My favorite cosmological-type argument is along this vein (Kalaam), and even it fails to infer personality. There's a reason, I think. Historical and testimonial evidence matters, too, and the further/higher aspects of God - beyond the systematic experimentable perfections - are granted as gifts in the histories, as God acted among us... leading to a literal invite to "come and join the court, as re-adopted family"; which invite grows up right from God's well-established fatherliness.
This significantly dumbs down what "God"* means, as he needn't even be a mind; merely an eternal depth of transcendent organization.+ I assert that [C]onsciousness is not describable by math or science; and [G]oodness is not usually described even by philosophy or by religion. These [C][G] are necessary to embody the implied "ultimate mindful transcendent good personal power" loaded into the modern term "God"*. So math DOES show the mere transcendent aspect of God's internal organization, as expressed in his creation; it fails to name him, or even to imply he's a he. That's all.
+ a presence without necessary personhood, effectiveness without necessary design (though this one is a koan), transcendent data without necessary self-awareness
* the All-Thing, possessing:
the ability to be everywhere he wants
the power to accomplish whatever his goals
the every knowledge he desires
WANTS/GOALS/DESIRES that drive these
Ultimate goodness that roots these W/G/D
All without needing any help
All without precedent or peer
We're beyond (a), more toward (b)...
a) You did a bad job, Nincompoop Judge, so you are fired, O otherwise fine compatriot; may you do better, freed, and elsewhere.
b) You deserve to be burned at the stake, Evildoer and Tyrant, so your meat is on fire, O otherwise immortal human; may God have mercy on your thus-freed soul.
Speech was a pressure valve. Now we add heat.
Corrollary: leftists cannot have civil societies.