that he shouldn’t be executed on the basis that he was insane
I'll never understand that argument. The death-penalty is reserved for people that are beyond redemption. How does being insane change anything? It actually should be an argument for the death penalty, no?
I have no idea what this means. Are they forcing you to get a job, by keeping you from doing a job you're not paid for? Are they forcing you to randomly moderate other subs in order keep you virtually relevant?
This kind of gives credence to the theory that a not insignificant number of mods actually ARE payed. Just not by reddit.
I'd argue that there are men that actually care. That would be the Top10 that actually can choose their women because they all want these same men. Of course he'd take those that look the most attractive.
For most other men
don't be fat
don't be a bitch
would probably suffice (especially nowadays) but they can't bring themselves to commit to these standards. Better replace your eyebrows with permanent marker, amiright.
you are willing to change your mind when new information becomes available, so long is it is the approved information
To be fair: They said new information. Not approved information is called 'misinformation' or 'disinformation' these days
Well, in this day and age not completely celebrating degeneracy IS discrimination. I'm actually apalled that it's only 1 in 4. On the other hand, I figure they had to make it so that people that don't pay attention won't question it.
I guess it's something Disparu mentions repeatedly in the last couple of months. The 'writer' most certainly cannot imagine things that don't align with his 'lived experience', so everything has to bend to his worldview. He probably couldn't write a normal sex-scene right after watching porn of it.
His lived experience is that native americans are poor victims (actual reality might disagree with that but it's what has been hammered into his brain for ages), so there is no way they cannot be victims.
But there are plenty of methods to not conceive, but I guess those aren't as popular for some reason
Also: The men they want to fuck don't want to wrap it up, and not letting these men rawdog them isn't an option. So, of course they'll destroy their hormone system without blinking.
It's funny though. Although they may have been upset, the post doesn't indicate so. But the other one goes straight for the ad hominem because they have no argument against calling out Disney for being censorious little shits.
If it only were Karens.
I mean, look at the 'pandemic'. Nobody prevented them from taking as many shots as they wanted, nobody would have cared if they wore 23 masks all at once or stayed inside forever. But that wasn't what these people wanted. They wanted to force others to do what they believed was right.
and you haven't seen a completely unrelated comment explaining why women are bad on any relevant post