dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Stalin actually studied to be a priest when he was a teenager.

Later he had a whole bunch of priests shot.

dagthegnome 55 points ago +55 / -0

Latest in a long list of mysterious fires this year, especially in places where rich people like to buy property. And go figure, all of the middle class homeowners in Maui lost everything, and the billionaires are buying up all of the land.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

We are destroying American democracy by weaponizing the justice system in a series of malicious and spurious prosecutions against our political opponents. Here's why that's your fault.

-The Establishment

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

They know they just handed us a meme on a silver platter, right?

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

Can you imagine Thomas Jefferson using the n-word in his hip hop lyrics?

Al Sharpton, probably

dagthegnome 8 points ago +10 / -2

Russia is one of the strongest economies in the world right now. However, since the sanctions backfired so hard and didn't succeed in crippling them, the globalists have now unleashed the currency speculators on them, and it is having an impact. Fortunately, Russia does produce most of what it needs in country. Bad news is that for food that won't be true in the winter.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

Will he get elected? Maybe. Can he get elected? He already fuckin has. And persisting in the delusion that he hasn't, or that some world-rending event has so irreparably turned female Boomers off more than an Access Hollywood pussy tape dropped hours before an election day doesn't make you "committed." It doesn't make you more worldly than the plebs or a 4D fuckin Chess master. It makes you more full of shit than Biden's diaper at the Vatican.


dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your defeatist bullshit is what is enabling the left to win again. DeSantis has the charisma of a midnight telethon host and about as much authenticity. You want to credit him for signing into law a bunch of based legislation that the Florida legislature would have passed with or without him, be my guest, but he's not electable on the national stage, as is demonstrated by the fact that his campaign is dead in the water.

This whole debate is meaningless, because Trump is going to be the GOP nominee. His poll numbers fundamentally disprove your increasingly desperate efforts to point out how many people he's "pissed off" since 2016. He's an unstoppable freight train at this point, so you can either vote for him when the time comes, or you can write in your candidate of choice or stay the fuck home. And if you do either of those, you will be the one helping the Dems win. Just like you are now by blackpill-cumming all over yourself about the one candidate who has enough support to actually defeat them.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +3 / -2

I see. So your intention is to argue that the 2016 election was a fluke, but the 2020 election where Trump was the only President in history to add 10 million votes to his total but still lose was totally above board.

If Mike Pence or Ron DeSantis or one of your other RINO candidates is able to win where Trump can't, it will be because they were allowed to. And once again, that's going to leave you whining and bitching in four years time about how nothing they promised to do actually got done.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +6 / -4

And you'll be throwing this same pathetic temper tantrum in four years' time wondering why your new unicorn savior didn't fix all of your problems. This is everything that's wrong with the right.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +11 / -13

Waaah waaah waaah. Trump wasn't 100% perfect and didn't fix all of the problems with the entire political class overnight, so Imma never support him again! It's not like he delivered the best economy since Reagan, halved the number of illegals coming into the country, brought back tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs and massively scaled back US military involvement overseas. He didn't remake the whole world from scratch in 4 years while I sat on my ass bitching on the internet, so that means he's totally worthless! Now let's support the next unicorn candidate and expect him to fix everything for us! That way we can get all petulant and pissed off all over again after another 4 years because he's not 100% perfect!

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's not just small towns that use cops to raise revenue. I lived in a mid-sized Canadian city years ago when I was at uni. Our apartment building was on a dead-end street across a set of railway tracks from a shopping district where the supermarket was. We used to cross the tracks all the time to get food and get to the bus stop because it took less than half as long as walking all the way up to the other end of the street and then over the bridge. But the railway track was privately owned, so eventually the municipality just stationed a cop down there to ticket everyone who cut across the tracks. $250 each time for "trespassing," even when there weren't any trains for hours.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Sting is an absolute classic. I haven't seen The Verdict, but I'll check it out.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

A lot of these are really good.

If we're all contributing suggestons:

I recently rewatched The Warriors after seeing John Wick 4. It was the first time I'd seen it since I was a teenager and I was blown away by how well it holds up, even to an adult watching it. Even just from an aesthetic perspective it's absolutely beautiful, and in terms of subject matter it's a perfect antidote to feminism.

Escape from New York is another great film with similar themes. It can be really thought-provoking in some places, but also features an unapologetic badass as the main character.

They Live is increasingly relevant in today's climate, although for reasons somewhat opposite to John Carpenter's own motivations. It is a really interesting watch.

I'd also recommend Cool Hand Luke to anyone who hasn't seen it. It has very little action, but it's also a film that every man needs to see at least once.

And if anyone's looking for a more recent film that bucks the woke trend, Greyhound is a fantastically tight, perfectly structured, no-nonsense war film. There's none of the boring psychodrama or political messaging: it's just very good.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mechanically, it was a huge improvement over Kingmaker, although that was a pretty low bar. Your companions were actually useful in WotR, and the character build mechanics and gear options provided a huge variety of possibilities.

But story matters more to me than a lot of other gamers, and while the plot of the WotR AP is decently written in and of itself, Owlcat's interpretation left a lot to be desired. Your options for plot decisions were limited, and as much as they did their best to explore the lore, your main character's interactions with the world around him felt a little forced, as there were quite a few dialogue options and potential decisions that could easily have been added but were left out.

On top of that, as mechanically useful as a lot of your companions are, they're also completely unlikeable. All of them. There were maybe two whom I could actually tolerate, and the rest were an absolute chore to have around. My second play-through I went with an all-merc party just to avoid having those dumbfucks around, I actually built an almost-exact clone of Nenio from the ground up so that I wouldn't have to deal with her dialogue. But not having them with you or exploring tedious dialogue with them really leaves out a lot of side-quests and story, so it makes the game feel even more limiting.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Some leftists are so urbanized that they genuinely don't understand why truckers even exist, but I think most of them do understand, even just through osmosis, that they need truck drivers, and that the economy and their whole ivory-tower world would fall apart without blue-collar guys and tradesmen. The fact that guys who work in those jobs see the world very differently from the leftists makes the leftists resent that they need them, which leads to hate. All very adolescent.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

No, he fucks cookware. But only if it has no-stick protection.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +6 / -5

What we have here is yet more proof that stormfags are children.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Officially, yes. Unofficially, Sheikhs and Emirs all over the Gulf States and beyond can get away with violating Shariah and doing whatever they want. And they do.

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