horstshort 6 points ago +6 / -0

ESC has always been politically rigged. It's just become extremely obvious over the last two decades.

horstshort 16 points ago +17 / -1

King David Hotel, USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, just to name a few big ones.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

horstshort 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm going to redirect you two comments down. Besides woke media has a tendency to be so badly written that the supposed hero is actually a complete buffoon.

horstshort 12 points ago +12 / -0

I feel like you're really reaching when the most competent characters are white, Cooper and the Lucy's brother.

Woke isn't just about what character is competent or not. But if that's what you define as woke then sure Fallout isn't woke at all.

horstshort 17 points ago +18 / -1

Ok, what is woke then?

There are plenty of the usual tells. Be it the white woman/black man pairing or male characters being idiots while female characters being far more competent. It may not be in your face woke but it is just as woke as for example Rings of Power.

EDIT: Completely forgot the ftm non-binary actress/character who is referred to as "their" in the show.

That's episode 6 or 7, how did you see that scene when you couldn't watch after episode 2?

Because someone uploaded the scene.

After Knight Titus turned out to be a complete buffoon with a bored and annoying voice saying "Oh fuck. Oh fuck." I was done with the show. I could have ignored the woke elements but not the terrible writing, costumes, CGI and non existent attention for detail.

horstshort 24 points ago +25 / -1

it's actually good and not really woke at all

Are you being ironic?

The production quality of the show is absolutely terrible. Terrible dialogues, terrible costumes, terrible CGI. Just overall horrible writing. A few good examples are the turret scene, the "you mean use my cock?" scene and the piranha birthing scene. I couldn't even finish the second episode before I deleted the entire series from my harddrive.

horstshort 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's hope it stays that way.

horstshort 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scratch that then and it's just the fight scene so far.

horstshort 2 points ago +2 / -0

They also had her lecture Blackthorne on how women were samurai too.

Which episode? Must've missed that.

horstshort 7 points ago +7 / -0

So far just very little light woke stuff. One girl power scene, where the main actress starts fighting with a naginata (spear) which isn't necessarily unrealistic but they portrayed it a bit too girlpowerly to be entirely believable. Also several small "hurrdurrhurr europeans don't bath and are idiots when it comes to medicine" scenes.

So nothing major. Just a few jabs. Overall I quite like it even though the amount and quality of the CGI is at times a bit disappointing.

horstshort 8 points ago +8 / -0

Some scenes. Mostly the landscapes. But everything else is far too bland considering Dune is supposed to be set in a 10000 year old feudal society with millennia old noble houses.

horstshort 14 points ago +14 / -0

Just to add something.

Dunc 1 isn't exactly a bad movie. At least not compared to what Hollywood produces nowadays. Personally I found it quite boring. Had some nice visuals or impressive visuals might be the better description. But fuck me was it devoid of any creativity.

Lynchs Dune is the far better movie and adaptation, yes even the cinema version, as it is at least creative in its visuals and doesn't go for the sterile concrete look so many modern Sci-Fi movies go for. It feels epic and otherworldly, it looks otherworldly, it is creative, it is weird as any Dune adaptation should be, the characters have actual character, the soundtrack is great and memorable unlike Duncs Hans Zimmer crap and the costume design and casting are infinitely better.

In the end it is also a bad adaption (the fan cut improves it massively) but it at the very least feels like Dune and feels like it has respect for the source material even if they failed at adapting it. And most importantly it isn't boring.

horstshort 15 points ago +16 / -1

I honestly can't understand how anyone who read the novel can like Dunc and say it is a good adaptation.

horstshort 10 points ago +10 / -0

Only a minority of Nomads have lived and still live in the actual desert. Like anywhere on Earth most of the population is consolidated around the fertile areas. Of which there are more than enough in the Arab world. Arabs aren't nearly as resourceful as you think they are.

Cold is far more dangerous than heat. You just need a source of water and you're good. Winter on the other hand? You'll have to be well prepared or you die. Winter is also far less pleasant than eternal dry heat which is why most Arab and African illegal immigrants fuck off right back home when they stop getting paid for being criminal scum.

horstshort 20 points ago +20 / -0

He who controls the past controls the present. He who controls the present controls the future.

Our history has significant power over us. If you choose to not pursue the truth but instead believe the lies you'll never be free. That's the case for your own personal history but also for the collective history of a community.

horstshort 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes and no. The Winter King is the actual title of the book that's being butchered just like Last Kingdom was before it.

horstshort 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough. The foot soldiers don't get paid extra, you're correct on that point. Everybody knows who's actually profiting off of this but as long as the corrupt system is in place you won't get to them. And the only way to take down a corrupt system is to make it unprofitable for the foot soldier.

For example the communist revolution in Russia would have never succeeded if the people had started to ambush and kill the bolshevik foot soldiers instead of just accepting their fate.

horstshort 15 points ago +15 / -0

So? What do you think happens if you smack the foot soldiers around? They're gonna start thinking real hard about following orders.

horstshort 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wouldn't let them operate? In Gaza? Do you honestly believe that the IDF is letting journalists see anything they're not supposed to see?

So in other words censor your stuff and send our propaganda or... we won't invite you to our propaganda press meetings?

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