That it is, canon itself, my take is "who cares." Probably makes a dumb simpleton or whatever I'm being implied to be in another Fallout thread that I was going to respond to and decided it's a waste of time defending myself to the internet.
When they throw out everything and "update for modern audiences" though, that's about the largest red flag you can wave that what is upcoming is going to be awful.
I have always wondered why some people care so much. Like when Disney did their whole "the books aren't canon" thing. Really the only thing that bothered me from that was the symbolism of the new owner giving the finger to the past. I read tons of those books when I was younger, and at no point did someone sounding a trumpet and announcing they were canon make any difference to whether or not the book was well written and a good story.
The first time you played Fallout 3 was on an X-Box?
Yes. Go ahead turn your nose down on console, feel intellectually superior, or whatever else makes you feel good. It won't bother me.
I was only in Copenhagen a day and a half, I don't remember much. Stockholm sounds totally different though. I never felt unsafe there at all then, and I went all over. I'm curious to see what's different as I'm probably going to be in Europe later this year. I haven't been since before the Covid clownery. I was slated to go to Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary that year and it all ended up cancelled.
Looked it up on the map and realized I was there in 2018 for a little over a week. Stayed just up the road around Vastertorp. I went to that shopping mall one day to buy some shorts, because it was much hotter than I had planned for and wanted to be more comfortable. I think I only saw anyone brown on the train a couple times around there. I really liked it there.
The other side of Sweden, that was one different experience. I actually had to physically make space and shove people out of the way on the train from Copenhagen to Malmo. I was already on the train and the flood of muzzies were doing anything they could to stuff a train where I was already boarded comfortably. The police were actually stopping the trains and checking documents just past Malmo and made pretty much all of them get off. They looked at my American passport for about 1 second from a distance and I stayed seated on what was nearly an empty train now. So I guess, that flood of people made it's way to Stockholm.
Kind of you to assume he can count that high.
First thing I did was look it up, because I couldn't help but think someone was trolling us with some AI made up story.
Yeah they are the same for the most part to play. I think as someone else mentioned I did like the ruined DC a lot too. If I recall the first playthrough of NV I hit a game breaking bug and had to start over, so bad luck played part.
I do actually like them both though. I may replay both of them again over the next 12 months, maybe my idea will change.
you just didn't give a fuck?
I can experience realism in the world away from games. I allow games to let me carry a backpack full of weapons in such a way that is not humanly possible, crash a car without myself or the car taking damage, and fly around unrealistically in the air with flailing swords chopping enemies in ways that would never make sense. I'm not going to get irritated over some water purification.
Ha, those guys always go out to display their buttcrack at the busiest time of day on a busy road where I used to live. There was a purpose built paved bike trail that went on for probably 20 miles nearby they could have gone on…
I didn’t even know that, assumed EA until I saw today. So even if it’s a miracle and extremely un-woke, it’s basically Assassin’s Cry since the are basically the same anymore. But with lasers!
Yeah, I think it goes back to when I was still a Reddit user ages ago on normie gaming discussions. It seemed New Vegas as the best Fallout, Souls(like) games are far and away the best genre, and The Last of Us is the greatest game ever were three of the opinions you must agree with if not wanting to get railroaded. Everyone here is smarter and capable of opinion it seems.
For sure. If I think about it I wouldn't be shocked if it's the series I've got the most time in of all single-player games. Definitely top 2 or 3. Even played 76 some, but we will leave that one be.
I've gone a little nuts in sales in the last month, I actually rebought Fallout 3 on GOG for $5 or $10. I haven't played it in a while, and only ever played the Xbox version of it. So I will be doing another replay sometime.
Haha yeah, I almost posted that sentiment on the thread about escapism vs woke games. I like to be a total badass in games. Even ones that border on realistic.
Forgot about it. Don't have Prime but I guess if I hear good things I'll take a sailing trip. The early promo stuff was full of red flags though
I'm the oddity yet again in that I liked 3 and maybe even 4 more than NV. 4's story kinda sucks though. A ton of it's criticism is legit, but I still liked the weapon crafting and gunplay better. Don't get me wrong I very much enjoyed New Vegas but I'd echo the bland.
A lot of it depends on what you're playing for. If it's a more detailed RPG with stats and factions and all of that, then New Vegas easily fits that the best. If it's a little more of an action shooter than 4. 3 is still my favorite if not for anything but wiping out the commies with Liberty Prime.
I'm sure my statement will be unpopular. Liking anything but New Vegas as the best is typically met with the same reaction as if I were grooming kids to be trannies.
the rape macarena
That's gotta be the perfect stereotypical Jew nose. I never peddle the muh juice narrative. I just thought it funny once you pointed that out, the first thing I thought of was a goblin, which leads right there.
Yeah, I don't think when my brother was in the Air Force was he ever actually issued a firearm at any point including multiple "combat zone" deployments. The nature of his job and the chance of ever actually needing to fire at the enemy, it would just be something that's a pain in the ass to carry around. I imagine the Navy is quite the same, I mean really how often does a Captain need to be firing at the enemy?
I do wonder if that optic is really backwards, I suppose it doesn't matter if the caps are on. Oh and I always shoot with sunglasses if I'm outside. Don't really give a shit what someone says, I can see and I wear glasses anyway.
It still looks really awkward to my less trained eye but I have still shot a decent handful of guns. Probably for the reasons you state. He just looks uncomfortable. I'd guess because he's not a gun guy, hasn't shot much or at all, and they wanted him for a photo op. What's the point of showing a Captain shooting a rifle anyway? Shouldn't I really be interested at his competence at his actual job? I mean "hey this guy hasn't ever crashed into a bridge" would be more relevant than whether or not he can fire a rifle.
Isn't that some song they teach kids to stay away from pedos? If so, that will totally be banned soon it's gotta be transphobic or something.
I saw an ad for Star Wars Outlaws yesterday. Thought for a sec, would I actually like it? I mean I knew it would have some character creator BS, but that alone doesn't bother me. I still came to the conclusion it's probably an easy pass. I see they've cemented that for me.
Mine looks the same, but I only am ever logged in on my TV that has Smarttube app. I almost never get any of these new things, albeit there was a time when it was bitching about an ad blocker. That's Brave on Linux with a Pihole, so I have to be a pretty niche case
I don't know if it getting older or what, but my preference has gone a lot more chill the last few years. More chill rock and blues and the like. Also some more country. Almost all old stuff in any of those categories. All time favorite, it's easily about any 90s grunge.
I really do like nearly any music at the right mood, even stretching as far as things from the 40s and 50s well beyond their prime, classical, opera occasionally, etc. With about the only exclusions being boy-band/glamour-woman pop and almost all rap. I'm not interested in anyones niggas, hoes, bitches, etc.
They've gotten a lot better about bringing games to PC and even DRM-free on GOG, which I never expected. So if it ends up looking fun to me I'm sure I'll play it eventually.
I've got a pretty recent example. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. It came out last summer and is a PVP horror. I played it the first few weekends we got addicted for a short while. I probably built up 30 hours in the first three weeks. When it's played slower it's actually a fun cat-and-mouse game. It was ruined pretty quick by speedrunning and just general assholery among other things though.
One thing though, it was released as a full cross-play game. Consoles and PC. It's not a game that a particular input, etc. would really benefit. At one point the developers decided to disable PC from the cross-play pool because of online screaming and moaning about all the PC cheaters. I'd seen maybe one in my entire time playing, and it wasn't even that egregious. There were plenty of "that guy must be cheating" type thoughts when I was hiding and found, but most of that explained away as I got better and realized there are more tracking mechanics and that's how I was found.
That move was the first big bullet that killed the game. You could see who was partied up in the pregame lobby. Many if not the majority of parties were cross-platform with PC players too. It was the player base. Steam data showed them losing half of their Steam player base overnight. They put it back, but the game was a corpse by then.