginalized group”, calls the word pedophile a “hurtful insult” that is “hurled at people” to “slander” them, says being a pedo is “not a choice”.

5 years ago this would be satire.

15 years ago liberals would laugh at you for saying the slippery slope would get us here.

loubag1997 33 points ago +33 / -0

The New York panel calling White people “genocidal mutants” is par for the course with these deranged racist pieces of shit

loubag1997 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fucking lost it at the last line 💀💀💀

loubag1997 21 points ago +21 / -0

Another case of a dumb famous White liberal dude thinking “omg i’m a straight white male and they still like me?? better suck up to them in every possible embarrassing way so they don’t kick me to the curb”

loubag1997 5 points ago +5 / -0

He was given a headdress and wore it...god damn are the twitterati commies ever PISSED, this is hilarious

loubag1997 27 points ago +27 / -0

Really is hard to believe we went from using “gay” as an insult a decade ago to not even being able to question fag orthodoxy without getting blackballed in 2022.

loubag1997 11 points ago +11 / -0

I really hope you didn’t pay for this shit...

loubag1997 -8 points ago +2 / -10

In Butthead’s voice:


loubag1997 6 points ago +6 / -0

Watching the whole JK Rowling TERF shitshow unfold is just amazing, you gotta love seeing the most leftist anti-male radical feminists realize that the “right wing” and the “patriarchy” are now more on their side than the Marxist leftists. As others here have said, they did this to themselves. Women have been the ones propping up all this Alphabet bullshit and pushing their inborn emotional narratives to the forefront above logic. Now they’re eating crow.

loubag1997 4 points ago +4 / -0

We can all strive to be like this Alberta man, who changed his gender on government IDs to get cheaper insurance:


“I have taken advantage of a loophole,” said the man — we’re calling him David — who spoke on the condition that his identity be kept confidential because of the potential repercussions. David, who lives in Alberta, says he identifies as a male. But his government-issued identification tells a different story.

I love how CBC even defers to the cult in this very article by saying “the man says he identifies as a male”, in case they get hounded for “misgendering” him.

loubag1997 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lots of “leftist” radical feminists are now siding more with right-wing politicians, doing interviews on Fox News, etc. It’s glorious to watch.

loubag1997 25 points ago +25 / -0

Again, all the ‘sources’ they cite calling Dinesh a conspiracy theorist are left-wing biased. Meanwhile on the article for coomer “secretary of health” Richard Levine, there’s no mention ANYWHERE that he’s actually a man, just because HE SAID SO:


Imagine writing an article on a leftist figure and citing only right-wing news sources… oh wait that’s right, Wikipedia already bans most right-wing sources.

loubag1997 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is not a call to repudiate the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and crafted the Constitution. We don’t have to tear down every statue of them (though frankly the statues don’t do anyone much good), or cast them only as villains in our national story.

That’s what he’s saying now… but wait until a few months when he’ll completely change course and say exactly what he’s claiming now not to be saying.

Also… it’s already happened in Canada. The ‘fathers of Canadian Confederation’ here are completely reviled by the mainstream media and state broadcaster.

loubag1997 20 points ago +20 / -0

Every time.

Pronouns in bio is an equivalent sign to a rabies-infested dog foaming at the mouth.

loubag1997 16 points ago +16 / -0

Leftists never just ‘let’ things not go their way. Just look at all the tantrums they had when Trump tried to accomplish anything, they did whatever they could to stop it, legal or not.

And when they do it, it’s about “justice”… when conservatives do anything in protest of leftist laws, it’s “white supremacists being domestic terrorists”.

loubag1997 15 points ago +16 / -1

It’s encouraging to think that maybe, just MAYBE, the insane leftist sex-obsessed degenerate hell that the 1960s and 1970s spawned (which included the Roe v. Wade decision) is slowly going to be reversed as people come more to their sense that living in a culture and society obsessed with sex and identity isn’t great for the future of mankind.

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