bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

We're going to get an even more extreme and obvious version in a few months. What we need is:

  • Valid ID to vote
  • Paper ballots that are kept for 8 years
  • Any organization or group that wants to recount can pay to have guards watch them run the ballots through their own scanners.

If we had a real opposition party instead of the cucked GOP we'd have had this already. All we get from them are sternly worded letters and preening at sideshow committee meetings.

bloodguard 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump needs to make sure the antitrust breakup of Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads, etc.) and Alphabet (Google, youtube, Doubleclick, Nest, etc.) are at the top of his agenda for his first hundred days if he manages to win

bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

They know they'll be out in a couple weeks. It's only a deterrent if they know they'll do the full five years. They need to remove judges and prison officials discretion in letting these mentally ill goofs out.

The REAL deterrent would be going after the people funding this terrorism. Start seizing their wealth and frog marching them into prison and it would all stop with great quickness.

Side note: I'd walk right over them taking great care to step on their faces if I found this group blocking my way. Might circle back and do it a few times.

bloodguard 16 points ago +16 / -0

Meanwhile the Pope is nowhere to be found on this. Probably supports the mocking Christianity given what he's been up to lately.

bloodguard 2 points ago +2 / -0

China is playing to win and our politicians are working for China? That said, China is an economic basket case and most of their "power" is just fraudulent book keeping that's catching up with them.

If we can broom out the uniparty China collapses in under a year.

Addendum for the thick: Current GOP are all part of the quisling uniparty. Vote better.

bloodguard 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not giving the pedophiles at Disney a single dollar on purpose. Depending on how they fuck it up I may dust off my parrot and eye patch, though.

But probably just watch the good parts on Rumble.

bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wonder what happened if you changed all your surnames and pronouns to female on your resume but showed up for the interview wearing standard developer bro attire and not do anything to look like a woman.

They can't "misgender" you by their own rules. Cheat code: activated!!

bloodguard 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're blocking me I'll give out one polite "excuse me". Just the one.

Then you're getting a shopping cart to the ass. And most of the people blocking aisles around here are pinch faced white women.

bloodguard 2 points ago +2 / -0

Refurbished server prices are going to go through the roof. Might start looking at AMD for servers as we're looking to do refresh soon.

Last time I looked they seemed to be pretty lacking in the mid range reasonably priced range. It was all $$,$$$ "threadripper".

bloodguard 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm guessing MrBeast gives enough money to the right politicians, FBI and DOJ bureaucrats to make this all go away. It'll be interesting to see if the IRS gives them all the finger and takes him down anyways.

It was the same with Capone. He spent so much time and effort buying off the Bureau of Investigation (the FBI's predecessor) that he was blindsided when the IRS swooped in and stuffed him into a cell.

bloodguard 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm guessing it's along the lines of:

"Holy crap. Every test animal we inflicted this alleged vaccine on developed clots and died!!".

bloodguard 12 points ago +12 / -0

Had no idea what this game is. Took a quick peek at the trailer.

Jesus. It's a worse and way (way) woke version of the SIMS. I mean like aggressively woke. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

Alex Soros is putting too much money into VP Cackles presidential campaign.

If he follows his father's template and funds the burning down of blue cities again that investment is wasted.

bloodguard 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ronnie Lott chopped off one of his pinky fingers back in '85.

So, Lott faced a decision from doctors: put a pin in his finger and a cast over it and wait eight weeks for it to heal, or amputate the tip of the finger off from the first joint up and be able to play right away.

Sure enough, Lott picked option B, amputation, and parted ways with his pinky. Doctors numbed it, sliced it off and put it in a cast.

bloodguard 31 points ago +31 / -0

His whole channel and the content he creates is crafted to capture the attention of kids and groom them. How is any of this shocking?

bloodguard 10 points ago +10 / -0

The way he swerves from bat-shiite insane to moderately reasonable makes me wonder if he's just bipolar, straight up insane or working some kind of long con.

I suspect the latter.

bloodguard 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's still on the payroll. They're already writing the script for his "redemption" arc so they can keep grooming.

"MrBeast" inc. is playing the long game. As long as they can incrementally advance their depraved agenda they're not bothered by setbacks like this.

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looking at her twatter feed a reasonable person would assume she's VP Cackle's press secretary given how hard she's shilling for her.

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well things just got more entertaining.

I imagine VP Cackle is probably regretting raising all that money to bail BLM miscreants out during their last spate of rioting.

bloodguard 7 points ago +7 / -0

Community noted and an epic ratio on the comments. Surprised they haven't tried to memory hole the tweet itself.

bloodguard 1 point ago +1 / -0

They should still subpoena her and make her continue her testimony anyways. And if she refuses to show up send her to the same prison the DOJ sent Steve Bannon to.

Same with the deputy director that's taking her place. Everyone in that chain of command needs to be wrung dry, broomed out and quite possibly prosecuted.

bloodguard 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm guessing he's still on the payroll and they're planning some kind of faux redemption arc for when the heat dies down a bit.

Communists and degenerates are both all about incremental advance. They're not bothered by set backs like this.

bloodguard 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like the deputy director that was also complicit in what amounts to stepping aside and letting a former President be assassinated.

Trump probably shouldn't let his guard down. And congress needs to drag his ass in front of the committee and hold him just as accountable.

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