dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Quebec is the reason Trudeau is in power, and the reason for the same progressive policies and mass immigration agenda being inflicted on the rest of Canada that they demand to be exempted from. We should have let them fucking separate back in the 90s.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which is a special kind of bullshit coming from the people shoving trannies and gay shit into everything.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

Or maybe all the women voting for civilization-destroying leftist policies and all of the women remaining unmarried and childless are both the result of certain other phenomena. This graph is not a causal loop: it's just a symptom chart.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

The streets are alive with the sound of honking and horses.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

To be clear, a lot of those bases were already there for decades before the Russian invasion. The reason the GAE is so invested in keeping Ukraine in their sphere of influence is entirely because they spent the years after the USSR's collapse turning it into a corrupt, dysfunctional playground for all of their clandestine activities.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

Looks like it's not just in the West where the line between journalism and political activism doesn't exist.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're just desperate and flailing. The globalist regime is a lot more fragile than some of us on the right often believe. Still, I'm not sure I'm ready to believe Alex about this just yet.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of us have twin fantasies, okay?

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's not just white guilt. Some young men, especially young white men, are just so lost and alienated in our modern zeitgeist, so bereft of any normal avenue to feel virtuous and valued, so bullied and beaten down by all of the institutional contempt directed at them, that they feel like acting out their virtue signals in such an extreme way is the only way they have of fulfilling their need to belong.

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

This is women we're talking about.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

Plenty of money in it. Sponsorships and ad deals, paid media appearances. A book deal and a couple of ghost writers to do the work for her.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

The creators of the animated series jumped ship from the Netflix live action quite early on in the project and said "They're not listening to us." It was pretty clear from that point on what this show was going to be.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's rooted in the typical female desire to control other people's sexuality. Not just male sexuality, but also that of other women. Those motivations are the same whether the woman spouting this nonsense is a tradcon or a feminist: In this context they're two sides of the same coin. And Venti is a worse hypocrite than most of them because she's built her brand using her sex appeal to attract subscribers.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +7 / -2

How would you characterize "literally all pornography is human trafficking?" Because that's the kind of shrieking moral-panic Wednesday-night Bible group insanity that my grandmother used to lap up like clotted cream.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +15 / -2

Aside from Imp I'm probably the least tolerant user on here when it comes to women. From the little I've seen, Melanie is pretty good at staying the course and being consistent with her talking points. It doesn't necessarily make her trustworthy, but she has so far steered clear of Brittany Venti levels of church-lady tradcuckery.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

In the modern music industry, just like in gaming or television, sexuality is defined either by how gay you can make it or how degenerate you can make it. Miley Cyrus twerking as an example.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

We often like to riff on the gaming and movie/TV industries for how badly they've failed at convincing their audiences that the bland, oversexualized, talentless drivel they push out these days has the same level of quality as what was being produced in decades past. However, we don't often acknowledge that the music industry is the one that began that trend, and has been much more successful at it.

by Lethn
dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

It could do well as long as it was written well. The woke trash is only half of the problem. The problem is that the entertainment industry is now filled with "writers" who can't write for shit. Yes, it is a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing with the wokeness, but that doesn't change the fact that you could toss them all onto the dung heap tomorrow and it would still take a generation to re-create an atmosphere that could attract and foster talent and competence.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like a lot of MacGowan's songs (A Pair of Brown Eyes, for example), it sort of vacillates between two different narratives: The first being the fantastical, idealistic expectations the two narrators had at the beginning of their relationship, and the second describes their present bitterness at the reality. And then he turns it around right at the end with "I built my dreams around you." The man was a genius.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

But did anyone ever tell Shane MacGowan that they've never actually had a choir?

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be fair, some of your best presidents have been literal slave owners. Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Andrew Jackson. . . .

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Actually, Andrew here has spent the past several months throwing shade at Rekieta at any given opportunity, trying to portray himself as more serious and less of a lolcow. Then he went and did this.

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