barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

My favorite cosmological-type argument is along this vein (Kalaam), and even it fails to infer personality. There's a reason, I think. Historical and testimonial evidence matters, too, and the further/higher aspects of God - beyond the systematic experimentable perfections - are granted as gifts in the histories, as God acted among us... leading to a literal invite to "come and join the court, as re-adopted family"; which invite grows up right from God's well-established fatherliness.

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

This significantly dumbs down what "God"* means, as he needn't even be a mind; merely an eternal depth of transcendent organization.+ I assert that [C]onsciousness is not describable by math or science; and [G]oodness is not usually described even by philosophy or by religion. These [C][G] are necessary to embody the implied "ultimate mindful transcendent good personal power" loaded into the modern term "God"*. So math DOES show the mere transcendent aspect of God's internal organization, as expressed in his creation; it fails to name him, or even to imply he's a he. That's all.

+ a presence without necessary personhood, effectiveness without necessary design (though this one is a koan), transcendent data without necessary self-awareness

* the All-Thing, possessing:

  • the ability to be everywhere he wants

  • the power to accomplish whatever his goals

  • the every knowledge he desires

  • WANTS/GOALS/DESIRES that drive these

  • Ultimate goodness that roots these W/G/D

  • All without needing any help

  • All without precedent or peer

barwhack 2 points ago +2 / -0

It flat-out refuses service to data-service phones, now.

barwhack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good Disney-pedo memes incoming.

Steam-boat mickeys for all the Epstein kids... --FJB

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's joy to foist on the left, EXACTLY the drink they want: and then to make them own its expan$e, and to drink it continuously, to its furthest dregs.

barwhack 4 points ago +4 / -0

DEI, frens.

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ooo, I know. How about I don't give a crap about your movie / whatever -SO HARD- that it utterly fails, from just the aura of my one indifference by itself.

ION Kill whitey.

barwhack 2 points ago +2 / -0

There can be no enjoyment of of Butt Light. Analheiser Butch has found the bottom, and aimed for the middle of it... Nobody wants trysty tankards of Trannie Times, of any sort...

barwhack 22 points ago +22 / -0

She was too manly for him. *

He was too girly for her.

barwhack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fecundity involves meaningful survival.

Dorks can survive; even overcome.

Wankers simply won't. Nor will their ... "families".

barwhack 13 points ago +13 / -0

The difference is sterility.

Leftism wants fewer humans.

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0


We're beyond (a), more toward (b)...

a) You did a bad job, Nincompoop Judge, so you are fired, O otherwise fine compatriot; may you do better, freed, and elsewhere.

b) You deserve to be burned at the stake, Evildoer and Tyrant, so your meat is on fire, O otherwise immortal human; may God have mercy on your thus-freed soul.

Speech was a pressure valve. Now we add heat.

barwhack 13 points ago +13 / -0

You get an intersectional +30 bonus for being a gay, femboy, chubchub. Bigot.

barwhack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been defunding them for years now. I use them for services, and keep wealth elsewhere.

EDIT: Were I to loose them, I'd hiccough, hold my breath, breathe, move on forever, and forget their name.

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