It’s only legal in Minecraft.
thank you niggers for being too lazy to enforce jewish nonsense regulations
I’ve been suspicious that this is indeed the goal for all of the pushes for “green” aviation fuels and electric aircraft.
She's black you stupid motherfucker. Do you have anyone in your family tree who weren't siblings?
I’ve always been very suspicious of Schaffer. He talks like a homosexual, and his over the top faux masculinity is exactly how fags act when they’re trying to be manly, because they don’t actually know how to act straight. And I think his marriage is part of his act. And his explanation that he was raised by a single mother doesn’t actually explain his behavior.
If he’s a fed, I wouldn’t be surprised.
The activists just reconn the motive. The black cops were obviously “white supremacists.” Just like how Larry Elder was labeled a white supremacist.
Same with Republican supporting Hispanics. “Haha, enjoy getting deported spic.”, open minded Leftist redditors.
I enjoyed the novel. I originally read it because I liked the movie adaptation with Cruise and Blunt. They’re similar enough that if you like one of them, then you’ll enjoy the other. But they’re also different enough that you’re not retreading the same story.
As to why the gender swap, my guess is that you can thank either a woke idiot or some girlboss feminist. Rita is a totally fine character in the story, so there’s absolutely no need to make the protagonist female in order to have a good female character.
That Gabe account that OP linked to is almost certainly a Russian account.
He lived in a crappy apartment in a crappy part of Austin. It’s actually quite possible that he’s the victim of lax policing and revolving door criminal justice system in Austin rather than this being a politically motivated hit.
I think that he's either a bad faith actor or schizo. Would I love it if he were a normal contributor here, absolutely. But he seems to be incapable of that.
Indeed, I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more sudden celebrity deaths over the next few weeks now Trump's people are officially in.
“Died suddenly” is back in the news!
I’m apparently on a wet blanket roll today. The original TikTok is from a parody account. It’s not real. It’s making fun of insane Swift fans.
You guys are getting ahead of yourselves. This is in reference to federal administrative law judges or ALJs, not the federal trial judges. ALJs preside over hearings, like social security disability hearings, Patent appeals, or immigration hearings. What this is probably about is Trump’s desire to get rid of Biden’s immigration judges.
"they had no plan that could work"
I think he means this. Which is obviously true to for anyone with more than one brain cell. I buy the argument that Ukraine was given just enough support to continue fighting, but never to win. That allowed the endless war coffers to open up to the various western defense contractors who've been jonesing ever since GWOT faded away.
Her hand looks female in the picture on the bio page that QLFOU linked to. That's generally not something trannys can change.
I call it the coping and seething sub. (With some larping mixed in.)
I think this is a terminally online Bluesky communist larping as a federal government worker.
From looking at the pilot's LinkedIn, there's circumstantial evidence that the pilot is a lesbian.
Today they work at the three letter agencies.
If it is parody, it’s expertly crafted. The 5 o’clock shadow with lipstick and danger hair, the Cornel West 2024 sticker, the Soviet flag, the free Palestine hat, and the AR without a rear sight is a nice detail.
Dude, you’re calling Kienan, one of our more milquetoast fencesitter members here, a nazi. I don’t think that he even agrees with conpro, just that he’s commenting on your crusade against “stormfags” as you call them.
This is a Britbong judge. American immigration judges are ALJs, who can just be fired since they have no constitutional job protections.
Two things can be true at once. Walsh is a thirty something with the mentality of a baby boomer and people calling themselves the anime right is gayer than AIDS.