current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you implying that marvel wasn’t DEI’d?

current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dumber college graduate thing is a function of exponentially more people going to college plus reduced standards (to sell more useless 200k degrees). It’s basically an open scam at this point.

current_horror 33 points ago +33 / -0

So if you know that you will be tortured and killed by Muslims in prison, then there is very little incentive for you to be taken alive by police.

current_horror 16 points ago +16 / -0

Their entire goal is to destroy white peoples, cultures, and nations. You not understanding this is the only reason you would ever suggest “leaning in to it” in order to… what exactly? Help them finish the job?

current_horror 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’s also extremely feminine. Israel maneuvering America into war with Iran is classic “let’s you and him fight”.

current_horror 22 points ago +22 / -0

Leftists are deploying the penultimate power play: I’m going to do whatever I want because you won’t use force to stop me.

current_horror 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wait, so she’s a feminist tourist who manipulated her way into high level competition only to then embarrass the sport and community (which she also resented for failing her feminist standards)?

Did she do it on purpose, as an act of petty revenge?

current_horror 14 points ago +14 / -0

It’s a very fortunate miracle that judges are so rarely targeted, as well.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

White peoples are the only racial demo that even accepts accusations of racism as valid. No other racial demo gives a flying fuck if they are accused of racism. Whites not only care but will massively change their own behavior in response. Whites will engage in massive feats of deference and charity just to avoid the label of “racist”. There is enormous social, financial, and political pressure coercing whites to favor other racial groups over their own. Of course today results in whites being the least racist group. There is no force pushing against the in-group racial biases of any other racial demo.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jordan Peterson famously revealed that the army will not accept soldiers with an IQ below 83 because they literally can’t do anything useful. That sounds an awful lot like a designation of “mentally unfit”. So what percentage of a population with an average IQ of 85 would receive such a designation after committing a violent crime? At least a third?

We are mass importing people who cannot be held accountable for rape and murder. It’s completely insane.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

Incompetence is pervasive and random. The destruction of white peoples, cultures, and nations is focused and efficient.

current_horror 8 points ago +8 / -0

The tyranny of the intolerant minority. It’s a very important concept to understand. Really explains a lot of “oppression” throughout history.

current_horror 21 points ago +21 / -0

No speculation needed. It’s dysgenic behavior, which means it was not evolved. So it was inculcated in white peoples by an outside group. Who?

You know.

But isn’t that a massive undertaking? Of course it is. You’d need total control of almost every vector for the dissemination of culture, and for probably half a century. Enough time to indoctrinate at least three generations, which is sufficient to sever the relationship between the youngest and the oldest in the family (because the latter are necessarily dead).

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you turned all of the biblical vices into approved activities, and then you manifested those behaviors as a political and cultural belief system, wouldn’t it look a lot like communism?

current_horror 11 points ago +11 / -0

It doesn't seem unlikely that people who are in an outgroup would come up with ideas that overturn established ideas. In case of the Bolsheviks, it's not at all surprising that the Jews would be with the people who were not staging pogroms. But you must admit that the people who post these things are not trying to make an intelligent, sophisticated argument like you are, but instead want to say "JEWS BAD". Which is why they bring it up when it's something they don't like and never when they do!

This has to be the most tortured argument you’ve ever written here. So he’s possibly or even probably right, but you think most of the people who agree with him don’t understand the nuances of why he’s right, and therefore… what exactly? He’s wrong? But you didn’t say that. And even if you had, you would have been engaging in a fallacy.

Further, you imply your belief that anti-Semitism simply falls from the sky. Negative opinion of Jews is always arbitrary and exists as a first order principle, animating and directing all subsequent opinions such that they are inherently invalid, yea? But then why do so many people across so many cultures and nations develop these opinions in mutual isolation? Why do people raised within intensely pro-Jewish cultures (as the West) spontaneously develop negative opinions about the Jewish ethnic cohort? Pattern recognition seems a far greater possibility than “muh papa didn’t like ‘em”.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is, in fact, a guarantee for all kinds of speech outside of a very narrow band of direct credible threats.

current_horror 15 points ago +16 / -1

The ruling faction consolidating power is not a good thing for dissidents.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s not how momentum works.

British patriots are about to get J6’d.

current_horror 37 points ago +39 / -2

Are we against a foreign nation openly controlling every major election? Is this a serious question?

They’re taking out “the squad” while marching us into WW3. Get your fucking head right, man.

current_horror 51 points ago +51 / -0

Leftist identity politics represent nothing less than the total destruction of observable causality. These people can watch a non-white person commit a heinous violent crime, and the first thought that enters their broken minds is “how did white people do this?”

current_horror 0 points ago +1 / -1

The bitchfit that people have thrown over a few spicy bosses, in a series renowned for spicy bosses, has revealed how many of you pussies clearly abused summons and broken builds to brute force the base game. Every streamer is summoning the mimic and spamming blasphemous blade, no wonder they struggle with the DLC - they never learned how to actually play the game. It’s embarrassing.

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